View Full Version : Two accomplishments, maybe

03-30-2015, 11:43 AM
Lets see I have been on a natural high for the last few weeks, like the weight of world has been taken off my shoulders. Friday night I ended up at a dance club, I love to dance, but had no female partner as is often the case, but i trough caution into the ind and put on my boogie shoes and just hit the dance floor had a blast with no anxiety about what anyone thought.

Saturday there was a reunion of a large youth group I was a member of as a child and teenager, I found out about it second hand no one had contacted me, but it was open to all former members. Back in those days I was not part of the in crowd, I always longed to be part of the group but had to be content with looking in from the outside and being left out. I don't know if this was good or bad, but I decided to skip, I longer long to be part of their group and I figured why would I indulge people who made me feel so worthless, and pretend to be enjoy hanging out with them, just did not want to have to be fake with them anymore. So Im not sure if this was an accomplishment or not, but I felt good about it, as I no longer feel that I am worthless because I was not part of the in crowd.

04-04-2015, 05:57 PM
This post is very sweet; it made me smile!

I'm glad that you've been doing good lately! I definitely understand (and I'm sure a lot of others do, too) the feeling of worthlessness from not being part of the in-crowd. It's really not something that's easy to get over. You just need to surround yourself with people who love and care about you. Maybe they're your in-crowd.

I hope things keep going good for you, and keep on dancing :)