View Full Version : One Side of the Body

08-14-2008, 01:04 PM
Hey guys and gals,

I'm pretty sure that I'm suffering from some moderate to severe anxiety but I still haven't seen a neurologist to confirm that there really isn't something physically wrong with me. Still I feel 95% sure that it is anxiety.

I've looked at "the list" and all the symptoms seem to make sense, but I've only been experiencing them largely on one side of my body, the left. This is curious because when I first started feeling everything around 9 months ago it was only on the right. I don't know when the switch occurred, but now I obsess about sensations on the left side of my body. Is this "normal" for anxiety/panic sufferers?

I also freaked out today because I felt a bubble or twitch, I can't remember, in the left side of my forehead today. Just typing this my hands are drenched in sweat! I hope some of you wise sages out there can help me!

08-14-2008, 07:23 PM

im new to this too, im also in the same boat!
odd eh? i get all the sensations and stuff on my left side, i have an appointment with a cardiologist next month to see about it and make sure im ok!
it is quite odd, im almost sure its anxiety too, but i still obsess over having a heart attack or stroke or something.
ive had almost every symptom on that list. come and go, and seems to come in periods, for example, ill have headaches for two weeks. then chest pain for a week, then shivvery scared feeling for a week, then headaches, then so on and so on!
im having alot trouble sleeping, afraid i wont wake up. i know it sounds stupid but hey!

08-16-2008, 12:56 PM
No offense, but that is encouraging! I have the same kind of cycles, sometimes its a headache, sometimes the tingles, sometimes chest pain, sometimes a feeling of heat in my foot or feet.

The headaches are usually the worst, because it is not the rhythmic symmetrical pounding of a regular headache, but a localized (on the left side) biting pain that makes me feel like I have some sort of brain parasite.

How old are you? I'm only 22, which makes me less inclined to think its some serious brain condition. Still, when I'm in the throes of a bad attack nothing is too outlandish for me to believe!