View Full Version : First day back at work after two weeks of time off and ...

03-24-2015, 06:27 AM
Well my doctor recommend me take two weeks leave from work to restart my citalapram program! Everything went well those two weeks and just one major attack! I returned to work yesterday and the entire day went smooth! That is until I got home! My daughter who is 6 was acting up and the wife was having a bad day so all of this turned my day upside down! Got on the treadmill and after that I laid down ! A few minutes later...bang it hits me! Head ache....dizzy....blood pressure 145/98! Same thing as they use to be! I relaxed waited it out the best I could until my bp hit 178/109 and I finally gave in and popped my klonozipram! Within 10 minutes it dropped back down and I returned to my calm self! Haven't done therapy yet but I may have to! Others say let the citalapram takes its course as well as I use to have these 3 times a week now it's one every 7-10 days

03-24-2015, 07:09 AM
Well my doctor recommend me take two weeks leave from work to restart my citalapram program! Everything went well those two weeks and just one major attack! I returned to work yesterday and the entire day went smooth! That is until I got home! My daughter who is 6 was acting up and the wife was having a bad day so all of this turned my day upside down! Got on the treadmill and after that I laid down ! A few minutes later...bang it hits me! Head ache....dizzy....blood pressure 145/98! Same thing as they use to be! I relaxed waited it out the best I could until my bp hit 178/109 and I finally gave in and popped my klonozipram! Within 10 minutes it dropped back down and I returned to my calm self! Haven't done therapy yet but I may have to! Others say let the citalapram takes its course as well as I use to have these 3 times a week now it's one every 7-10 days

Read my response to the OP in the following thread (link below), and apply its (overall) message personally to you and your life, your relationship dynamics, work, money, and so forth. You must establish a sense of self. Use what you have been given, your unique gifts, express, and explore (recognize) opportunities - Your life is not limited, or 'confined' as you feel it to be. These 'attacks' you experience are this sense of confinement, as you endeavor to 'break free' from them. And you do know what I mean, you can 'feel' it.

Unfortunately, i can only post so much, because they are not frivolous posts and take much energy, but usually many people share a common 'theme' or issue, so a good post will act as a blanket, covering many of them. You can go on and read some of my other posts as well over the past six months or so, to find one that 'hits home'. The body will normalize when the psyche has had its day, its expression, and not continually suppressing the true self.


03-24-2015, 09:40 AM
Thanks a lot! I know medication is just a blanket as is therapy! The true healer is myself! I'm currently studying yoga and meditation to become closer with my thoughts and my bodies process

03-24-2015, 09:52 AM
Thanks a lot! I know medication is just a blanket as is therapy! The true healer is myself! I'm currently studying yoga and meditation to become closer with my thoughts and my bodies process

Do this (any method) with the intent of getting at your belief system, raising to the surface whats needed to examine and get rid of, release, change - Your (false) ideas about who you are - So dont use these practices as a means of hiding under them, you see. Or with some distorted sense that these calming techniques will somehow eradicate every false idea you have about yourself. That is self-work. True inner work. When a false idea is recognized, released, healed, and ultimately changed, then the rituals like yoga etc and meditation would be of more use, to go deeper into the self once the sludge is cleared. They wont in themselves clear it out. Thats emotional work.

In those times of high anxiety, so to speak, when the pressure is up, those are the 'pure' times of raw emotion, when the beliefs are at the surface (causing the condition). And so those are 'positive' times, when they are exposed. You can get at them. Next time you begin to feel these emotions, ask "what am i feeling", "why am i feeling this" " what am i to learn about myself", and watch for words, impulse thoughts, (stray thoughts), and pictures moving through the imagination as memories, that may show the inception of the false idea or belief in your life.

The body is feeling what has been suppressed (mentally) in any case, often over a period of years. The spikes in pressure, etc. The blood pressure is like a cooker that rises and can take no more, this is what suppressed emotions or buried emotions will do. The energies related to beliefs and stored (blocked) emotions must be released. Expressed. Understood. Then the body can stabilize, on its own.