View Full Version : A good day

03-23-2015, 09:00 PM
I feel like posting something daily on here will help, maybe just a little bit. I didn't have an anxiety attack today (yay), I felt like I was close to having one, so maybe I'm learning how to control it a little better. I talked to one of my friends today who told me she had anxiety attacks freshman year. I don't feel as alone anymore because two of my other friends said they've experienced them too. I guess the universe has a way of smiling on me from time to time. I asked my best friend to be "my person" to go to whenever I have an attack, he said yes of course and I don't know if he'll really help me at all, but knowing that I have someone here for me is always a comfort. Best wishes to all my fellow anxiety warriors, we're in this together, whether we like it or not. ;)

03-24-2015, 02:31 AM
I feel like posting something daily on here will help, maybe just a little bit. I didn't have an anxiety attack today (yay), I felt like I was close to having one, so maybe I'm learning how to control it a little better. I talked to one of my friends today who told me she had anxiety attacks freshman year. I don't feel as alone anymore because two of my other friends said they've experienced them too. I guess the universe has a way of smiling on me from time to time. I asked my best friend to be "my person" to go to whenever I have an attack, he said yes of course and I don't know if he'll really help me at all, but knowing that I have someone here for me is always a comfort. Best wishes to all my fellow anxiety warriors, we're in this together, whether we like it or not. ;)

That's great :) posting on here can help a lot. I used to just log on an read posts and that made me feel better. Anxiety hates company!

03-24-2015, 04:27 AM
Great to hear you're doing well. Best wishes for the future!