View Full Version : Neurologist vs Psychiatrist

08-12-2008, 03:16 PM
Hey yall, new member here. I have been dealing with anxiety for a few years now. Along with it came some physical problems, such as a bum stomach, muscle twitches, dizzy spells etc... I do firmly believe that many of these physical ailments are a cause or result of this anxiety.

Ive been to a doc before and he put me on zoloft, as well as gave me klonopin, "as needed." I was on the zoloft for about a year, but it was not really doing anything for me, so I took myself off it. The klonopin did do its job however, so I will still take those once in a while, "as needed" of course.

It has been about a year since I was at the doc, and was on the zoloft. I want to go back to see someone, however I do not know where I should head first, hence the title of this thread.

If I want to find out if these muscle twitches and such are a result of nerves and anxiety, should I see a neurologist first? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

08-12-2008, 07:20 PM
If you go see another MD (either GP or psychiatrist), you will just be put back on more SSRIs. If this is a route that you are comfortable with, then you can try a different med. Just keep in mind that you might experience the same or worse on another medication. And, as pretty much ANYONE will tell you, medication is never really a solution. If you REALLY want to see someone, a therapist might be your best bet. Just keep in mind that SO many therapists out there are completely worthless, and will just drain you of cash. As I always say, you might have to see several before you find one who can actually help you.