View Full Version : Screwing up my nervous system- can anxiety cause parasympathetic rebound??

04-01-2015, 01:52 AM
Hello, being super anxious all the time I searched the net and found something called 'parasympathetic rebound' where apparently after periods of long chronic nonstop anxiety or stress, the parasympathetic nervous system is suppressed, and then when it finally has the chance to be active again, it can actually relax you too much to the point of your heart stopping and death?? Can someone please give me some relief over this?
I've been feeling really weak, my bones feel all brittle and shrunken, and my breathing doesn't feel like it's being controlled automatically AT ALL, like I could just lie down and die if I'm not careful.
I'm on lorazepam but apart from that I have mild depression with pretty bad anxiety.
Thanks. I don't wanna die from fear or stress :(:(:(

04-01-2015, 03:25 AM
I've never heard of this and I'm pretty sure if it were true I would be dead by now. I'll google it in fact..

Well from the few things I read it seems to be a reaction to very extreme fear such as soldiers experience in war. I don't think it applies to "normal" anxiety disorders. As I say, I've never heard of it and I've suffered from severe anxiety most of my life (and done a lot of reading on it).

Bye now :)
Gypsy x

04-01-2015, 03:37 AM
If I am not mistaken the parasympathetic rebound to the point of death is a slim to none chance. I remember reading about this too at one point and being freaked out by the prospect.
Don't let Dr. Google freak you out. He's a doomsaying liar.

04-01-2015, 03:49 AM
Ahh phew, thanks for the replies.
I'm just feeling so empty after multiple panic episodes, it's like I CANT feel stressed anymore and my heart rate is slow because my body has had enough of experiencing stress, yet I'm still able to worry about the symptoms themselves, gypsy have you experienced this? Or sae? It's like my body's ability to even feel stress has been exhausted. I'm just hoping I won't die from passing out or something

04-01-2015, 03:59 AM
It's pretty common for me with more severe attacks. I fatigue easily anyway so it's usually a given I will spend my "coming down" hours like a zombie finally settling into a long sleep. The body just underwent real physical stress. The body will eventually take the rest it needs whether you are ready for it or not. Lie down, plug in some tunes, read a book, and let your body attend to the boring task of doing ... well... body stuff. Whether you are paying attention or not you will keep breathing, you will pump blood, metabolize, digest and all the other cool things it does while you aren't looking.

04-01-2015, 04:34 AM
Thanks so much for your replies, yea it usually helps me to wind/calm down by playing some Nintendo/watching DVDs haha.

04-01-2015, 05:13 AM
Ahh phew, thanks for the replies.
I'm just feeling so empty after multiple panic episodes, it's like I CANT feel stressed anymore and my heart rate is slow because my body has had enough of experiencing stress, yet I'm still able to worry about the symptoms themselves, gypsy have you experienced this? Or sae? It's like my body's ability to even feel stress has been exhausted. I'm just hoping I won't die from passing out or something

Yeah pretty sure I have and I'm still here :)