View Full Version : First day back at work after two weeks of time off and ...

03-24-2015, 05:44 AM
Well my doctor recommend me take two weeks leave from work to restart my citalapram program! Everything went well those two weeks and just one major attack! I returned to work yesterday and the entire day went smooth! That is until I got home! My daughter who is 6 was acting up and the wife was having a bad day so all of this turned my day upside down! Got on the treadmill and after that I laid down ! A few minutes later...bang it hits me! Head ache....dizzy....blood pressure 145/98! Same thing as they use to be! I relaxed waited it out the best I could until my bp hit 178/109 and I finally gave in and popped my klonozipram! Within 10 minutes it dropped back down and I returned to my calm self! Haven't done therapy yet but I may have to! Others say let the citalapram takes its course as well as I use to have these 3 times a week now it's one every 7-10 days