View Full Version : Separation anxiety

03-21-2015, 08:49 PM
I have really bad anxiety when my mom goes out of town. & tomorrow, she'll be 2 hours away until Monday night :(

How do I deal with this? I keep begging her not to go.. But that won't do anything. The last time she went away, I was on my meds & I got so wasted, I didn't even realize she wasn't home.

She told me once she gets back, she won't leave me again this whole pregnancy. But that doesn't get me through 2 days & 1 night without her.

Suggestions please :(

03-22-2015, 02:13 PM
I get this. I still slog through separation anxiety from time to time(funny thought, a shut in that can't handle being alone).

Mine was at its worst after my heart attacks. I couldn't handle the idea of dying alone. I would literally adhere myself to anyone to prevent it. Then my husband passed away about 6 months after my last heart attack and suddenly I was truly alone.
What helped me was immersing myself in something to take my thoughts away from idling around in anxiety hotspots. I took up painting again, learning the stock market, took a few free online no credit college courses, I stayed busy. After a time being alone sort of became the status quo and it was less frightening.
I would recommend keeping your mind occupied elsewhere until your mother returns as a quick fix. Long term, maybe choosing times to be alone just to prove to yourself you will be okay couldn't hurt. Besides, a little alone time is about to go out the window once the kid is born. There is great peace in silence sometimes.