View Full Version : Anxiety very bad!

04-06-2015, 02:27 PM
I suffer with anxiety and also have a very fast metabolism so I have to eat my meals and snacks. I have to eat something before I go to bed or I feel quite ill.

But when I'm with my partner (long distance and don't get to see each other much) I can go to sleep without having something to eat before bed and be completely fine, I can last longer between meals (4-5 hours) where as at home it's 2-3 hours. And I have NO anxiety attacks or feeling of anxiety when with them. Yet when I'm at home I'll get them quite regularly. Anyone know why this is? And how I can ease this whilst at home.

04-06-2015, 04:33 PM
I suffer with anxiety and also have a very fast metabolism so I have to eat my meals and snacks. I have to eat something before I go to bed or I feel quite ill.

But when I'm with my partner (long distance and don't get to see each other much) I can go to sleep without having something to eat before bed and be completely fine, I can last longer between meals (4-5 hours) where as at home it's 2-3 hours. And I have NO anxiety attacks or feeling of anxiety when with them. Yet when I'm at home I'll get them quite regularly. Anyone know why this is? And how I can ease this whilst at home.

I don't know that anyone here is going to be able to do much more than speculate as to why you feel less anxiety when you are with your partner than when you are at home. I mean, there are all sorts of possible reasons -- you feel more comfortable with him (or her), more at ease, or you are distracted by the company, etc. But I'm afraid only you will be able to know for sure why this is.

But I bet you know the answer. Think hard about it. What is it that you are feeling when you are alone at home? What are you focused on, or afraid of, or concerned about at those times? And how is your feeling different when you are with partner? If you focus hard on your feelings, you will figure this out. And really only you can.

Of course, once you figure out why -- then you have to figure out the second part: what to do about this. One solution of course would be to spend more time with your partner, or one of you relocate so it is not long distance. But that may not be practical. And in any event, you have to learn how to be happy on your own -- not just with partner.