View Full Version : panic after getting poked by guitar string

03-28-2015, 10:09 PM
so my anxiety has been doing a lot better recently, but today i was playing my guitar and my thumb got pricked by the end of one of my strings. it didn't bleed or anything but now i'm freaking out that i could somehow get some kind of disease. someone please tell me i'm being stupid. i can't stop shaking and i want to cry.

03-28-2015, 10:14 PM
so my anxiety has been doing a lot better recently, but today i was playing my guitar and my thumb got pricked by the end of one of my strings. it didn't bleed or anything but now i'm freaking out that i could somehow get aids. someone please tell me i'm being stupid. i can't stop shaking and i want to cry.

Why would you get AIDS from a guitar string?

You're being silly!! :)

03-28-2015, 10:20 PM
i have no idea. my anxiety is silly and it's so frustrating.

03-28-2015, 11:10 PM
As a guitarist, I have been poked by many, many, many, many, many strings.

I'm aids free!

03-28-2015, 11:20 PM
i have no idea. my anxiety is silly and it's so frustrating.

Well you just won't :) have you calmed down now?

03-28-2015, 11:38 PM
You know, I used to get those weird thoughts from different things. Like, getting an STD from a toilet seat. Just believe us when we tell you, it's not gonna happen.

It's all about training your mind to think properly.

03-29-2015, 03:47 AM
The warped reality anxiety can make you inhabit is a far cry from the real world. Give it a few weeks, look back on this occasion and you'll see how irrational and silly the worry was, but at the time - you panicked. you responded to a normal situation with emotion. So you felt scared, your fight or flight response kicked in and you believed there was danger (when there was none), so you got a shot of adrenaline and other chemicals in your body and you felt worse and probably got a whole host of other symptoms.

You should try and read as much as you can about anxiety, fight or flight response and also Google "changing core beliefs". You can overcome anxiety but you have to go at it tooth and nail and be dedicated to overcoming it.


03-30-2015, 02:24 PM
The warped reality anxiety can make you inhabit is a far cry from the real world. Give it a few weeks, look back on this occasion and you'll see how irrational and silly the worry was, but at the time - you panicked. you responded to a normal situation with emotion. So you felt scared, your fight or flight response kicked in and you believed there was danger (when there was none), so you got a shot of adrenaline and other chemicals in your body and you felt worse and probably got a whole host of other symptoms.

You should try and read as much as you can about anxiety, fight or flight response and also Google "changing core beliefs". You can overcome anxiety but you have to go at it tooth and nail and be dedicated to overcoming it.


I like this post from Ed.

I've poked my thumb with a guitar string before. Boy oh boy is it painful.

03-31-2015, 10:12 AM
Why don't you trim your strings? You're not Tom Morello :P