View Full Version : I write a lot

03-22-2015, 08:07 PM
I got in to the hobby of writing about two years ago when I was a freshman. It was a way for me to get out my frustrations with people or myself when I had no one to talk to. It was stupid little things sometimes, like monologues about a guy I liked or a diary entry about how the day had gone. I wrote when I was depressed for awhile a lot but for some reason I just can't seem to find the right words for anything now. I feel like even if I did have someone to talk to I couldn't talk about my anxiety. I cry a lot when I think about it. When my friend asks me if I've gotten help or if I'm going to see a counselor I feel helpless, like no matter what I try nothing is going to help. I know this is a bad mind set and I know that in the past things have gotten better. I'm no longer depressed like I was last year. But I never took medication for that or saw a counselor. I've been a little sad lately, just not depressed, which is good I guess. Mostly I'm afraid, and I guess by confirming that there is a problem I do feel a little better. Does anyone else write as a treatment for their anxiety? Does it help you? What's your best way of treating your anxiety?

03-22-2015, 10:33 PM
Writing has always been my go to as well. There are times, however, words fail me. I try instead fiction. Sometimes taking the "me" out of a thought makes it easier to write about. When even fiction fails me I will go to painting/drawing. My most intimate thoughts are often buried in the muted hues of some fantasy landscape. All of these help immensely, make the world around me make a little more sense, or less frightening. If you don't paint give it a try. Like Bob Ross says, there are no mistakes, only happy accidents. Painting is far more forgiving than the mind can ever be.

03-22-2015, 10:35 PM
Oh my goodness. YES. I write journal entries every single day, even if there's nothing to write about or it's always of me being tired of having anxiety.