View Full Version : Anxious wreck over social media site - how to calm down?

04-03-2015, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the advice.

04-03-2015, 10:48 PM
You can probably block people who are nasty rather than deleting your whole account. Can you un-delete it? Or make a new one and add the people you like?

If you don't want to do that, just remember that these things blow over very quickly online. The internet is a big place and everything happens fast. Everyone's too worried about their own little world to worry about you.


04-03-2015, 11:18 PM
Oh no, I didn't delete it because of the people. I simply deleted it because I didn't wish to have a blog anymore.

There's only one person on there who didn't really like me much, but otherwise I had a lot of good friends! I've just convinced myself that they all actually hated me and are glad that I'm gone and they're talking badly about me now. I know it probably doesn't make much sense, it's just my paranoia is really bad lately.

I appreciate the help :).

I deleted my Facebook recently because someone reported me for using a fake name and FB kicked me off and insisted I use my real name. Well I like my privacy and won't be dictated by them, so I deleted the whole thing and started a new account.

Social media is full of narcissists and a pain in the ass really, apart from a few cool people you meet. I doubt many people even noticed I'm gone. Like I say, everyone is so busy worrying about their own stuff that I guarantee they aren't bitching about you.

I prefer talking to people on here nowadays :)

04-04-2015, 07:03 AM
Oh no, I didn't delete it because of the people. I simply deleted it because I didn't wish to have a blog anymore.

There's only one person on there who didn't really like me much, but otherwise I had a lot of good friends! I've just convinced myself that they all actually hated me and are glad that I'm gone and they're talking badly about me now. I know it probably doesn't make much sense, it's just my paranoia is really bad lately.

I appreciate the help :).

Are you seeing a therapist? I would begin to approach this, (help you), but it would generate miles of information and I would lose your commitment just as we begin. So make a decision to get help, and remain at it - until you see the light, literally.

Quote from you : (which I want you to see bolded, this is the surface of much deeper issues, that manifest as the problems you are having. The tip of the iceberg) -

"I deleted my tumblr a few days ago and I've been a wreck. I'm going through the worst bout of depression I've ever gone through. I'm more suicidal than ever"

"Im more suicidal than ever" is the true pain surfacing, in words - you are trying to express some inner emotions/beliefs and there is an obstruction. That is where you need to go, straight into that pain, for the cause, and the release. Do that supervised.

Now, its not that you are not worthy of my time, here. Its that this forum is dismissive of everything but the most surface of answers, generally speaking (I must take into consideration the levels of understanding), and so for your health - invest in it face to face.

Despondency, or depression, is not usually 24/7. There are times where the psyche snaps itself out for moments. In that time, make the efforts to get help. Use the eye of the storm time, wisely. In any way that would be beneficial. Making the calls for therapy, etc. The goal is for those fleeting moments of 'normalcy' to become more and more, until the depressive moments are those that are fleeting, you see.

By uncovering, (within the depressive thoughts), facing (the errant beliefs causing the depressive thoughts), and ultimately healing that pain and changing your outlook (expectations and world view).

Now, for all readers of this thread, understand the OP is having delusions, false beliefs triggering the issues. Recognize that within yourselves, if you suffer the same symptoms, mental or physical or both (possibly a different trigger other than social media). Whatever feels badly, is a delusion of errant thought, mind trickery, and not constructive to joy, in any way other than to recognize and heal. Suffering has no purpose other than to learn how not to suffer.

04-04-2015, 07:07 PM
People generally are thinking more about themselves, and how they are perceived, than they are about someone else. They're not talking badly about you. If they were, that is not the worst thing that can happen and it would reflect poorly only on them. Not you. You're still a person worthy of respect and acceptance no matter what other people might say.

The odds that it could someday come back and ruin your life are slim at best. Having a lousy day because of anxiety is a lot more likely, and it is something you can do something about. Do you have a therapist you can talk to?

04-05-2015, 05:03 AM
I know I don't really have anything to worry about, it's just that when anything anxiety-inducing happens to me I fixate on the thing for weeks and it puts me into a hole. I'll probably forget about all of this in a month or so, it just sucks right now.

I know exactly what you mean. You are more insightful than I was at that age, so you have that going for you. A cognitive based approach might really help you and while I think you can find that kind of resource online or in a book, having a professional to talk to can be very helpful in my experience. If you tell your parents you need help, what do you think the worst thing that could happen would be?

04-05-2015, 01:28 PM
Some people on social media act crazy. I know a girl who runs a fashion blog and gets so many hateful comments about her and her appearance, even though it's just a hobby of hers she enjoys. Thankfully she's able to brush it off.

What was your Tumblr about, or are you trying to remain anon?

04-05-2015, 08:58 PM
I'm Suffering wrote: <<Its that this forum is dismissive of everything but the most surface of answers, generally speaking (I must take into consideration the levels of understanding)....">>

I guess that's right -- most of the rest of us are shallow and lack your level of insight -- but you will forgive us because we are simpletons! I guess one has to be a paranormal mind reader or whatever to offer constructive advice....
To the OP: Social media has its good elements and its bad elements. If it is causing you stress, for whatever reason -- then ceasing to use it, at least for a while, is probably a good idea. But it sounds like you understand that in reality nobody is trying to harm you -- just sometime your mind plays tricks on you, like it does with many of us. We worry about some things that are not real. But you know that -- so you should be fine.