View Full Version : Panic after moderate exercise :(

03-21-2015, 11:21 PM
Ok, so I wrote out an extensive thread on this topic earlier today and apparently I didn't submit it correctly, so all was lost :(. However, I wanted to get this out here to see if anyone else has experience with this. Yesterday I tried some light-moderate exercise again after being sedentary all winter. I hopped on an exercise bike and pedaled for a short period of time. After I got off the bike, I noticed I felt a little queasy. This was probably partially due to the fact I had eaten a greasy breakfast shortly beforehand. I was also naturally a little hot, sweaty, and had my heart rate up. Suddenly a fear hit me.. One of those "something doesn't feel right, oh no!" Kind of moments. I tried to distract myself with something else but it was too late, suddenly my heart rate was through the roof and I was in a terrifying full blown panic attack.

Ive had exams done on my heart just to rule that out.. But to put a very long story short, I've been told in a round about way that my heart is fine, however I am still waiting on "official" results due to my cardiologist going on maternity leave (just my luck) shortly after my exams were completed, and another doctor took over my case. I've had a hell of a time trying to obtain my results. It is ridiculous. A doctor still hasn't signed off on them to be released, and the medical staff won't tell me my results for fear of losing their job, though they keep trying to hint to me that all is fine, and that if something was wrong, the doctor would have contacted me because she already reviewed my tests. I'm about to take legal action to get my damn results

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing before with exercising? All I know is it is awfully frightening. I've missed exercising so much, I used to be so active. Now it just seems like one more thing that I can't do anymore.

03-21-2015, 11:43 PM
Ok, so I wrote out an extensive thread on this topic earlier today and apparently I didn't submit it correctly, so all was lost :(. However, I wanted to get this out here to see if anyone else has experience with this. Yesterday I tried some light-moderate exercise again after being sedentary all winter. I hopped on an exercise bike and pedaled for a short period of time. After I got off the bike, I noticed I felt a little queasy. This was probably partially due to the fact I had eaten a greasy breakfast shortly beforehand. I was also naturally a little hot, sweaty, and had my heart rate up. Suddenly a fear hit me.. One of those "something doesn't feel right, oh no!" Kind of moments. I tried to distract myself with something else but it was too late, suddenly my heart rate was through the roof and I was in a terrifying full blown panic attack.

Ive had exams done on my heart just to rule that out.. But to put a very long story short, I've been told in a round about way that my heart is fine, however I am still waiting on "official" results due to my cardiologist going on maternity leave (just my luck) shortly after my exams were completed, and another doctor took over my case. I've had a hell of a time trying to obtain my results. It is ridiculous. A doctor still hasn't signed off on them to be released, and the medical staff won't tell me my results for fear of losing their job, though they keep trying to hint to me that all is fine, and that if something was wrong, the doctor would have contacted me because she already reviewed my tests. I'm about to take legal action to get my damn results

Has anyone else experienced this kind of thing before with exercising? All I know is it is awfully frightening. I've missed exercising so much, I used to be so active. Now it just seems like one more thing that I can't do anymore.

Hey there :)

I guess your mind mistook the rapid heart rate from the exercise with anxious heart rate and went off on its own tangent. Exercise bikes are a pretty intense form of cardio I reckon - I've got one but I prefer walking. If you've been inactive for a while it might've been a bit much to start with. I injured my leg on the damn exercise bike last year and the physio recommended I start walking instead. You could try that.

Gypsy x

03-22-2015, 06:12 PM
It happens to me to! It's that rapid heartbeat syndrome man! Don't let it get to you! Exercise is great and a great way to kill stress! When I feel anxiety building my first place is the weight room and my treadmill! Trust me if your heart had issues they would have called asap! This is coming from a guy who had a techicardia back in December!