View Full Version : Panic all day!

08-13-2008, 01:42 PM
Hello everyone,

I've have been struggling lately with my anxiety to the point of confining myself to my room and even then I'm uncomfortable. I have had anxiety on and off for about 12 years now but at this very moment it seems unrelenting. I experience symptoms all day long (dizziness, feels like im watching life through movie screen, heart racing, lose of appitite, cant focus) This new relapse started in may. I was able to fight it until this month where it has been overwhelming I'm just started taking Paxil 12.5mg and have found that it may have made it worse. I have battled these demons before but for some reason I cannot convince myself that this is anxiety. I'm constantly thinking of ways to get to the ER for an evaluation. It's horrible

Does anyone else experience this all day long and if so, how do I overcome this? I feel completly traped in my own body.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated


08-13-2008, 03:10 PM
Yes, I did suffer from that quite a bit. What are you doing to keep yourself occupied? It doesn't seem to be working. Try something that you really enjoy that will bring you some comfort. Get out of your head, distract your thoughts. I did a lot of reading since that's what I enjoy the most. I picked books that were more positive, without violence or doom and gloom. But whatever you enjoy is important.

Are you currently doing any type of relaxation technique? I found that it was easier to calm myself once my body was calm. A progressive muscle relaxation technique may help. It is difficult to do at first but does make a difference. It is harder for the body to react to panic if it is relaxed and calm.

Hang in there!

08-15-2008, 02:50 AM
I found that when I first started taking medication it made things worse for about a week maybe.

08-15-2008, 06:12 AM
i've had 24.7 panic too, confined to my house, can't be with people, can't function. i can't take meds either and i have really weird thoughts.

you are suffering anxiety, look at the stresses in your life and if you can distract do so. i can't always either and sometimes if feel like i can't get through another minute or i'm dying.

relaxation is a good idea as the person previously posted. try positive things although i know it is not easy.


08-15-2008, 10:31 AM
Just an update on my situation.....I had to check myself into the ER on Thursday morning. I couldn't take it any more. Of course everything is fine. They did an EKG, check my blood and did a check x-ray. I am a bit parinod about my chest. I had major surgery on my right lung because of a cyst that was found about two years ago. I was in ICU for 2 weeks on that occation

Still with that said, I really feel lost right now. I'm still having headaches and dizziness all day lack of appitite as well. This has been a really horrible month. I've decided however to make a constant ever to stay positive and try and do things that I would otherwise have trouble doing. I have a dinner date tonight and plan to make the best of it.

Im still struggling. Ill let you all know. Thank you for the positive words.


08-17-2008, 08:02 AM
Ladies / guys. Realize this is 99%in the head, manifesting as physical symptoms.

Doesn't help when it's happening does it? No, I know. I'm having a rough time right now as well.

You MUST analyze your fears though. So you have a panic attack. Then what? You might have to go to the ER, then what? What's the fear here? Death?

If death is the fear, then life must also be the fear for in death there is no more anxiety. Cool ha? When your dead, the anxiety is gone. So death is actually in our favor. Not saying to go kill yourself, but sort of gives you something to look forward to ha?

Do you drink caffine? Chocolate? If so, get off these immediately. The first thing to do is eliminate anyting your putting in your body and start fresh from square one with whole, natuaral foods. Eggs, chicken, proteins and complex carbohydrates.

I was 90% raw for almost a year. This killed me and I'm back with the depression and anxiety again. So I start on the diet stated above, fresh veggies as well, which I blend with water as I hate eating them but plenty of protein such as cottage cheese, eggs will help your brain immensely.

Do not listen to the BS that eggs are bad and all that. The low fat diet is KILLING people in the form of what this forum is all about. And I would say 80% of it is rooted in lack of amino's and other nutrients which are VOID in the Standard American Diet.

Antoher tip: Any food in a box is DEAD. Eat DEAD, be DEAD. Eat live fresh foods and thrive.

That's all for now. Think people, think about somehting like the above, and I guarantee while your reading what I just wrote you wont be focused on your anxiety. Think about that as well.
