View Full Version : Did Something New!

03-27-2015, 08:47 AM
So I did something difficult and scary earlier and I didn't expect it to go so well and be so easy.
I go on Facebook everyday, it's my main form of contact with loved ones and friends, and social media is very sort of plastic now a days, it all seems to be about making your life look more amazing and exciting than it actually is. So putting anything real, deep or meaningful up doesn't always get noticed as much.
But I had a really bad morning, crying and freaking out and I decided to put a post after I calmed a little about how I suffer with this extreme anxiety and how difficult mental illness can be, but also that I understand people not knowing how to handle it if they have never experienced it before. Now, I put myself out there to people I would usually pretend to be fine around, I showed that fragile side of me and I tried to do it with pride and dignity as I like who I am as a person. And I asked if anyone else knew or experienced anything related to this illness.
The response I got was fantastic, people who are friends of friends, old school friends I hardly speak to any more responded instantly and shared their experiences and told they too suffer with the emotional and physical pain of fear and panic. I have been offered a sort of help/therapy by an old friend as he works in mental health and I have been given such great advice by many people I thought had their lives all together and coped well. Things are never as they first seem. This website has also given me a fantastic new perspective of a world where people are open about mental illness and work together to help each other get through life.
Whenever you walk past anyone in the street or see a super awesome post on social media by someone who appears to be so lucky and happy, just think maybe they cry themselves to sleep at night, maybe they too struggle but in complete silence. I think that everyone has some form of mental illness, some people have it bad, some people maybe not so much but we all have freak outs and upsets and annoyances that another person can't relate to. The way to get around it really is knowledge, understanding and empathy.
So don't ever be embarrassed or feel like you are a wierdo stuck in a cage whilst everyone else is living. We are living too.
So try your best to speak up about your fears and your strangle little habits and everything that makes you human, more people than you think will back you up and relate! :)

03-27-2015, 09:10 AM
So I did something difficult and scary earlier and I didn't expect it to go so well and be so easy.
I go on Facebook everyday, it's my main form of contact with loved ones and friends, and social media is very sort of plastic now a days, it all seems to be about making your life look more amazing and exciting than it actually is. So putting anything real, deep or meaningful up doesn't always get noticed as much.
But I had a really bad morning, crying and freaking out and I decided to put a post after I calmed a little about how I suffer with this extreme anxiety and how difficult mental illness can be, but also that I understand people not knowing how to handle it if they have never experienced it before. Now, I put myself out there to people I would usually pretend to be fine around, I showed that fragile side of me and I tried to do it with pride and dignity as I like who I am as a person. And I asked if anyone else knew or experienced anything related to this illness.
The response I got was fantastic, people who are friends of friends, old school friends I hardly speak to any more responded instantly and shared their experiences and told they too suffer with the emotional and physical pain of fear and panic. I have been offered a sort of help/therapy by an old friend as he works in mental health and I have been given such great advice by many people I thought had their lives all together and coped well. Things are never as they first seem. This website has also given me a fantastic new perspective of a world where people are open about mental illness and work together to help each other get through life.
Whenever you walk past anyone in the street or see a super awesome post on social media by someone who appears to be so lucky and happy, just think maybe they cry themselves to sleep at night, maybe they too struggle but in complete silence. I think that everyone has some form of mental illness, some people have it bad, some people maybe not so much but we all have freak outs and upsets and annoyances that another person can't relate to. The way to get around it really is knowledge, understanding and empathy.
So don't ever be embarrassed or feel like you are a wierdo stuck in a cage whilst everyone else is living. We are living too.
So try your best to speak up about your fears and your strangle little habits and everything that makes you human, more people than you think will back you up and relate! :)


Yes, express yourself. Here is a practice : when you express, is it in your highest regard for self, or the lowest vibration of fear and desperation - If it is determined the highest and best for self it is from love and light - and will benefit many - that is how your unique gifts are automatically paid forward, you see. From your little corner in your home, you change the world, as you did today.

The question becomes, "what is my highest regard for self?", today the message (you expressed) was love and light, even with fear and desperation as the catalyst. You in this case were not acting on the fear itself, but using it to springboard you into a higher state, which was then acted on.

Since these 'ideas' are difficult to word, I can elaborate if you wish, but i believe that is enough to let the concept sink in.

If you hide, you divide. When you face, you embrace.

Good lessons learned/experienced for your future work - Kawaii.

Empathy, compassion, love, family, togetherness, peace, unity, shared commonality, insight, desire, intent, courage, determination - all of these learned and more added to your bucket today.

Love and light to you.

03-27-2015, 09:32 AM
You have such a fantastic way with words! Great advice and I'm very glad I did it. I already feel stronger and I've faced the day laid back, I have missed being laid back! ^_^