View Full Version : New Symptom

03-24-2015, 07:43 AM
Has anyone ever experienced a symptom of mental chatter, where you feel like you want to scream, and your inner voice is very loud, also where you are very sensitive to noise? Is this part of anxiety? OCD? PMDD?

03-24-2015, 08:09 AM
Dont try to suppress it, for you have been suppressing most of your life, symbolically the scream would be a release of some energies. But better to get to the bottom of it. Who those voices are. Inner self, or 'real' self, semantics in any case, does not need to overpower, or scream, but is the quiet voice of reason, healing, clarity and intuition.

Has anyone ever experienced a symptom of mental chatter, where you feel like you want to scream, and your inner voice is very loud, also where you are very sensitive to noise? Is this part of anxiety? OCD? PMDD?

Any voice inside that does not feel good is not your own, but the result of ideas told to you about you, that were inherently false, but at that time, you believed, you were forming the self. The inner chatter could be tens of years old, depending on your age.

It seems to you it is your own voice since it originates in your head, and that is the illusion that starts you off on a labeling spree. "I am this or that" "crazy or OCD".

Somewhere early on, you were told who you are rather than encouraged to grow into the real you by encouraging expression of your own uniqueness, talents, and gifts - your OWN VOICE. Rather you were criticized for being you, and those are the voices you hear as chatter. They will not go because they come from your beliefs or facts, ideas about who you are and what you are capable of - and who you are in relation to the rest of the world - and so you judge self by what you say, think and the reactions from others, when in most cases the judgement is cloudy, false and the framework from ideas of others, rather than your own experience.

If this means anything to you, it can change your life dramatically, instantly, if not, than please continue to listen ever so intently to the mind chatter.

Peace be with you (as you produce chatter to your liking, rather than someone elses interpretation of who you should be).

03-24-2015, 08:35 AM
I get the same thing - all the time. Mostly when I'm going to bed, or more oddly, when I have a brush in my hand. Painting, staining, what have you. It's kind of strange (the random, speedy, choppy thoughts when I'm painting). I just go with it. I don't try to fight it, or stop it. I just let it go, because it must be happening for a reason. I've tried to make it stop, by diverting my thoughts, or trying to focus on something else, then the chatter creeps up. Sometimes I can get it to lessen, but it takes a lot out of me.
I do wake up each morning with a song in my head - blaring like I'm wearing BOSE noise cancelling headphones while I'm sleeping. Unfortunately, my mind's jukebox doesn't pick the best songs all the time. :)

OH! techniques I've used that do occasionally distract me from the chatter are:
Counting up to, or down from a number, but doing it in multiples of something. Something more "challenging." Like multiples of 7 or some random number. Start at zero and work your way up. Although, I did manage to get up over 5000 one night.
A mantra or chant in your head. I have one that works, very simple and spiritual.

03-24-2015, 08:53 AM
Spiggot, I wake up with a song too. It can last all day. I would almost rather have that, then this new urge to scream, inside the head, or out loud. I literally have to tell myself, calm down, do not scream. Have you experienced this?

03-24-2015, 09:15 AM
OH yes. I've HAD to do it on occasion - either screaming inside the head or out loud. I recall a couple of times, I just got in my vehicle, started to for a drive and maybe after a few hundred feet, parked, and just belted out a scream - and then continued on. I honestly can't remember if it helped all that much, but it was definitely a release (of course, this is only my experience, is that release helped so much to get rid of the built up tension, anxiety, panic, or chattery thoughts in my head).

I guess what I'm TRYING to say, is that it did work for me, and in retrospect, I don't really know if it helped each time, nor do i know if it would help anyone else.

03-25-2015, 05:24 AM
I've experienced this also, and am pretty sure it can be a symptom of anxiety. I hope I correctly understand what you mean... I'm thinking of those uncontrolled thoughts going around in your head, sometimes not even coherent, or a sort of abstract mind-noise like many thoughts all struggling to get out and then some of them come to the forefront. Absolutely to wanting to scream. I've not screamed aloud but have in my head, and done other things to outwardly try and release it. Being sensitive to noise also. Happens to me when I'm generally stressed out and sometimes when I'm anxious, like some sounds become almost unbearable to listen to, like a tangible tension being pulled through your body, or reactions of the kind you might have listening to nails scraping on a chalkboard (but with many, more ordinary things.)

Not sure about OCD & PMDD, but I imagine they can make it worse, perhaps the latter especially?

Has this been going on for a long time? I think it will pass, or at least ease up a bit. It would probably help to try and let it come as it will if you at all can rather than fight it or try and get away from it - that'll likely make it worse. Maybe some (extra) relaxation technique, or meditation, or exercise that will allow you to observe it while hopefully lowering the anxiety at least a tiny bit? Oh, I find this kind of thing much worse if I'm not sleeping/eating properly, so it helps to do those things. And exercise really can too, for me at least - I am less sensitive to everything or can deal better with the sensitivity afterwards. Also, if your senses are in general intensified, it might help to seek out more pleasurable sense things. Soft calming music, warm baths, certain scents, etc. I hope that you can find something which helps.

03-26-2015, 06:24 AM
Spiggot70, does this come and go for you? Mine just started last week, and I hope it goes away here in the next week. I hope it isn't something I am going to have to live with forever. :(

03-26-2015, 06:29 AM
Spiracle. Thank you for the great response. I feel more normal now. I thought I was the only one in the world with this. It was scary the first day this started. It started last week, almost like a panic attack. I am pretty sure it is related to my anxiety that increases, right before the lovely woman week. That is when my mind chatter happens too. The mind chatter leaves after that hell week is over, I hope this leaves too. It feels like tyretes, where you want to scream out, but I tell myself not to, and I don't. But why did it come? Is it from hormones? I am definitely stressed out, and always try to fight it. I need to learn to not be scared of it, but I am so freaked out about "going crazy", turning "schizophrenic", etc, that I believe I worry so much about symptoms, they try to sneak it. Definitely all symptoms are increased at this time. The perks of being a woman? :( Thank you for the tips on how to let it out. You have been so helpful. You made me feel at ease as soon as I read your message. Did you ever ask a doctor about this symptom? How long have you been dealing with it? Does it come and go?

03-26-2015, 06:40 AM
Also, spiracle, does this anxiety symptom to scream, does it try to interrupt your thoughts? Does it come in and out all day, or stay all day with you?

03-26-2015, 09:58 AM
What you are describing is not schizophrenia. That is very different.

03-26-2015, 04:37 PM
That is a relief to hear, thank you Goomba.