View Full Version : Klonopin beginning to fail me

Two One
04-03-2015, 12:16 PM
I'm aware this thread should probably go in the medication section, but I figured I would post it here because I'm more likely to get responses.

To preface this, I was prescribed 0.5 mg of Klonopin by my psychiatrist back in July 2014 on an as needed basis. It was a wonder drug for me when I first started taking it. The release of anxiety and muscle tension was amazing. I knew benzodiazepines worked well for anxiety but I had no idea how well until I found a psychiatrist willing to prescribe them. I take the Klonopin very infrequently. About every three works or so, sometimes longer. However, back in February after a therapy sessions that helped me tremendously I decided to take one to help me sleep because I hadn't been sleeping well prior to my appointment. It did not hit anywhere close to the way it used to. So I decided to stay away from it for as long as I could. Unfortunately I was thrust into the position of getting a job and the night before I was supposed to start I was sufficiently anxious so I took one of my Klonopin. Nothing. My psychiatrist gave me permission to take two if one was not sufficient. So I took two, and it worked, to an extent. But not the way it used to. Which brings me to this week. Wednesday I had to open (I work at Starbucks) so I had to wake up at 3:30 AM. I only got four or five hours of sleep the night before. We all know what lack of sleep does to anxiety, it skyrockets. After I got off of work on Wednesday I felt awful. I just felt like absolute hell, I had an awful headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and general nervousness. I took two Klonopin that night... And nothing.

This whole situation is terrifying me because I feel like the very thing that saved my life is now failing me. I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue how I was able to build a tolerance to 0.5 mg when I took it so infrequently. I do not abuse the drug and I have never felt the need to. I don't know what to do and it is freaking me out and kind of depressing me. Even if I did build a tolerance to the 0.5 mg, I would think 1 mg would help me when I am anxious. Needless to say this is causing me significant mental distress. I'm not sure if I'm beginning to be able to cope with the anxiety without the use of medication or what. I'm definitely not physically or psychologically dependent on the Klonopin. I just want to be able to feel like it will actually help me in an emergency situation when I really need it because it has been failing me lately. It's very upsetting.

04-03-2015, 08:06 PM
I'm aware this thread should probably go in the medication section, but I figured I would post it here because I'm more likely to get responses.

To preface this, I was prescribed 0.5 mg of Klonopin by my psychiatrist back in July 2014 on an as needed basis. It was a wonder drug for me when I first started taking it. The release of anxiety and muscle tension was amazing. I knew benzodiazepines worked well for anxiety but I had no idea how well until I found a psychiatrist willing to prescribe them. I take the Klonopin very infrequently. About every three works or so, sometimes longer. However, back in February after a therapy sessions that helped me tremendously I decided to take one to help me sleep because I hadn't been sleeping well prior to my appointment. It did not hit anywhere close to the way it used to. So I decided to stay away from it for as long as I could. Unfortunately I was thrust into the position of getting a job and the night before I was supposed to start I was sufficiently anxious so I took one of my Klonopin. Nothing. My psychiatrist gave me permission to take two if one was not sufficient. So I took two, and it worked, to an extent. But not the way it used to. Which brings me to this week. Wednesday I had to open (I work at Starbucks) so I had to wake up at 3:30 AM. I only got four or five hours of sleep the night before. We all know what lack of sleep does to anxiety, it skyrockets. After I got off of work on Wednesday I felt awful. I just felt like absolute hell, I had an awful headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and general nervousness. I took two Klonopin that night... And nothing.

This whole situation is terrifying me because I feel like the very thing that saved my life is now failing me. I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue how I was able to build a tolerance to 0.5 mg when I took it so infrequently. I do not abuse the drug and I have never felt the need to. I don't know what to do and it is freaking me out and kind of depressing me. Even if I did build a tolerance to the 0.5 mg, I would think 1 mg would help me when I am anxious. Needless to say this is causing me significant mental distress. I'm not sure if I'm beginning to be able to cope with the anxiety without the use of medication or what. I'm definitely not physically or psychologically dependent on the Klonopin. I just want to be able to feel like it will actually help me in an emergency situation when I really need it because it has been failing me lately. It's very upsetting.

I would say you are psychologically dependent on them because it's freaking you out that they aren't having the same effect.

I've been a benzo addict (Valium mainly) and it seems that once you've been on them, no matter how infrequently you take them, they never really have the same effect.

PanicCured is right - you can't rely on benzos as a solution, ever. I still take them and I admit I love them and nothing works better on anxiety (except maybe opiates but that's another story). But at the end of the day you have to have other strategies.

I hope this doesn't sound preachy. The last thing I would ever do is judge anyone for taking anything that relieves anxiety. I've taken pretty much everything under the sun to take the edge off it. It took me 20 odd years and serious health problems to face the fact I'm an addictive personality who reaches for a quick fix whenever I feel uncomfortable. I'm certainly not implying that's what you're like, I just know a lot about the allure and effects of stuff like Klonopin.

The bottom line is you can't really think of Klonopin as having saved your life. If I had to choose a med that saved mine it'd be SSRIs, specifically Prozac, which pulled me out of my first major episode of anxiety/depression. But even SSRIs are just a band-aid.

You need to know you can survive "emergency situations" without any chemical help. For me that's meant being in those situations with nothing available and it's been nightmarish at times. But it gives you confidence that you can do it.

Anyway, again I don't mean to sound condescending. I just wanted to give you a perspective from someone who has been heavily addicted physically and psychologically to benzos and other substances. Do take a look at PanicCured's advice because I think he has a good grasp on how to overcome anxiety without chemicals.

All the best,
Gypsy x

04-04-2015, 10:29 AM
What's the problem? Just take more until you've transcended reality.

Nah but for real though:
You need to know you can survive "emergency situations" without any chemical help. For me that's meant being in those situations with nothing available and it's been nightmarish at times. But it gives you confidence that you can do it.

Try deep breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth, and just keep mentally telling yourself to chill out and that you're not dying, do this for maybe 5 to 10 minutes without breaking concentration and hopefully your anxiety should go down a bit, trust me, it works, I used to think it was all new-age hippy bullshit, but it's technically all in your brain, so just change the way you think. Personally I'd recommend getting Passion Flower extract and Suntheanine from Paniccured's stickied thread at the top of the forum, they have gotten rid of basically 80% of my anxiety, also drink Chamomile tea, excercise and start eating very well.

It's odd that your K-pins aren't stopping your major panic attacks, if I have a major one and take maybe 0.25mg of one it will stop it dead in its tracks. If I'm just feeling a little bit anxious then agree with you, you'll keep needing more and more. I probably need 2 pills (1mg) to calm down. Definitely get off the Klonopins, I no longer get anxious enough to take them but maybe once every week I'll get a strong hankering and down a few of them, they're extremely addicting.

04-04-2015, 10:59 AM
Who knows where the OP is, or if they he/she will engage in any more conversation. So, generally speaking, for others reading this, you must meet drugs half way.

Belief in the drug <--- =/----> Intrinsic effect (inherent in the drug itself)

Between the 2, you may have success, atleast better odds than if you don't believe, or if its a sugar pill. Better to believe and have a sugar pill, than don't believe and have the real deal. But, should you believe and have the real deal, you should meet with success, until, any thought, new thinking, changes, new beliefs, emotions interfere with the process. In the case of the OP, the drug (dosage) was not losing its effect, - but the OP was changing his beliefs (regarding the drug and his relationship with it) - new decisions, to rely on his own resources and so built a natural defense so to speak to the medicine. He simply does not allow it to work, or be as effective. He wanted to let go. Not to be so dependent, even regulating weeks in-between doses. 'Tolerance' is a good word, not that it implies that he needs more to satisfy, but that he did not want to 'tolerate' his own behavior in regard to anxiety any more. Attack it from a different angle not muted by any drugs.

Not that this reply matters in the slightest, really. Now that I think about it my own tolerance is wearing thin. And yes, that is a paronomasia.

Two One
04-04-2015, 12:04 PM
I am going to give you great advice: I was addicted to Klonopins. It took me almost as long getting off them as it took me to heal my anxiety. I understand the need for Benzos, but if you are looking at Klonopins as a life saver, I suggest you rethink this or you could end up down a very vicious dark evil downward spiral.

Here is how Klonopins work- At first they make you feel like you have no worries for the few hours they last. Then the hypnotic effects dissipate after a few months. You then are told to up your dose by a doctor who doesn't seem to think any of his patients can get addicted to Zanax or Klonopins. You up the dose to get that same effect you had before. When that no longer works you up that dose again. I am sure you can see where this is going.

Then you decide it is time to reduce the dose because you are feeling better. In which 3 days later you lie there shivering with worse anxiety until you take more Klonopins. Then you finally say screw it and stop taking them. Then you feel such withdrawal and horrible rebound anxiety you go back to your regular dose amount just to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms, that the Klonopins caused in the first place. So not only do your have anxiety and you are no closer to getting better from it, you now are hooked on Klonopins and not taking them gives you worse anxiety.

0.5 mg is still on the low end. I was prescribed 2 mg, but this is the best advice I can give you: Fully embrace the fact that Benzos will not cure you ever! They are temporary escapes that work on the GABA aspects of your brain that should be used only when absolutely necessary. The problem is that line from absolutely necessary to habitual can sneak up on you. The only way out of anxiety is to implement a long term healing program and drugs can't and will not take you there. Once you get the Benzo claws into you, it is not easy to get them out of you.

So implement a healing program similar to what I did. I documented it here: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?8633-Techniques-I-Used-to-Overcome-My-Panic-Anxiety-Disorder

I wrote here how to stop panic attacks: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks

Read what I wrote on those 2 threads and understand the concept of what you are going through, and do something along the lines of what I described. I have absolutely ZERO signs of an anxiety disorder now, so I am not just talking nonsense. I know what works. In my Techniques thread I don't expect you to copy it, but use it as inspiration to do something similar.

Good luck!

I appreciate the reply. I'm aware of the risks of benzodiazepines and how the path to addiction starts. A patient takes benzos to relieve anxiety, they build a tolerance, their psychiatrist/doctor titrates the dose to give the patient the same effect, repeat until physical dependence sets in. However, the reason I'm having trouble believing that I have built a tolerance is because I haven't even been on them for a year and I took it very infrequently. I could go months without having to take my Klonopin at times. Even though right now I feel like they are not working for me I don't feel the need to run to my prescription bottle and take them to see if they will work, I don't have withdrawal symptoms etc. I honestly believe I am learning to fight my anxiety without the use of medication as my last two therapy sessions have been life changing for me. My big concern is wondering if the Klonopin will work should I have a major panic attack.

Two One
04-04-2015, 12:19 PM
I would say you are psychologically dependent on them because it's freaking you out that they aren't having the same effect.

I've been a benzo addict (Valium mainly) and it seems that once you've been on them, no matter how infrequently you take them, they never really have the same effect.

PanicCured is right - you can't rely on benzos as a solution, ever. I still take them and I admit I love them and nothing works better on anxiety (except maybe opiates but that's another story). But at the end of the day you have to have other strategies.

I hope this doesn't sound preachy. The last thing I would ever do is judge anyone for taking anything that relieves anxiety. I've taken pretty much everything under the sun to take the edge off it. It took me 20 odd years and serious health problems to face the fact I'm an addictive personality who reaches for a quick fix whenever I feel uncomfortable. I'm certainly not implying that's what you're like, I just know a lot about the allure and effects of stuff like Klonopin.

The bottom line is you can't really think of Klonopin as having saved your life. If I had to choose a med that saved mine it'd be SSRIs, specifically Prozac, which pulled me out of my first major episode of anxiety/depression. But even SSRIs are just a band-aid.

You need to know you can survive "emergency situations" without any chemical help. For me that's meant being in those situations with nothing available and it's been nightmarish at times. But it gives you confidence that you can do it.

Anyway, again I don't mean to sound condescending. I just wanted to give you a perspective from someone who has been heavily addicted physically and psychologically to benzos and other substances. Do take a look at PanicCured's advice because I think he has a good grasp on how to overcome anxiety without chemicals.

All the best,
Gypsy x

Don't worry, your post doesn't come off as preachy at all. I appreciate the fact that you took the time to reply. Anyway, I don't have an addictive personality at all as my psychiatrist has said I'm far from it. I also was reluctant to take the Klonopin when I first received the prescription due to the dependence risks. I'm definitely not counting on the Klonopin to cure my anxiety because I know that all medication, including SSRIs are simply a bridge to help you deal with the true cause of your anxiety/depression. Although I would say the Klonopin saved me in the sense that when I was suicidal, it was because my anxiety was terrible. I was incapacitated by my physical symptoms nearly every day. My depressive episodes I can handle, I just feel detached and alone. When my anxiety was high however, I saw very little point in living if I was going to be tormented by physical symptoms that stem from my own distorted thoughts. I agree with you in the sense that there is definitely that allure knowing there's something there to relieve your anxiety quickly (benzodiazepines, opioids), but as I've said I don't see how I could have a physical tolerance to it seeing as how I took it so infrequently. I'm just going to take a step back and manage my anxiety and do the best I can while trying to avoid the Klonopin. Thanks for the reply!

What's the problem? Just take more until you've transcended reality.

Nah but for real though:

Try deep breathing, in through the nose, out through the mouth, and just keep mentally telling yourself to chill out and that you're not dying, do this for maybe 5 to 10 minutes without breaking concentration and hopefully your anxiety should go down a bit, trust me, it works, I used to think it was all new-age hippy bullshit, but it's technically all in your brain, so just change the way you think. Personally I'd recommend getting Passion Flower extract and Suntheanine from Paniccured's stickied thread at the top of the forum, they have gotten rid of basically 80% of my anxiety, also drink Chamomile tea, excercise and start eating very well.

It's odd that your K-pins aren't stopping your major panic attacks, if I have a major one and take maybe 0.25mg of one it will stop it dead in its tracks. If I'm just feeling a little bit anxious then agree with you, you'll keep needing more and more. I probably need 2 pills (1mg) to calm down. Definitely get off the Klonopins, I no longer get anxious enough to take them but maybe once every week I'll get a strong hankering and down a few of them, they're extremely addicting.

I'm actually very skilled at deep breathing. That is easily my best tool for fighting anxiety apart from the Klonopin and writing down my worries. The bold is what concerns me - the Klonopin did not help me when I was sufficiently anxious. If I'm just a little agitated I don't feel the need to take them. But if I were to suffer a severe panic attack, it would be nice to know that I have something to stop it.

Two One
04-04-2015, 12:26 PM
Who knows where the OP is, or if they he/she will engage in any more conversation. So, generally speaking, for others reading this, you must meet drugs half way.

Belief in the drug <--- =/----> Intrinsic effect (inherent in the drug itself)

Between the 2, you may have success, atleast better odds than if you don't believe, or if its a sugar pill. Better to believe and have a sugar pill, than don't believe and have the real deal. But, should you believe and have the real deal, you should meet with success, until, any thought, new thinking, changes, new beliefs, emotions interfere with the process. In the case of the OP, the drug (dosage) was not losing its effect, - but the OP was changing his beliefs (regarding the drug and his relationship with it) - new decisions, to rely on his own resources and so built a natural defense so to speak to the medicine. He simply does not allow it to work, or be as effective. He wanted to let go. Not to be so dependent, even regulating weeks in-between doses. 'Tolerance' is a good word, not that it implies that he needs more to satisfy, but that he did not want to 'tolerate' his own behavior in regard to anxiety any more. Attack it from a different angle not muted by any drugs.

Not that this reply matters in the slightest, really. Now that I think about it my own tolerance is wearing thin. And yes, that is a paronomasia.

I honestly believe this is the case. I believe you posted in the thread a made a few weeks ago about me letting go of my repressed emotions. My last two therapy sessions have been life changing for me and it was such a load off of my mind. I felt incredibly liberated once I felt like the issues that have been bothering me for years were released. For the first time since 2012, I feel like my life is changing for the better and that I will be able to finally overcome my anxiety without medication. The fact that you said I'm not allowing it to work made a world of difference for me right now. That makes perfect sense and I feel like it's the truth. I have changed my beliefs about my coping mechanisms. I know for a fact I am not addicted to the Klonopin, I was merely concerned that it wouldn't work for me in the throes of severe panic. However, I have not had a real panic attack since September 2014. I am pretty anxious every now and then but my first instinct isn't always to reach for my pills.

04-04-2015, 01:09 PM
I honestly believe this is the case. I believe you posted in the thread a made a few weeks ago about me letting go of my repressed emotions. My last two therapy sessions have been life changing for me and it was such a load off of my mind. I felt incredibly liberated once I felt like the issues that have been bothering me for years were released. For the first time since 2012, I feel like my life is changing for the better and that I will be able to finally overcome my anxiety without medication. The fact that you said I'm not allowing it to work made a world of difference for me right now. That makes perfect sense and I feel like it's the truth. I have changed my beliefs about my coping mechanisms. I know for a fact I am not addicted to the Klonopin, I was merely concerned that it wouldn't work for me in the throes of severe panic. However, I have not had a real panic attack since September 2014. I am pretty anxious every now and then but my first instinct isn't always to reach for my pills.


Don't worry about the pills. They do work.

But what's going to happen is you will think about them less, someday if you feel anxious or nervous you wont even recall or associate with them, perhaps surprising yourself later on, that you did not reach out for them. And then, later on, perhaps not even in your thoughts at all.

Be kind to you, I believe that is partly what those releases taught you (and will continue to), be patient, loving, good to yourself. Validate who you are. It will all be ok, things always work out for the best. You will learn to handle problem resolution better, rather than to brood or fester, and that all problems are solvable, and that you are deserving of expression, of 'living' your life. Thus the pressure cooker will not overflow as you store up emotions or suppress them (which lead to 'anxiety' as a 'condition'). Everyone has nerves and stress to some degree, see? So be gentle, toward self.

Keep up the great work in therapy !

04-04-2015, 03:53 PM
You are just talking out of your ass and don't know what Gypsy and I were trying to say.

Not only do I know what the both of you were trying to say, but :

I know what your trying to say even before you say it.

Now, if your going to quote me, post the full message, not just a snippet out of context. Or ask questions if you don't understand, before posting childish remarks.

04-04-2015, 09:03 PM
LOL. I have no idea what happened here.

But the thing is, I can be off benzos for a year or more and they still don't have the same effect. I pretty much need 2-3 Valium to get the same effect as 1 in the old days before I was addicted. I don't know why this happens but it does. I think once you take them they change the brain permanently. Maybe that's just me, I don't know :)

Two One
04-05-2015, 11:33 AM
Did you actually comprehend what I wrote? I gave you the best advice you will get here. I suggest you read it again. I got addicted to Klonopns in 3 months! I explained to you Klonopins eventually do not work like they used to, and that is what your problem is. The mind numbing effects wear off at some point in which you are told to up the dose, but even then, it may not have the same exact effect as it used to. Ask anyone here on them. It is not just tolerance, it is the nature of how Benzos work in your brain.

I don't like responding to peoples problems with well though out advice, and then the person I am trying to help ignores everything I tell them. That is a waste of my time. So do whatever you want. I gave you great advice and sent you 2 links that could help you. If you were going to ignore everything I say, I wouldn't have wasted my time here. If you already know everything than why are you starting a thread on a forum asking others for help?

Man, relax. Take it easy. Yes, I was able to comprehend what you wrote, and I understand what you were saying. As I've said I'm aware of how the cycle of benzodiazepine addiction starts and the risks they carry. That's not lost on me. I appreciate that you took the time to respond, I don't appreciate that you are acting like I blew off your post and making me out to be ignorant. There was also no need for the lashing out against I'm-Suffering. I made the thread to post my thoughts. Is that not what forums are for? I apologize if I upset you or whatever the case may be but you don't need to react like this.

I just personally do not believe that I'm anywhere near addicted to Klonopin. I just want the piece of mind knowing that they would work for me in an emergency situation. I don't take them every day and definitely don't feel the need to as I'm weary of addiction and dependence. I also read the threads you linked me to. I thought they were very well thought out and it's great that you've found a way to a better life. Believe me, I don't want anyone to suffer anything close to what I did in early 2014. However, I think you need to keep in mind that just because something worked for you does not mean it will work for everyone else. Everyone has their own way home so to speak. Personally, therapy has made a world of difference for me and I believe I'm-Suffering's post made sense and is applicable to me. I no longer want to have the medication, including the Lexapro I'm on. I feel like my life is changing, but given the fact that I have anxiety disorders, naturally there is doubt.

There's no need for the bitter posts.

04-05-2015, 04:00 PM
There you go again , jeez he never gets tired of his bs, I am not talking about IMS no ...........

Some people have addictive personalities and they will fight with it whole life, they lose once , win twice. The goal is to lower the anxiety and it does not matter what tool you use. Yes I fight with anxiety twice longer than PC is alive. When the person is not anxious , she or he can plan their strategy. Everyone is different and different things work for different people. No herb will work for me anymore, not frigging "supplements" but meditation will, relaxation will, contact with nature will.....
There is thousand paths to happy life, and no One have an answer for it.
Some people here should be humble, it would do be beneficial for them.......

Op writing down is good, temporary taking of pills is good, as long as you fighting you will have results. Do not let anyone to force you to quit. PC (not personal computer) does some good here but he is dealing with awful complex anxiety disorder, anger issues and he should try to control himself.
At the same time I am suffering is always polite to everyone and never fights with anyone..........

Gypsy now you will see how insulted I will be by PC (:)))) )

04-05-2015, 04:58 PM
Panic Cured Wrote: <<I gave you the best advice you will get here. I suggest you read it again . . . . If you were going to ignore everything I say, I wouldn't have wasted my time here.>

I find this sort of comment ridiculous. Someone says "my advice is the best and you should read it again." There is another poster on this forum who also seems particularly enamored with his own advice, suggesting to people that it is the one true answer to their problems, they should read it a thousand times, etc. What arrogance. If you post something on this board, people will read it -- if they feel like it -- and they will find it valuable, or find it useless, or take your advice, or totally ignore your advice -- in their sole discretion. If you do not accept this, then you should not participate here, because that is the way it is -- on literally every internet forum. You are not more special or more brilliant or more insightful than anyone on this forum. So if you cannot accept the fact that some people may find your advice useless and elect to ignore it, then you should not participate here. At least that's the way I see it.

04-05-2015, 07:05 PM
Panic you do not know that Dahila who shits on everything here, is 60 years old, and from the age of 5 is dealing with a lot of issues, separation issues being very sick for years and spending her childhood in hospitals on adults ward, who were dying. So before you insult me more, think about it. What do you have to show? Hu? the only thing you better than me, is your language, probably the only one, you know. BTW I know 5 of them.
Just count how many years I deal with anxiety? Could stop for a moment your tantrums? Think...
I could show you a huge group of people I had helped. Have you seen my inbox in the last two day? NO you have no idea how many people say thank you to me , real people, people who sat across the table with me at difficult times in their life. I helped them, and this helped me as well.
I only stated the fact that you do not have the best advice and the best way of dealing with anxiety.
Stop saying what good what bad, I knew guy who (20 year old) committed suicide thanks to some assholes on forums. Tragic.
When you dealing with vulnerable and sensitive people, you must be gentle and do not use scare tactic.

BTW I am not Dhalia, Do not read so fast and make such mistakes. English is your first language, so behave like it is. When you show the respect you receive it. People want the help not the reprimand. If you get upset on forum, leave it. Your show of anger forward everyone who have different opinion than you, upsets people.

You really think that telling the guy that he will end as benzo addict, is the right way to help?????????
Please, stop insulting me, I do not care. You rather make me laugh.

04-05-2015, 07:18 PM

PC - I don't see it as the OP blowing off what I wrote. People take stuff in even if they don't explicitly show it. I write replies on here not even really caring if the person sees it, let alone takes it on board. It's cathartic for me to write about this stuff. If I got offended every time someone ignored it or didn't follow my advice it would defeat the whole purpose of what I do. They can take it or leave it - I've achieved my goal once I've written it :)

04-05-2015, 08:48 PM

PC - I don't see it as the OP blowing off what I wrote. People take stuff in even if they don't explicitly show it. I write replies on here not even really caring if the person sees it, let alone takes it on board. It's cathartic for me to write about this stuff. If I got offended every time someone ignored it or didn't follow my advice it would defeat the whole purpose of what I do. They can take it or leave it - I've achieved my goal once I've written it :)

Great attitude you have, Gyp. I really respect what you contribute here, and the spirit in which you do it!

04-05-2015, 08:48 PM
Thanks Kuma :D

04-05-2015, 09:13 PM

PC - I don't see it as the OP blowing off what I wrote. People take stuff in even if they don't explicitly show it. I write replies on here not even really caring if the person sees it, let alone takes it on board. It's cathartic for me to write about this stuff. If I got offended every time someone ignored it or didn't follow my advice it would defeat the whole purpose of what I do. They can take it or leave it - I've achieved my goal once I've written it :)

Yeah I know what you mean. Just gets me when people only seek immediate reassurance and then stop at that. It has always been one of my pet peaves. He is telling us Klonopin saved his life and is now failing him yet acts like I was insane to tell him they could get addicting.

04-05-2015, 09:22 PM
Panic you do not know that Dahila who shits on everything here, is 60 years old, and from the age of 5 is dealing with a lot of issues, separation issues being very sick for years and spending her childhood in hospitals on adults ward, who were dying. So before you insult me more, think about it. What do you have to show? Hu? the only thing you better than me, is your language, probably the only one, you know. BTW I know 5 of them.
Just count how many years I deal with anxiety? Could stop for a moment your tantrums? Think...
I could show you a huge group of people I had helped. Have you seen my inbox in the last two day? NO you have no idea how many people say thank you to me , real people, people who sat across the table with me at difficult times in their life. I helped them, and this helped me as well.
I only stated the fact that you do not have the best advice and the best way of dealing with anxiety.
Stop saying what good what bad, I knew guy who (20 year old) committed suicide thanks to some assholes on forums. Tragic.
When you dealing with vulnerable and sensitive people, you must be gentle and do not use scare tactic.

BTW I am not Dhalia, Do not read so fast and make such mistakes. English is your first language, so behave like it is. When you show the respect you receive it. People want the help not the reprimand. If you get upset on forum, leave it. Your show of anger forward everyone who have different opinion than you, upsets people.

You really think that telling the guy that he will end as benzo addict, is the right way to help?????????
Please, stop insulting me, I do not care. You rather make me laugh.

Dhalia, when I take the time to offer some advice that is based on common sense and my own experience of getting free of anxiety which I value, and even offer advice to help prevent someone from becoming Benzo addict, and they just blow it off, it bugs me. I could have just not wasted my time. But you seem to get very angry at me and never just look at the content of what I try to say. You know I don't like when people seek only immediate reassurance and then criticize any type of help, so they can use anxiety as an excuse for their life. I should be more patient, I know.

I did not troll or abuse anyone here or do anything that could cause someone to kill themselves. Come on@ Dhalia, I am very sorry you have had anxiety for so long, but why do you throw away every idea I have ever thrown out there instead of trying it? I just say basic stuff.

Don't get mad, this is only a guess. Is it possible that maybe you really have allowed your anxiety to become part of your identity and you try and criticize the common sense techniques I have suggested because you have learned to fight those that tell you they understand what you are going through? Maybe I do know, not the best way, but a way to heal anxiety? What if I'm right? What harm would it do to just read what I wrote and try and implement it and see what happens? If I'm wrong then you just won;t get anywhere. But I don't think a path of healing is going to do anything but benefit you.

I'm sorry I upset you so much!

04-05-2015, 09:29 PM
I deleted my posts so you can have your thread back.

04-05-2015, 09:32 PM
PC no problem and the kiddo killed himself ten years ago. It was a son of my best friend. He was frequenting some boards and got in touch with people who were assholes and probably caused more suicides. I had never say that you do this. What I mean ; people like us are very sensitive and every sentence must be thought over. Sometimes we can make worse than better. Moderation is a key. I understand passion, I am very passionate person, but sometimes we need to hold our horses...all good:)all good...........We are ok:)

04-05-2015, 09:36 PM
PC no problem and the kiddo killed himself ten years ago. It was a son of my best friend. He was frequenting some boards and got in touch with people who were assholes and probably caused more suicides. I had never say that you do this. What I mean ; people like us are very sensitive and every sentence must be thought over. Sometimes we can make worse than better. Moderation is a key. I understand passion, I am very passionate person, but sometimes we need to hold our horses...all good:)all good...........We are ok:)

Yeah I should be more patient when dealing with people with mental issues, it's true. I agree. But some people can be frustrating don't you think? I just take a very logical approach to this stuff.

04-05-2015, 09:38 PM
Yeah I should be more patient when dealing with people with mental issues, it's true. I agree. But some people can be frustrating don't you think? I just take a very logical approach to this stuff.

It's big of you to apologize. You're a superstar on this forum.

Yeah, people can be frustrating. I just try and post then walk away. You can lead a horse to water... etc.

04-05-2015, 09:50 PM
Unfortunately anxiety and logic do not go together. I posted twice in the last two months, a lot of whining goes around. I roll my eyes and go to different places for a while :)

04-05-2015, 11:36 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned because I didn't read every post but have you had a recent refill? I found that one time my refill was from a different manufacturer than before it I didn't feel shit from it. Same drug name but different companies make the drug and not all are created equal. Besides that I would say old pills? You can always switch to a different benzo.

04-05-2015, 11:54 PM
I know I am one of many that misses your presence when you are gone Dahila. Wishing you the very best. I was kicking myself at the end of our last FB chat, as too with Cully - I had to get going. I wish people would turn more inward and be more reaching so you could stay here. :) - as well of course the benefit to themselves ... but most so I can we can see more of you. I feel the same way for Cully too. You guys really light up this place. You have a way of keeping things real dahila and also your kindness shines like any one of Cully's vibrant photos. As for Cully - you know how special he is - You are Bro! ... Fresh air to a place like this! Both of you!

Srry OP - I mean no disrespect - Have not seen Dahila much of late. Best wished to you as well.

04-06-2015, 02:56 AM
I'm aware this thread should probably go in the medication section, but I figured I would post it here because I'm more likely to get responses.

To preface this, I was prescribed 0.5 mg of Klonopin by my psychiatrist back in July 2014 on an as needed basis. It was a wonder drug for me when I first started taking it. The release of anxiety and muscle tension was amazing. I knew benzodiazepines worked well for anxiety but I had no idea how well until I found a psychiatrist willing to prescribe them. I take the Klonopin very infrequently. About every three works or so, sometimes longer. However, back in February after a therapy sessions that helped me tremendously I decided to take one to help me sleep because I hadn't been sleeping well prior to my appointment. It did not hit anywhere close to the way it used to. So I decided to stay away from it for as long as I could. Unfortunately I was thrust into the position of getting a job and the night before I was supposed to start I was sufficiently anxious so I took one of my Klonopin. Nothing. My psychiatrist gave me permission to take two if one was not sufficient. So I took two, and it worked, to an extent. But not the way it used to. Which brings me to this week. Wednesday I had to open (I work at Starbucks) so I had to wake up at 3:30 AM. I only got four or five hours of sleep the night before. We all know what lack of sleep does to anxiety, it skyrockets. After I got off of work on Wednesday I felt awful. I just felt like absolute hell, I had an awful headache, fatigue, muscle aches, and general nervousness. I took two Klonopin that night... And nothing.

This whole situation is terrifying me because I feel like the very thing that saved my life is now failing me. I have no idea what's going on. I have no clue how I was able to build a tolerance to 0.5 mg when I took it so infrequently. I do not abuse the drug and I have never felt the need to. I don't know what to do and it is freaking me out and kind of depressing me. Even if I did build a tolerance to the 0.5 mg, I would think 1 mg would help me when I am anxious. Needless to say this is causing me significant mental distress. I'm not sure if I'm beginning to be able to cope with the anxiety without the use of medication or what. I'm definitely not physically or psychologically dependent on the Klonopin. I just want to be able to feel like it will actually help me in an emergency situation when I really need it because it has been failing me lately. It's very upsetting.

You should start fasting and praying to God after fasting get communion and you will be free from your sick.

04-06-2015, 03:57 AM
You should start fasting and praying to God after fasting get communion and you will be free from your sick.

That's one approach! :)

04-06-2015, 04:27 AM
I know intermittent fasting works but as for the other - that just made me sick.

04-06-2015, 07:27 AM
It's big of you to apologize. You're a superstar on this forum.

Yeah, people can be frustrating. I just try and post then walk away. You can lead a horse to water... etc.

Yeah I don't think it happens often here. Dhalia should be happy. You actually got me to apologize. SORRY DAHLIA!

Jessed you get me. I think you always have. If I worked in a mental health clinic I'd probably scream at people all day. I do have compassion, I just tend to not have much of it if the person won't try. God helps those who help themselves.

You know, I once came on this forum years ago in desperation asking for help. I asked people for help and took the advice and kept trying to get better. So now I kind of talk to others as if they were me back then. I was so in the dark that I want to tell people the stuff that I discovered so they don't have to waste so much time and get misled and spend $10,000 on hospital bills. The first thread I read here was that one about Magnesium and amino Acids. Remember that one? I always wondered if it was real or he was trying to sell products.

Check out how bad I was: Man I was in such bad shape then, I had some person from this forum call me, and stay on the phone, while I took a shower with the door open. I could not handle a shower as it would bring on massive panic attacks. Some girl I never met in a totally different country stayed on the phone for me to get through a shower! My life has totally turned around since then.

So yeah, I understand where people are coming from.

04-06-2015, 08:55 AM
In the following quote, which contains your words, I want you to compare your behavior (thoughts, attitude, actions dealing with 'forum members') with how the woman in the second paragraph helped you (thought, attitude, actions).

Lets assume the current 'forum members' and 'you' at that time, share the same mental framework.

Clearly delineate the differences - and I know there is much more to the story that day, so replay it in your imagination, every small detail.

If I worked in a mental health clinic I'd probably scream at people all day. I do have compassion, I just tend to not have much of it if the person won't try. God helps those who help themselves.


Check out how bad I was: Man I was in such bad shape then, I had some person from this forum call me, and stay on the phone, while I took a shower with the door open. I could not handle a shower as it would bring on massive panic attacks. Some girl I never met in a totally different country stayed on the phone for me to get through a shower! My life has totally turned around since then.

You end it with:

"My life has totally turned around since then"

She was indeed an angel, wouldn't you say?

If you craft your service to others in the same vein, taking what you learned on that day from your experience with her and incorporate that into your person - you will find your service to others more effective, your attitude with self less harsh, and an overall satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy simply not possible with the current mindset (too abrasive). Your life would take a turn for the better (your 'real' life), and your relationships improve in all areas.

That day, that woman, that shower experience was to be the archetype or model for your future as you pay it forward. Make a list of all the character traits that woman must have had, in your opinion ('she acted this way and that, said this and that which looks like empathy, selflessness', etc, for example), and then find a way to adopt into yourself, your own personality, those qualities, personal attributes, beliefs that she, the 'forum girl' possessed.

Then, you will be a superstar, on this forum and off.

Now, I know what I say often escapes you, and you are one of my most outspoken critics, but, don't let this one fly by. If you do (ignore this message), you will continually hit the brick wall of your own beliefs throughout life, always wondering why 'they don't get it' or 'get you'. You, as a person, will not experience the personal growth that this event was meant to trigger. It was much more than just a catalyst to stop anxiety.

Let it in.

04-06-2015, 09:33 AM
Here we have a post from you today in response to the OP :

From PanicCured -

"Yeah you are in the total grips of anxiety right now. For right now, stop Googling and really force yourself to step back. You are keeping the cycle going. First thing is really use all your will to grab a hold of yourself and just stop doing everything you are doing. You are working yourself into a frenzy like on a hamster wheel. Really use all your strength to pull yourself off that wheel. You are the only one that can do this. Stop all stimulants and make a strong tea of chamomile drink it and get rest. We can help you work on your anxiety for the long term, but right now really get off this hamster wheel and step back. After you calm down you will be much better to initiate a proper anxiety healing plan, but for right now, really just let go and stop everything. You are spinning your mind. Stop spinning it. Eat something and get some sleep. You can PM me anytime."

Now that is wonderful, all the way down to the personal responsibility (offer to follow-up) you take by saying "PM me anytime". This means you are ready or able to invest in their education and/or well-being on a more personal level.

But suppose they were to write back "I disagree !" or "What does anyone else have to say, because PanicCured has not helped me with that gibberish !". What would you feel? Anger? Frustration - the urge to lash out? You have told me on numerous occasions, that my words are gibberish ! How do I react? By understanding (love) - and working with you today.

Now, and this is important to understand - I take a risk here - even at the possibility of humiliation, you see. Because as you said a few posts back, you may again reply to me 'your talking out of your ass', but - it is a risk worth taking. Just like that 'girl' who stuck it out with you that day - for no personal gain, it was a risk worth taking. Investing in you, because you are worth it.

When you are able to let go of those unwanted feelings (anger, frustration, impatience and so forth), those are associated with emotions that were (are) always in you, way before anxiety manifested (and they were actually part of the cause) - then you can finally heal personally (psychologically) from your own unresolved hurts, and be open enough to adopt that 'forum girls' 'magical' attributes (that served to change your life that day) and make them your own.

Wonderful post btw ! Keep up the great work !

That is all I have for this thread. The OP has already gone on and graduated from this topic, the focus shifted to you, for the moment, and also others to a lesser extent who will stagger in attracted by the same drug issue (those below this post) - there is no such thing in greater terms as 'wasted time' because you are not privy to the 'bigger picture' - For example, you cannot see how you shape lives in the years to come, how one small snippet from you (today) has changed their reality (years from now). And so you behave as if you are in a small box, and you scurry here and there, wasting all this 'time' bumping into 'walls', you see. I assure you, not a single word is ever wasted. You will always remember that woman, you understand. Just as others will always remember you and the profound impact you have had in their lives. Even if they are dismissive of your comments, you dropped a little pearl where one day the shell will open to reveal the hidden prize. And they will reference you by name, or that 'guy' on a forum they just happen to meet many years ago.

That is the lesson for all of you to remember.


04-06-2015, 03:09 PM
First of all, this topic has hit home so hard. I've been dealing with anxiety for sometime and until recently ignored it! Now on 20mg a c
Day citalapram with .05 klonozipram to help me when I need it! I've ben turning to it one to two times a week over the last month and I've realized I'm using it more and more as a reliable get out of jail card! Yes I've only been on citalapram for 6 weeks but I'm trying not to use
Klonozipram as a crutch so

04-06-2015, 05:26 PM
It's weird - it seems they prescribe Klonopin a lot in the US? I only know of one person who's been on it here (Australia). Our GPs generally only prescribe Temazepam or Diazepam, and it's rare that they will prescribe any benzos.

04-06-2015, 06:43 PM
Gypsy I was on diazepam for years and it has different names and it is benzo sweetheart Diazepam /daɪˈæzɨpæm/, first marketed as Valium /ˈvæliəm/ by Hoffmann-La Roche, is a benzodiazepine drug. It is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures (including status epilepticus), muscle spasms (such as in tetanus cases), restless legs syndrome, alcohol withdrawal syndrome,
It is not good and is addictive too. All of them are. I am on benzos for the last two years but only 0.5 mg of infamous klonopin aka clonazepam. I am on it when I remember to take it. I am not upping the dose and I do not need it. It is my safety blanket. Of course it is different for young people. They have longer time on the Earth , than i do :))

04-06-2015, 07:19 PM
Gypsy I was on diazepam for years and it has different names and it is benzo sweetheart Diazepam /daɪˈæzɨpæm/, first marketed as Valium /ˈvæliəm/ by Hoffmann-La Roche, is a benzodiazepine drug. It is commonly used to treat a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, seizures (including status epilepticus), muscle spasms (such as in tetanus cases), restless legs syndrome, alcohol withdrawal syndrome,
It is not good and is addictive too. All of them are. I am on benzos for the last two years but only 0.5 mg of infamous klonopin aka clonazepam. I am on it when I remember to take it. I am not upping the dose and I do not need it. It is my safety blanket. Of course it is different for young people. They have longer time on the Earth , than i do :))

Oh I know - I was addicted to it for years. But doctors here seem to only prescribe that and temazepam, not clonazepam. It seems like lots of people here (on the forum) are on clonazepam and I'm guessing they're in the States (or Canada?) I only know of one person years ago who was on clonazepam. Just wondering why it seems to be more common in America. I think clonazepam is stronger than diazepam?

I try to stay away from them because I know all about benzo addiction but I like having them on hand. It calms me just to think I have them if I have some huge panic attack. Like a safety blanket as you say :)

04-06-2015, 08:10 PM
Yes it is popular in States and Canada, especially due it long life. Xanax is popular in Us but it is similar to Ativan, which I hate, 4 hours top. I have friend here who is on the same dose of Xanax once a day for 18 years. Another one like me needs the safety blanket ;))
What I see in Australia they rather prescribe the SRRI drugs, they do not work very well though. What the doc tells people who have a panic attack?
I know that panic attack does not kill except my blood pressure dangerously spike up for up to 12 hours....... it one of the reason I am on Clonazepam. I know how tough it is to quit, but not tougher than my smoking; 36 years of chain smoking, now 6 years, over 6 years smoke free :)) Gypsy having benzo in your purse will keep you safe somehow. When the PA hits you have it, if you can not manage your PA you take a pill. I do it for years,always having something on me, but not necessary taking it:) Meditation is probably what keeps me alive :) I am not kidding........ I meditate for 23 years as long as I am in Canada
I wonder about Temazepam; it sound more dangerous than clonazepam

04-06-2015, 11:40 PM
Yes it is popular in States and Canada, especially due it long life. Xanax is popular in Us but it is similar to Ativan, which I hate, 4 hours top. I have friend here who is on the same dose of Xanax once a day for 18 years. Another one like me needs the safety blanket ;))
What I see in Australia they rather prescribe the SRRI drugs, they do not work very well though. What the doc tells people who have a panic attack?
I know that panic attack does not kill except my blood pressure dangerously spike up for up to 12 hours....... it one of the reason I am on Clonazepam. I know how tough it is to quit, but not tougher than my smoking; 36 years of chain smoking, now 6 years, over 6 years smoke free :)) Gypsy having benzo in your purse will keep you safe somehow. When the PA hits you have it, if you can not manage your PA you take a pill. I do it for years,always having something on me, but not necessary taking it:) Meditation is probably what keeps me alive :) I am not kidding........ I meditate for 23 years as long as I am in Canada
I wonder about Temazepam; it sound more dangerous than clonazepam

They used to prescribe Xanax here 20 years ago but now they're really strict. Some clinics flat out refuse to prescribe "substances of addiction" at all.

Yes they prefer to prescribe SSRIs and you just have to cope with severe anxiety until those work. Some doctors seem more willing to prescribe anti-psychotics like Seroquel than benzos, which I think is ridiculous having been on both. Also, people just go and buy alcohol or illegal stuff to cope with anxiety if the doctor won't help them.

My doctor actually does prescribe benzos. Temazepam is just a shorter-acting version of Diazepam I think - perhaps a little stronger.

04-07-2015, 01:47 AM
In the following quote, which contains your words, I want you to compare your behavior (thoughts, attitude, actions dealing with 'forum members') with how the woman in the second paragraph helped you (thought, attitude, actions).

Lets assume the current 'forum members' and 'you' at that time, share the same mental framework.

Clearly delineate the differences - and I know there is much more to the story that day, so replay it in your imagination, every small detail.

You end it with:

"My life has totally turned around since then"

She was indeed an angel, wouldn't you say?

If you craft your service to others in the same vein, taking what you learned on that day from your experience with her and incorporate that into your person - you will find your service to others more effective, your attitude with self less harsh, and an overall satisfaction, fulfillment, and joy simply not possible with the current mindset (too abrasive). Your life would take a turn for the better (your 'real' life), and your relationships improve in all areas.

That day, that woman, that shower experience was to be the archetype or model for your future as you pay it forward. Make a list of all the character traits that woman must have had, in your opinion ('she acted this way and that, said this and that which looks like empathy, selflessness', etc, for example), and then find a way to adopt into yourself, your own personality, those qualities, personal attributes, beliefs that she, the 'forum girl' possessed.

Then, you will be a superstar, on this forum and off.

Now, I know what I say often escapes you, and you are one of my most outspoken critics, but, don't let this one fly by. If you do (ignore this message), you will continually hit the brick wall of your own beliefs throughout life, always wondering why 'they don't get it' or 'get you'. You, as a person, will not experience the personal growth that this event was meant to trigger. It was much more than just a catalyst to stop anxiety.

Let it in.
I give practical advice that will offer results. I'm a logical practical guy. Serious questions: Let me ask you this, do you feel that you receive psychic messages? Do you hear voices talking to you? Do you feel you channel things or you are psychic? Do you feel you have a special gift to see things others can't?

04-07-2015, 01:55 AM
So was I the only one here prescribed 2 mg of Klonopins right out the gate? I got addicted in about 2.5 months. The Xanax wasn't doing as well for me so the doctor gave me 2 mg Klonopins with beta blockers and Zoloft. Beta Blockers was totally ridiculous to give someone without a heart condition. Glad I stopped when I did and cured myself naturally.

04-07-2015, 02:43 AM
Beta blockers are also prescribed for anxiety since it acts to lower the heart rate and curb the racing heartbeat that is so common with panic.
Once I was started on an anxiety med regimen my metoprolol (I was already taking for my heart) was elevated from 12.5 MG/day to 25 twice a day. Of course I don't take it like I am supposed to either. It makes me feel a bit draggy if I take it in the morning. It actually does help me. That whole heart pounding out of my chest, turning into chest pain, doesn't really happen anymore.
I guess I learned something from living with a benzo addict. It's easy to develop a tolerance to it. I am prescribed alps, but I am so terrified of becoming addicted. All the same I find that if I take them as often I would like I have to take a hiatus from them for a couple weeks.
The trouble with benzos is that they work TOO well. It's instant relief. I found that I would use the pill to solve problems that I could have easily done myself.
My solution was to give them to someone I trust. This works for me because I will not ask for help with my anxiety unless I am convinced at that moment I am really dying. That then requires that person to come at his leisure and give the medicine to me. Sometimes by the time he arrives it is already over. Needless to say my bottle of 60 has lasted me nearly a year and still going strong.

04-07-2015, 03:56 AM
So was I the only one here prescribed 2 mg of Klonopins right out the gate? I got addicted in about 2.5 months. The Xanax wasn't doing as well for me so the doctor gave me 2 mg Klonopins with beta blockers and Zoloft. Beta Blockers was totally ridiculous to give someone without a heart condition. Glad I stopped when I did and cured myself naturally.

I was prescribed Xanax, anti-psychotics (old style) and anti-depressants (old style) by the first shrink I saw for anxiety. Yep, anti-psychotics after telling this guy I felt anxious all the time (with no psychotic symptoms). I didn't know anything back then (1993) so I took them all. When I said they were making me feel worse he told me to increase the doses. I went around like a complete zombie for months until my mum said enough is enough and found a new shrink. He took me off everything except the Xanax and started again. So the benzos were the only useful thing! I can't believe this when I think back to it now. It's disgusting. But you know, there are worse things out there than benzos and benzo addiction. Anti-psychotics are like a chemical lobotomy. So the whole phobia doctors have of prescribing them is unfair to people who really need them.

04-07-2015, 10:27 AM
Oh Gypsy I am reading and thinking bad docs are everywhere.
PC 2 mg a day of Clonazepam is very high dose. Really high. I am on 0.5 mg once a day if I wanted, I know that it will be difficult to quit but I am ok with this addiction. Nothing to compared to others.
Beta blockers are prescribed not for anxiety but for high blood pressure and they lower the heartbeat, I am on one of them Micardis and bp is like 120/69 heartbeat is low too,as long as I do not get upset;))
A lot of people are terrified of being addicted, yes it is very easy to get into addiction.
Now, Why no one looks in different options and we have a lot of options dealing with anxiety. Antipsychotic jeez for anxiety:(( they just make experiments on us. I am lucky my psydoc is really smart and she always chose carefully and the smallest dose.
I can not imagine the doc who does not prescribe benzo to a person who get's panic attacks. Not everyone can manage without help
Controling the amount is important and not to let the patient become depended on meds but leave someone hanging..........not right

04-08-2015, 12:07 AM
Oh Gypsy I am reading and thinking bad docs are everywhere.
PC 2 mg a day of Clonazepam is very high dose. Really high. I am on 0.5 mg once a day if I wanted, I know that it will be difficult to quit but I am ok with this addiction. Nothing to compared to others.
Beta blockers are prescribed not for anxiety but for high blood pressure and they lower the heartbeat, I am on one of them Micardis and bp is like 120/69 heartbeat is low too,as long as I do not get upset;))
A lot of people are terrified of being addicted, yes it is very easy to get into addiction.
Now, Why no one looks in different options and we have a lot of options dealing with anxiety. Antipsychotic jeez for anxiety:(( they just make experiments on us. I am lucky my psydoc is really smart and she always chose carefully and the smallest dose.
I can not imagine the doc who does not prescribe benzo to a person who get's panic attacks. Not everyone can manage without help
Controling the amount is important and not to let the patient become depended on meds but leave someone hanging..........not right

I think this Psychiatrist was a pretty extreme example of a bad doctor. I hope so anyway. I have heard of GPs over-prescribing anti-psychotics eg Seroquel though. I totally agree that responsible prescribing of benzodiazepines is better than leaving a person to suffer severe anxiety (or giving them anti-psychotics).

04-08-2015, 10:37 AM
I think this Psychiatrist was a pretty extreme example of a bad doctor. I hope so anyway. I have heard of GPs over-prescribing anti-psychotics eg Seroquel though. I totally agree that responsible prescribing of benzodiazepines is better than leaving a person to suffer severe anxiety (or giving them anti-psychotics).

I think responsible doctors need to make individualized decisions regarding prescription of benzos, such as Xanax. For some patients -- including those who do not have a history of addiction or addictive personalities, who seem to be responsible and have some level of stability in their lives, who seem unlikely to sell their medication on the street, and who understand and respect the risk of dependence -- the risk should be low. For others, the risk may be high. One problem is doctors (especially those psychiatrists who primarily practice psychopharmacology, doing 15 minute med checks but not therapy) often do not get to know their patients well enough to make these individualized judgments. So it may be easier to "just say no." And then there are issues about legal liability.... I know many docs in my area simply will not prescribe Xanax to outpatients.

04-08-2015, 08:10 PM
I think responsible doctors need to make individualized decisions regarding prescription of benzos, such as Xanax. For some patients -- including those who do not have a history of addiction or addictive personalities, who seem to be responsible and have some level of stability in their lives, who seem unlikely to sell their medication on the street, and who understand and respect the risk of dependence -- the risk should be low. For others, the risk may be high. One problem is doctors (especially those psychiatrists who primarily practice psychopharmacology, doing 15 minute med checks but not therapy) often do not get to know their patients well enough to make these individualized judgments. So it may be easier to "just say no." And then there are issues about legal liability.... I know many docs in my area simply will not prescribe Xanax to outpatients.

True. Xanax is one benzo I do think they should be really strict with - in terms of addiction it's nasty. Diazepam not so much.

Interestingly I was watching Six Feet Under (my latest addiction) last night.. This woman was withdrawing from Vicodin and freaking out and she yells "give me some Klonopin!" This is what I'm saying - that in the US Klonopin is a popular benzo. But not in Australia.

04-08-2015, 11:36 PM
True. Xanax is one benzo I do think they should be really strict with - in terms of addiction it's nasty. Diazepam not so much.

Interestingly I was watching Six Feet Under (my latest addiction) last night.. This woman was withdrawing from Vicodin and freaking out and she yells "give me some Klonopin!" This is what I'm saying - that in the US Klonopin is a popular benzo. But not in Australia.

All Benzos are hard core addicting! And none of them cure anxiety, only adopting a long term natural approach including self motivated changing behaviors and facing fears and rewriting negative thought patterns will cure anxiety.

But the problem with Xanax and why it is the most addicting is it's short half life. The half life is so short that withdrawal happens very fast.

Here is a funny story: Before I had a full blown anxiety, I was getting a check up at a doctor. I was going to take a very long flight to Asia and asked the doctor for any drugs to make flying better, because I always had flying anxiety. The doctor says, "I can give you Klonopins 0.5 mg. Take 1, 2 if you need to. Don't take more than 2." Pulls out pen and pad "I'll give you 30."

There I was, a bottle of 30 Klonopins because I told him I hated flying.