View Full Version : COping in high school?

08-11-2008, 10:30 PM
how do i cope in class (high school) when i can't do anything about my problem? I can't use electronic devices like an ipod, or be rude to my teachers. If you could give me advice or links to sites with good methods, id very much appreciate it. thanks

08-12-2008, 12:02 PM
I suffered through anxiety through high school, but didn't have the advantage of understanding it at that time. I know that I just wanted to feel "normal" and I didn't want to draw attention to myself. Those are still my goals, 13 years later, so my coping strategies should apply to your situation.

Diaphragmatic breathing is essential. You can do it anywhere. I find that I have to count while I breathe in and out, making my breaths progressively longer.

If I need to duck out of the situation, I head to a stall in the bathroom. Sometimes I just have to let the anxiety hit me hard, because fighting it just takes such a huge toll. And usually the bathroom is a good refuge to let that happen.

After school or before school, try to apply relaxation techniques like guided relaxation, yoga, self-hypnosis or meditation. It's important to "recharge" yourself when you spend a good part of the day dealing with anxiety. Also make sure you get some sleep!

08-12-2008, 05:34 PM
Rzeitz26.. I can imagine you are concerned out school and dealing with your anxiety.. but let me just tell you that this infact good for recovery, as you'll be sub-consciously doing your own exposure... hope it all goes well..