View Full Version : Anxiety killing me

03-30-2015, 01:46 PM
I have 15 weeks left of this pregnancy & I dont know how I'm gonna make it even one more day. My anxiety is back. Agoraphobia is coming back. I just want to get back on my meds already. I can't though. My mom tells me how bad they are for the baby & I can take them again once I have him.

How? How am I gonna make it? Everyday I feel like a prisoner in my own body. & now I'm becoming depressed because of these feelings.

I seriously don't know what to do. July is a long time away & I can't do this.

03-30-2015, 04:45 PM
I have 15 weeks left of this pregnancy & I dont know how I'm gonna make it even one more day. My anxiety is back. Agoraphobia is coming back. I just want to get back on my meds already. I can't though. My mom tells me how bad they are for the baby & I can take them again once I have him.

How? How am I gonna make it? Everyday I feel like a prisoner in my own body. & now I'm becoming depressed because of these feelings.

I seriously don't know what to do. July is a long time away & I can't do this.

Don't rely on your mom to give you advice on what medications are, or are not, OK for the baby -- unless mom is a doctor. Make an appointment with your ObGyn to discuss what medications you can, or cannot, take while you are pregnant. And while you are there, tell the ObGyn about the feelings that you are having -- and don't "sugar coat" it. Ask for some advice.

You ask "How am I gonna make it"? The answer is you will make it because you are a lot stronger than you think you are. But you should still get some advice from your doctor.

03-30-2015, 06:30 PM
I agree with Kuma. I took Zoloft while I was pregnant (after asking a psychiatrist and a GP).

Hang in there Brooke!

03-31-2015, 04:52 PM
The doctor will need to weigh up what is more important and sometimes your mental health will need to come before slight risks with taking medication. Your baby will be affected more by your stress so if you feel like you can't cope the doctor will be able to give you something I am sure. Look at heroin addicts or alcoholics they can have perfectly healthy babies so a little anxiety tablet shouldn't hurt but see what the doctor says. If you can't they might be able to offer you some therapy or have you tried yoga and meditation? The last thing you want to do when anxious I know but it does really help. X big hugs x

04-01-2015, 11:11 PM
Thank you everyone! My dr took me off work until I deliver because my anxiety. I'm hoping that helps. I still go to school. It's around the corner from my house so it's nice. I've been missing a lot of school just because the easy way out is staying home. But today, I forced myself to go. & I stayed the whole day. I'm proud of myself. I'm just trying to get through one day at a time right now, for once in my life. If things get worse & it comes down to me taking meds, so be it. But for now, I'm trying my hardest to fight this battle alone.