View Full Version : Starting Lexapro today, PLEASE HELP.

Cody Storch
03-21-2015, 03:30 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety that doesn't allow me to leave my house and causes physical pain for about 2 years, and it came on suddenly.

The last time I tried medication (shortly after this all started) I ended up in the ER. About 6 hours after taking it, I felt so spaced out, my chest was tight, and similar feelings to when I had tried the drug MDMA when I was young (Music sounded different, extremely sensitive to touch) < that side effect scared me the most. I would space out and not remember where I was for brief moments. I only ever took one pill, ended up going to the ER because of my panic. The thing is, I also got in a huge argument with my alcoholic mother that day, so it could have just been a panic attack? But I know those feelings / symptoms were not ONLY panic, but definitely contributed to it.

Anyway, here I am, 2 years later, 100% ready to end my own life. I need something, and I'm praying that this works. I only took 1/4th of a 5mg pill about an hour ago, and I am already starting to feel off / hazy and out of touch with reality. Is that even enough to cause symptoms like this. I need support. Can someone tell me this will get better and when, or is most of this just in my head? I am terrified but if I stop this medication I will lose all hope in my life. My chest feels tight, my brain feels foggy, I'm feeling that "mdma" feeling again. I don't know what to do, this is my last chance at life.

Has anyone had success with this drug? My anxiety is literally an 11/10, I have so many fears about this drug but I am so close to ending my life if it doesnt work.

Cody Storch
03-21-2015, 04:50 PM
Anyone? Please.

My eyes keep rolling in the back of my head, and my arms and legs feel very weird / heavy / sensitive when I move them in any way. It's a very similar feeling to MDMA. Will this continue? Or should I stop taking this?!

03-21-2015, 05:23 PM
Anyone? Please.

My eyes keep rolling in the back of my head, and my arms and legs feel very weird / heavy / sensitive when I move them in any way. It's a very similar feeling to MDMA. Will this continue? Or should I stop taking this?!

Call the doctor - I have never heard of that reaction or had any problems with my Lexapro. Go to ER if you need to, eyes rolling back doesnt sound good

03-21-2015, 05:26 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety that doesn't allow me to leave my house and causes physical pain for about 2 years, and it came on suddenly.

The last time I tried medication (shortly after this all started) I ended up in the ER. About 6 hours after taking it, I felt so spaced out, my chest was tight, and similar feelings to when I had tried the drug MDMA when I was young (Music sounded different, extremely sensitive to touch) < that side effect scared me the most. I would space out and not remember where I was for brief moments. I only ever took one pill, ended up going to the ER because of my panic. The thing is, I also got in a huge argument with my alcoholic mother that day, so it could have just been a panic attack? But I know those feelings / symptoms were not ONLY panic, but definitely contributed to it.

Anyway, here I am, 2 years later, 100% ready to end my own life. I need something, and I'm praying that this works. I only took 1/4th of a 5mg pill about an hour ago, and I am already starting to feel off / hazy and out of touch with reality. Is that even enough to cause symptoms like this. I need support. Can someone tell me this will get better and when, or is most of this just in my head? I am terrified but if I stop this medication I will lose all hope in my life. My chest feels tight, my brain feels foggy, I'm feeling that "mdma" feeling again. I don't know what to do, this is my last chance at life.

Has anyone had success with this drug? My anxiety is literally an 11/10, I have so many fears about this drug but I am so close to ending my life if it doesnt work.

Cody - call the crisis hotline in your area

03-21-2015, 05:27 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety that doesn't allow me to leave my house and causes physical pain for about 2 years, and it came on suddenly.

The last time I tried medication (shortly after this all started) I ended up in the ER. About 6 hours after taking it, I felt so spaced out, my chest was tight, and similar feelings to when I had tried the drug MDMA when I was young (Music sounded different, extremely sensitive to touch) < that side effect scared me the most. I would space out and not remember where I was for brief moments. I only ever took one pill, ended up going to the ER because of my panic. The thing is, I also got in a huge argument with my alcoholic mother that day, so it could have just been a panic attack? But I know those feelings / symptoms were not ONLY panic, but definitely contributed to it.

Anyway, here I am, 2 years later, 100% ready to end my own life. I need something, and I'm praying that this works. I only took 1/4th of a 5mg pill about an hour ago, and I am already starting to feel off / hazy and out of touch with reality. Is that even enough to cause symptoms like this. I need support. Can someone tell me this will get better and when, or is most of this just in my head? I am terrified but if I stop this medication I will lose all hope in my life. My chest feels tight, my brain feels foggy, I'm feeling that "mdma" feeling again. I don't know what to do, this is my last chance at life.

Has anyone had success with this drug? My anxiety is literally an 11/10, I have so many fears about this drug but I am so close to ending my life if it doesnt work.

Cody - call the crisis hotline in your area right away.....

03-21-2015, 08:28 PM
I have been suffering with anxiety that doesn't allow me to leave my house and causes physical pain for about 2 years, and it came on suddenly.

The last time I tried medication (shortly after this all started) I ended up in the ER. About 6 hours after taking it, I felt so spaced out, my chest was tight, and similar feelings to when I had tried the drug MDMA when I was young (Music sounded different, extremely sensitive to touch) < that side effect scared me the most. I would space out and not remember where I was for brief moments. I only ever took one pill, ended up going to the ER because of my panic. The thing is, I also got in a huge argument with my alcoholic mother that day, so it could have just been a panic attack? But I know those feelings / symptoms were not ONLY panic, but definitely contributed to it.

Anyway, here I am, 2 years later, 100% ready to end my own life. I need something, and I'm praying that this works. I only took 1/4th of a 5mg pill about an hour ago, and I am already starting to feel off / hazy and out of touch with reality. Is that even enough to cause symptoms like this. I need support. Can someone tell me this will get better and when, or is most of this just in my head? I am terrified but if I stop this medication I will lose all hope in my life. My chest feels tight, my brain feels foggy, I'm feeling that "mdma" feeling again. I don't know what to do, this is my last chance at life.

Has anyone had success with this drug? My anxiety is literally an 11/10, I have so many fears about this drug but I am so close to ending my life if it doesnt work.

Hi Cody,

1/4 of 5mg Lexapro is not enough to cause that kind of reaction. I'm on 20mg and have been on 40mg.

Sounds like you need some kind of sedative like a benzodiazepine.

Do you have anyone at home with you? Or someone you can call?

Hang in there..
Gypsy x

03-21-2015, 09:17 PM
Just breathe. The pill is not making you feel any way. You are bringing it on by expecting it to change the way you feel. I was given xanax .25 mg until my anxiety med kicked in. I've been in your place before. I was so afraid to take meds. It'll take a couple days of taking it until you realize it's not harming you. Hang in there. I know the feeling.

03-21-2015, 11:46 PM
You need to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of extreme situational anxiety and panic attacks. I know you probably recognize what the symptoms of those things are, but the line between knowing them and expecting them to be something more sinister is probably increasingly blurred.

Taking new meds is always very difficult. They can increase your anxiety a little due to their mechanisms, and due to the psychosomatic fears related to taking them.

It will probably be a fairly difficult start up, but you need to stick with it. Taking a tiny bit of SSRI won't kill you (unless you're allergic, but that's incredibly rare). If you're very scared, stay with family for the duration of start-up. That way you can let go of some of your fears knowing if anything did happen (which it won't), they're there to take care of you.

The symptoms you went to ER with last time are horrible, really horrible, but can be part of start up. I remember feeling them too, and yes, they were so horrible I went and got an emergency doctors appointment the next day after feeling them. But panicking at the first sign of extreme anxiety won't make you feel better. You just have to buckle up and cross the days off of your calendar until the meds kick in.

Just think, in a couple of weeks, your anxiety levels could be more than halved.

Jill Rs
03-25-2015, 07:44 AM
I feel for you!! Hang in there, it is the meds. kicking in. You will have all kinds of symptoms everyday and they can be terrifying but rest assured they are not gonna kill you. I had a frightening first few days on Lexapro and was so scared I couldn't do anything but sit on the couch trying to calm my breathing for 3 days. Once I went from 5mg to 10 mg it was instantly better. I could not believe it considering how the low dose made me feel but the higher dose was the magic number and from then on things started to really get better. Hang in there, you can do this!!!!

03-25-2015, 09:09 AM
Hey Cody are you there...worried about you, check in if you can.

03-26-2015, 02:04 PM
Lexapro was a lifesaver for me. Took awhile to kick in, but completely and utterly saved me. Went from daily panic attacks to a successful and fulfilling life. Have been on 15mg a day for 3 years and would never look back.

Taking a small dose would NEVER cause the feelings you had. It's 100% anxiety, pure and simple, and if there are tiny side effects they will subside in days.

Hang in there.

Cody Storch
03-28-2015, 01:56 PM
Thank you all for the suggestions and help.

I lasted through the day, and didn't feel any panic symptoms at all. However, the pill made me feel extremely disconnected from reality even at such a small dose?.. I was also unable to display emotions (cry / get angry) by the end of the day... I NEVER feel like that even in the worst panic attack, so it had to be the meds, but how is that even possible??

I wasn't really anxious as I have had so many awful panic attacks in the last year that I have learned to cope. However, I started thinking about the side effects and if I were to "feel that way forever" and stopped taking it. Why is no one reacting to this mediciation like this?

Anyway, I'm hoping that I can naturally recover through diet, exersize, and therapy. Is that just wishful thinking on my part, or really a possibility?

Thank you to anyone replying.

03-28-2015, 05:19 PM
Thank you all for the suggestions and help.

I lasted through the day, and didn't feel any panic symptoms at all. However, the pill made me feel extremely disconnected from reality even at such a small dose?.. I was also unable to display emotions (cry / get angry) by the end of the day... I NEVER feel like that even in the worst panic attack, so it had to be the meds, but how is that even possible??

I wasn't really anxious as I have had so many awful panic attacks in the last year that I have learned to cope. However, I started thinking about the side effects and if I were to "feel that way forever" and stopped taking it. Why is no one reacting to this mediciation like this?

Anyway, I'm hoping that I can naturally recover through diet, exersize, and therapy. Is that just wishful thinking on my part, or really a possibility?

Thank you to anyone replying.

YEs, it is possible. Many people have done it with diet, exersize, and therapy. Give it a try trial run and see.

03-28-2015, 07:41 PM
It's possible for you to recover without medication :) but side-effects from SSRIs are pretty common within the first few weeks. If you want to be on them, try and stick it out and call your doctor if they're especially troubling.

03-29-2015, 12:00 AM
Look into a book called the mood cure by julia ross. Also, SSRIS target serotonin and that may not be what needs adjusting in some. There are other neurotransmitters such as dopamine that could need boosting. Working on serotonin when dopamine is actually low will further lower dopamine and make you feel worse. It is all about finding what your body needs. My vote is try using supplements. Tryptophan, 5htp, and Saint Johns wort for serotonin and tyrosine, theanine, and DLPA for dopamine.

03-29-2015, 03:44 AM
Your response to the medication is purely anxiety related - I can guarantee that. i had similar experiences when I tried medication. Yes some feel like weak MDMA because they affect similar parts of the brain to that substance. i felt like I was strung out on cheap X all day long when I tried SSRI's.

If you're feeling suicidal you should speak to your Dr about speaking to a therapist/counsellor.
