View Full Version : who here suffers these symptoms

08-14-2008, 04:01 PM

I am driving myself potty again,
how many of you here have episodes start with being ok, then all of sudden you try to take a deep breath and u feel like u didnt get it, and then u panic, and keep trying that deep breath till you think ur going 2 die. then hyperventalte???????????

08-14-2008, 07:57 PM
A better question would be: Who doesn't feel that? We all feel those symptoms where you are feeling jus' fine and all of a sudden a physical sensation, or thought provokes anxiety. It happens all the time to me. Sometimes I'll feel a lil' smothered in the chest area and notice that my breathing is a lil' faint so I hyperventilate for a brief moment. Your body is now in the fight-or-flight mode. You feel as if something is wrong so your brain sends a message to take in more air. Our brain says that we must take in more air to prepare us for our percieved threat (which there is none). Realize that this is a normal human function and try to relax. It is to the point where now I feel that sensation but quickly dismiss it. I don't panic at that feeling anymore.

Hang in there!!
-James (AOL Instant Message Me!!)

08-15-2008, 08:40 AM
Thank you James

I just read ur reply, My Boss just sent me home because all day i have been just standing around deep breathing, he has no patience with me. I get myself into a state

08-19-2008, 10:36 PM
tehehe!! as I was reading this I felt a big fake yawn coming on that was going to start me on that annoying breathing kick, I thought I was going to have to slap myse--oh never mind there it goes. But I have it under control.

I know exactly exactly exactly what you are talking about it. It's like each breath is just not enough so you have to force it again and again. One time it lasted for so long that I ended up force-breathing my throat raw and it was really painful for weeks. It felt like I had swallowed a really really strong breath mint and it was stuck in my throat.

stop doing it! distract yourself! every time you feel like you have to breath some more just jump up down or sing to scream or do something out of the ordinary to turn your brain off that idea!

best of luck dear.

08-20-2008, 03:26 AM
Hard tho. Brain training is what i need.

Punk Rock Steve
08-26-2008, 11:31 PM
Just further proof that you're not alone...I have the same breathing problems, also have to try a fake yawn that usually goes nowhere (sometimes it works though) to try to take a deep breat. Today I had the breathing issue, plus palpitations which I think may at least partially be due to the fact that I didn't eat all day and I'm sure my blood sugar level was very low....had to come on here to distract myself and maybe help someone else at the same time...hang in there...we're all in the same boat :)

08-27-2008, 08:09 AM
do you know any summer camps where I could send my brain for training?

Punk Rock Steve
08-27-2008, 10:04 AM
If I knew of a summer camp to re-train my brain I'd be there right now writing you....and I'd stay right through the winter if needed! Took off from work today as I knew that it would be detrimental to me even beginning to get myself out of the current "palpitations mode" I'm in. I had a real rough night last night and a not too swift morning so far. Took my first Xanax of the day an hour ago and I'm a bit better now. Had two cups of coffee, which I KNOW I probably shouldn't have had. Won't have any more today, though I don't want to go through a caffeine withdrawal either. Trying to take care of myself today, the best I can. Have a feeling I'm going to be on here at least a few more times today :)

08-27-2008, 11:20 AM
LOL Brain training.
Tell you whats helped me out a lot, i have been taking Vitimin B Complex and its made a difference.
I also went back to my GP and he gave me a inhaler to try, its a preventer inhaler use 2 times aday and thats been excellent

08-27-2008, 12:46 PM
Jen, how many lb of B-complex? maybe I can take too!

08-27-2008, 02:34 PM
Not sure about LBS I take one tablet a day. It really has made a difference, i tried a day not taking it, and i felt like crap....