View Full Version : Hermit-ing

03-24-2015, 03:27 PM
I really, really don't want to. I have 2 bad weeks a year. The more time passes the less... well.. crazy they are. This week I am not faring so well. Normally my go to to combat the anniversary week is to seclude myself, not because I am depressed or angry, but because I am volatile and that just isn't fair to anyone around me.

Here in lies the problem. I am seeing someone and we are practically together everyday we aren't at work and rarely apart in the evenings. This week I feel like secludING myself, just until the dreaded day passes on the off chance I break down or say something terribly stupid. While I am sure he would be fine with it I don't want to give the impression that I am trying to get away from him. I know I should just stick it out, take a handle on myself, and conduct myself adsI do the rest of the year. I would like to at least not send perhaps the most amazing person I have ever met running away screaming.
I hate this week... it blows haha. It's like shark week without the cool sharks, but still the same amount of paranoid dramatics.

03-24-2015, 04:21 PM
This entire post should be said to him. Sit him down and explain the issue. Relationships thrive on honesty and sharing. He needs to hear this.

03-24-2015, 05:13 PM
There was a women in my life who had a lot
of anxiety and issues with her past. While her reasoning was different (miscarriage, a degree of social trauma, etc) she would go through bouts where she either pushed me away, or had to seclude herself to get away from her memories when that time of year would come around.

Before she opened up to me how she felt, I would always feel like it was me, and it was very stressful. It also made me feel like I couldn't trust her, I didn't understand why she would withdraw and disappear, and that hurt.

I am not saying my story is one in the same as yours, but there are parallels.

When she finally told me, it was a relief. Sure, it took a bit to process, but I felt closer to her, and it gave me clarity as to what was really going on.

Communication is essential in all areas of life. I am not saying that your significant other feels like I do, but, in order to move forward, communication will need to take place.

03-25-2015, 02:01 AM
Women need to be hermits every month for about a week. I'm not joking! I need to be a hermit more than that but I'm a bit strange :)

Don't feel bad about it.

03-25-2015, 09:12 AM
Well... taking the advice to come clean we talked about it. It went far different than I expected. I was expecting an "oh that's weird but okay" instead he asks how I would feel about taking a journey to the cemetary, just the two of us, on the dreaded day To "cry, curse, kick the headstone, whatever I need".
In some respects we have some commonality. He showed me the scars from being blown up by an IED in Iraq, shared how he treats his everyday as a celebration for still being around. He insists that I have been more than accommodating with his PTSD, why wouldn't he do the same for me? I truly have an amazing support system.

Two One
03-27-2015, 10:15 AM
I did a something similar in early 2014 when my anxiety was severely debilitating. I was a shut in, I never wanted to go out and do anything. It was difficult to carry out simple every day tasks, I had to force myself to do it. The only interaction I had with other people was when my ex-girlfriend came to visit me. It was strange, honestly. I was in my house almost all hours of the day, I grew a gross depression beard. It was pretty cliche now that I think about it.