View Full Version : Upset stomach while travelling

Jernau G
04-04-2015, 07:27 AM
Ok, so this is pretty embarrassing, but whenever I travel away from home I start to worry that I have to use the bathroom and that I won't be able to find one in time.

I guess my problem is that when I feel like I have to go I get worried that I won't be able to keep it in, and my stomach gets more and more upset the more anxious I am.

Usually this isn't a big deal for me as I can plan my bathroom visits and do it before I leave the house and so on, but now my GF and I are planning going away on holiday so obviously this has me a bit anxious.

Does anyone have any experience with this and any tips to what could make it easier? any pills I could take?

04-06-2015, 09:14 AM
I get a bit of this sometimes.

Oddly enough it never happens if I'm at home, so I think it is a self driving anxiety loop.

If my guts feel dodgy and I have an unusual (non regular) journey to make, I may take a couple of immodium - but this is not something to do on a regular basis as it will mess with your tummy. But the odd time is OK.

I also tend to find that if my normal morning oblutions are met, then I know I'm good for the whole day (unless I ate a nuclear curry or something). Conversely I hate getting up too early and leaving the house before my "normal time".

So I would also be interested in any views on this. I do not believe I have IBS because normally my guts are well behaved.

So in your case, I would ask your doctor - but even carrying a packet of immodium "instants - the melt in your mouth type" can be psychologically reassuring enough not to actually need them. They work damn fast of you need them to so you can treat a packet as a mental crutch to get you though a short period. Not a bad idea to have some to hand on a holiday anyway...