View Full Version : Hi, if possible can anyone give me advise? Thanks

03-22-2015, 07:16 PM
As of late (last year) Ive been going down hill emotinally. I feel like im falling apart and dont know what to do.
I never really knew what anxiety was until recently, as my girl friend has it. I also realised that I have it too.
Both social and normal anxiety. My anxiety is getting worse and worse, I hate talking to people, I think everyone is out to get me,
that everyone hates me and are talking about me behind my back. If someone looks at me a bit too long, I get really angry and
paranoid that they are thinking bad about me. Ive become extremely emotional having break downs at work where I end up running
away crying. I never cry, I really dont know what to do. Ive also developed a tick/twitch which I have very often throughout the day.
At first it was only when I had negative thoughts, but now I do it even without thinking, and sometimes it can be quite violent movements.
Feels like I`m going crazy. I live with my GF and shes noticed ive changed alot, very moody and angry alot. Even the smallest thing can set me off.
When I get upset, I tend to hit myself, or punch walls or headbut doors. I dont like doing it but I cant help it, its becoming a daily thing. I come to work
with cut knuckles, very hard to hide. I hate my job and where I live and the people I work with. The only thing I feel like I can do that makes me happy, is skateboarding and playing guitar or writing poems. But recently even these things dont make me happy as much as it used to. Sorry this is so long winded, so much has been on my mind and I really feel like im losing it, and I feel its time I reached out. Please if you have time, reply, please help me :(

03-22-2015, 07:33 PM
I can relate to this a lot. I feel exactly same as you, I also have hobbies that I love but struggle to focus on them any more as I randomly start crying. If you maybe need to talk at all, even if it's just about random crap (I feel this helps me slightly) then I will gladly be of service!