View Full Version : Freaking out...stroke symptoms

03-30-2015, 03:57 AM
Hey ladies/gents, ever experience facial numbness, and coincidentally pain the in the left arm, and chest, not all at the same time but over the span of a few days, due to severe anxiety, and think it was a stroke? I am worrying myself to death. :(

03-30-2015, 07:34 AM
These are the same symptoms & worries that I have when I have anxiety. Strokes have run in my family, so I often worry about it.

I don't believe that this was a stroke in your case (and even in mine, but anxiety rids you of all rational thought when it happens).
Numbness & pain in the chest & arms are common symptoms of anxiety. I've spent so much time with Dr Google, that I know this to be true.

Hopefully you can breathe deep & trust that it is your anxiety, not anything life threatening.

I hope you are okay!

03-30-2015, 11:17 AM

Well, not true numbness to the point that I couldn't feel anything. Very frequently had tingles, lack of sensation, pins and needles, and other odd feelings.

During my worst period of health anxiety I died almost everyday of a stroke.

Do some soul searching, reflect on your story, what is causing your fears?

Fear of death?
Fear of changing your quality of life?
No money to support a health condition?
Dieing with regrets?
None of the above?

Only you will know. Over the last few days you have posted a bunch of symptoms, however. Sounds like classic health anxiety. If you cannot find peace while doing your reflection, seeing a doctor may help you ease your mind.

I had to see a few doctors and have a brain MRI before I accepted that I was creating my symptoms.