View Full Version : Hospitals

04-04-2015, 09:42 PM
When I use to have panic attacks years ago, I always just pushed the panic away & went on with what I was doing.

Now, I can't. Everywhere I go, I make sure is near a hospital. I feel like if I panic & I'm far from one, I'll die & not be able to handle the panic until I get to the hospital. I was NEVER like this. I never thought of going to a hospital until a friend of mine had a panic attack & ended up there. I thought, well next time I panic, it's gonna be so bad like hers & only a hospital can save me.

I hate this. I hate it so much. This is the reason for my agoraphobia :(

04-05-2015, 01:22 PM
Have you ever read the Linden Method? Some people find it helpful for anxiety symptoms such as yours. I have an ebook copy if you want to take a look.

04-06-2015, 08:58 PM
I have not read it yet. I would love to check it out.

I actually went 40 minutes away from home today. To the river where there are no hospitals around. It was hard. I cried on the way there because I wanted to go so bad, I just hated that I was afraid. Ended up getting there & 0 anxiety & panic. I was so proud of myself.

04-07-2015, 12:04 AM
I have not read it yet. I would love to check it out.

I actually went 40 minutes away from home today. To the river where there are no hospitals around. It was hard. I cried on the way there because I wanted to go so bad, I just hated that I was afraid. Ended up getting there & 0 anxiety & panic. I was so proud of myself.

That's great, well done! That's how you tell anxiety who's boss :)

04-07-2015, 10:32 AM
Brooke you need some meditation and try the guided one. It is what is good in Linden Method , the visualization and relaxation. My huibby enjoyed it very much and I was listening it for some time. he has very calm voice and he will help you to learn the technique. His book does not give you much. I do not agree with his statements about not going do doctors but he is very popular.
When you are very anxious listen meditation by Jon Kabat Zinn ; I am sure that guy will calm you up. Ask Jessed he went through it:)

04-07-2015, 11:01 AM
Awesome Brooke. :)

I'll upload the book somewhere then send you a link.

How long now until the big day, anyway?

04-07-2015, 12:53 PM
Jesse you got the whole set do u not?

04-07-2015, 01:44 PM
Brooke you need some meditation and try the guided one. It is what is good in Linden Method , the visualization and relaxation. My huibby enjoyed it very much and I was listening it for some time. he has very calm voice and he will help you to learn the technique. His book does not give you much. I do not agree with his statements about not going do doctors but he is very popular.
When you are very anxious listen meditation by Jon Kabat Zinn ; I am sure that guy will calm you up. Ask Jessed he went through it:)

I will try that!! Thank you :)

04-07-2015, 01:46 PM
Awesome Brooke. :)

I'll upload the book somewhere then send you a link.

How long now until the big day, anyway?

Thank you Jesse!

I have 110 more days! Lol July 26th is my due date.

04-07-2015, 05:33 PM
I am actually the same way. Although I am TERRIFIED of being in a hospital ever since having my daughter, I feel comfort being near one. The irony of it now is I live near one and I only feel safe at home. I am going through a rough time with my anxiety at the moment. Hoping I can shake it off soon.

04-07-2015, 10:59 PM
I am actually the same way. Although I am TERRIFIED of being in a hospital ever since having my daughter, I feel comfort being near one. The irony of it now is I live near one and I only feel safe at home. I am going through a rough time with my anxiety at the moment. Hoping I can shake it off soon.

I am with you! I can see the hospital from my house. It's so comforting.

I hope we can both get through it!