View Full Version : wondering if any one else gets these symptoms.

08-13-2008, 05:04 AM
for about the last week ive been feeling a bit weird..like im not even anxious and i feel like im gonna vomit even tho nothings wrong, i feel dizzy and light headed sometimes, and also i get this stupid feeling like when i look at something my eyes jolt in another direction and make like a zap noise..the dizziness if kinda scaring me seeing im not feeling that anxious or anything..and recently ive been drinking the last couple of nights and been getting bad mood swings and thinkto think ive got schizofrenia (spelling )..if any one whos experienced these things can post here it would be quiote comforting..thanks:)

08-19-2008, 10:53 PM
I feel you.

the feeling like you are going to vomit thing happens to me a lot. It's not exactly nausea like when you have a virus or something, it's just like this weird panicking nausea that NEVER really makes you vomit.

the dizziness/eye jolt is super super common. it's all about being unable to focus your thoughts, your sight, feeling out of control.

I don't think you should assume you have schizophrenia, that's a whole other story. Bad mood swings can be a result of your frustration with all of these symptoms and the feeling of being unable to relate them to other people, feeling trapped. The eye jolt is especially disturbing to me. It always gets me really worked up and often brings on the dizziness and nausea if it wasn't already there.

you are going to be fine. you just have to figure out how to distract yourself and calm down when you have those symptoms.