View Full Version : Not so great

03-25-2015, 06:37 PM
Hello again. Today wasn't necessarily bad, just not too great. I had a band contest today and my reed was not working and the audience was rude and clapped in the middle of the piece, right before my solo. It wasn't awful, it just wasn't up to my standards. Everyone understood the circumstances and said I did a good job. I'm not that bummed and stuff like this usually doesn't bug me. But it does now. I just wish it wasn't like this sometimes. I was up on stage doing what I love and I was afraid that I'd have an attack. I have so much homework to the point of where I don't want to do any of it and just go to sleep. Sometimes my to do list is so long all I can do is stare at it. I have a public performance of my play tomorrow and I just want to cry. I'm starting to feel sad for no reason again and I don't like it. It's not like my depression, it's just unexplained sadness. I'm not one to complain usually about things but I feel rather alone in dealing with all of this. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

03-25-2015, 11:18 PM
Hey alyssum,

I think you are one brave cat getting up on a stage and performing your talents to the world, keep sharing on here and don't let anxiety stop you doing what you love doing, especially if you have a talent for it, you can find a way,
Much love

03-26-2015, 12:44 PM
Hello again. Today wasn't necessarily bad, just not too great. I had a band contest today and my reed was not working and the audience was rude and clapped in the middle of the piece, right before my solo. It wasn't awful, it just wasn't up to my standards. Everyone understood the circumstances and said I did a good job. I'm not that bummed and stuff like this usually doesn't bug me. But it does now. I just wish it wasn't like this sometimes. I was up on stage doing what I love and I was afraid that I'd have an attack. I have so much homework to the point of where I don't want to do any of it and just go to sleep. Sometimes my to do list is so long all I can do is stare at it. I have a public performance of my play tomorrow and I just want to cry. I'm starting to feel sad for no reason again and I don't like it. It's not like my depression, it's just unexplained sadness. I'm not one to complain usually about things but I feel rather alone in dealing with all of this. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

For the past few days I have been feeling this unexplained sadness. For the past few months I have had more anxiety than usual but their was no real reason for the sadness to start. I am usually not a depressed person but i think some loneliness could be a contributing factor. Try and keep your head up.

03-29-2015, 04:29 PM
Same to you. :)