View Full Version : Thanks and Sorry

08-12-2008, 01:54 PM
Hi All

That may seem like a strange title but hopefully this will clear things up.

I will start with my story and keep it brief so as not to bore you guys. Hopefully it may also offer some encouragement.

I first started to feel anxiety symptoms at the start of my third and final year at university so that was around November 2006. At first and for a good few months I had no idea what was going on and I spent a couple of months going through the 'Have I got a brain tumour etc' thing. Probably around January 2007 I was able to finally realise that I was suffering from anxiety although it took some convincing for me to realise this. Unfortunately by this time it was too late and the symptoms had got very bad. My main symptoms back then were extreme tiredness, a lightheaded feeling, blurry / foggy vision and a crackling neck / head. By February I was in the thick of it with coursework which being in the final year was very important. It was getting to the stage where I had about two pieces due in every week from the start of feb to the end of march. I was so tired and couldnt study as I could hardly read the text. I was so close to giving up and ver very nearly quit uni. But I didnt. I said to myself that even if I get a bad grade I would complete the course. That way I could say to myself that I never gave up. I did this and through sheer determination I managed to finish the coursework and my final exams. When my grade came through I was expecting the worst. But I got a first class degree - the highest possible.

Now I am not here to brag but just to offer encouragement. You CAN achieve whatever you want despite this horrible problem. No matter how bad you are. During my graduation ceremony I could hardly see because of the vision problems but I did'nt show it and I made my familly and myself so proud. Just remember you can achieve what normal people can.

Any way now I have been out of uni for more than a year and I am in a steady job. However I still feel the symptoms badly and today was very bad. To make it worse my mind seems locked on the problem and I seem to want to remind myself that I have symptoms which of course is not the case. All of this thinking makes the symptoms worse but I am still here and still going....and you can too.

Next year in June I plan to leave to travel the world for a year. I know there is a good chance I will have these symptoms but I am going to do it anyway and I refuse to give in.

S9o back to the title of the post! When I first had these problems I posted on here a lot and still do sometimes. And I want to say sorry for only posting my troubles and not really getting around to replying to other people's posts asking for help. I am so sorry for this and I feel so guilty - which is why I posted my story - to hopefully offer you guys some encouragement and belief.

I really hope I have been able to help.

Take Care and feel free to contact me at any time.
