View Full Version : Random attacks

03-30-2015, 07:31 PM
Today at school I really just didn't feel well all day. It was an off day due to testing, everything just felt off. I felt off. I felt really sad all day. I had some pretty intense talks with my friends and things were just weird. I was sitting in band and our director was making some announcements right before he was going to dismiss us and all of a sudden I just didn't feel well, my heart began to race and all I could think was "I gotta get out of here". So I did. I went to the drama hall and started crying in my friend's arms an went through the attack. Got up and went back to the band hall, got hugged by a few more friends who asked what was wrong. I'm finding it easier to talk to people about this, I confided in one of my friends and I feel like he's the first person to just listen and not judge. Things have been hard, but I'm hoping they'll get easier.

03-30-2015, 07:49 PM
Today at school I really just didn't feel well all day. It was an off day due to testing, everything just felt off. I felt off. I felt really sad all day. I had some pretty intense talks with my friends and things were just weird. I was sitting in band and our director was making some announcements right before he was going to dismiss us and all of a sudden I just didn't feel well, my heart began to race and all I could think was "I gotta get out of here". So I did. I went to the drama hall and started crying in my friend's arms an went through the attack. Got up and went back to the band hall, got hugged by a few more friends who asked what was wrong. I'm finding it easier to talk to people about this, I confided in one of my friends and I feel like he's the first person to just listen and not judge. Things have been hard, but I'm hoping they'll get easier.

It is good that you have some close friends. Anxiety is much harder to deal with when you feel totally alone. A good social network is key.

03-30-2015, 07:52 PM
i feel you..its awful when these anxiety attacks hit you in such a public place..I've been there too and can relate..I was in a classroom with 30 people listening to a lecture and the lights were really bright..Suddenly out of nowhere, i started panicking, feeling dizzy and just left and ran to the toilet..I didnt know what had happened, but I was also very unwell at the time with a kidney infection and labyrinthitis which makes you dizzy for weeks..I generally have had GAD most of my adult life though...Its good you opened up to your friends..I didnt do that at the time..