View Full Version : How come some days the anxiety cloud disappears and I feel on top of the world

03-30-2015, 03:26 PM
And my social awkwardness vanishes and I can talk to people and feel the real Lillie escape and be free. And I can laugh and joke and be confident. And then the next day or someone's bitchy remark puts me back into shy insecure me. I wish I could be free all the time but if someone puts me down I feel like maybe they are right maybe I get too cocky and I shouldn't be. But really I'm just being happy and confident. But it reminds me no you are not allowed to be.

Anxiety sucks ass. :-(

03-31-2015, 12:09 AM
And my social awkwardness vanishes and I can talk to people and feel the real Lillie escape and be free. And I can laugh and joke and be confident. And then the next day or someone's bitchy remark puts me back into shy insecure me. I wish I could be free all the time but if someone puts me down I feel like maybe they are right maybe I get too cocky and I shouldn't be. But really I'm just being happy and confident. But it reminds me no you are not allowed to be.

Anxiety sucks ass. :-(

Hi Lilliebelle :)

I know what you mean. People will always make bitchy remarks though so you need to build resilience. You're allowed to be happy and confident - the bitchiness is a reflection of them more than you.

Gypsy x