View Full Version : Jaw chattering

03-31-2015, 12:25 AM
This has happened to me twice now. Earlier today at work I had a PA followed by sweaty palms and chills and chattering of the jaw that was uncontrollable. I also had tightening of the chest that was more in back than in front. Wierd???

03-31-2015, 06:54 PM
This has happened to me twice now. Earlier today at work I had a PA followed by sweaty palms and chills and chattering of the jaw that was uncontrollable. I also had tightening of the chest that was more in back than in front. Wierd???

I think I've had the thing with the jaw. All of this sounds pretty normal for a panic attack. Just think - your body is in a state where it thinks it has to fight off a bear or something! Of course it's going to do weird things afterwards :)