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View Full Version : Socialising In Modern Day Society - My Point of View

03-26-2015, 12:08 PM
That daunting feeling you get when you are on a night out with one or two close friends, your only friends, and you get introduced to countless people in your age group that are in every way better than you…funnier, smarter, better looking, more popular. And as lovely as they may be, you want nothing more than to punch them in those smug faces they have when everyone laughs at their brilliance. In my experience people are overrated. I prefer the company of one other person than I can get on with effortlessly than being surrounded by a crowd of friends.I feel that when lonely, certain people can just make you feel more alone. Do not just accept any company choose wisely. The best joy I can possibly hope for in a day is to sit with one person that brings a smile to my face, have a cup of tea and indulge in an intelligent conversation about something important to both of us.
Most socialising in today’s society takes place on social networking websites where conversations are short and sometimes get taken out of context, expressing human emotion over a chat box is just not possible or satisfying. It’s a breeding ground for ill manners and judging, if you send someone a message and they cannot be bothered it is easier to leave it unread and carry on about your business without even an apology for lack of response. If you comment on some ones status people always feel the constant need to voice every opinion they have ever had, which then in turn causes someone else to judge them for their opinions resulting in deleted comments and uncomfortable silences when in person. Everything is all about likes, for instance, girls take endless pictures and put them on display desperately seeking approval from men. Men put humorous statuses to express problems or worries in none dramatic ways so that people will think they are cool about everything and nothing ever really bothers them. We all do these things at some point. We all need approval or attention it is human nature to want to be appreciated for our better parts after all. People go to so much more effort online than they do actually interacting in real life. Human interaction is very important and healthy, alas, it is so much easier to sit behind a screen and type a five second response whilst multitasking. However, this is good sometimes as you can keep contact with people whilst being busy, as long as you don’t abuse this luxury.
I am most definitely a socially awkward human being, always saying the wrong things and making myself look like a complete idiot. I struggle with communication online as I like to have proper conversations I think I sometimes come across as a desperately lonely person who talks a lot. I don’t think I will ever be chat box savvy which is okay with me as people are too quick to assume in my opinion and they should probably get to know each other in person properly first. The best way to survive social situations that put you out of your comfort zone is to just be comfortable knowing that you know who you are and you know what you mean. That’s all you ever need to know, somebody will always have a problem with that anyway. I have most definitely learnt to always give people the benefit of the doubt at least once, you do not know what they are going through in secret and no one is ever one hundred percent confident, it is a lie.