View Full Version : What the Anxiety Healing Path Looks Like

03-19-2015, 07:39 PM
The healing path from where you are now to where you want to be is like this:

Anxiety Disorder---------------------------------------------------------------------->100% Anxiety Free

Although what you want to avoid is digging yourself deeper in the other direction such as this:

Anxiety Worse<------------------Severe Anxiety Disorder<--------------------------Anxiety Disorder

But what really happens when you get on the healing path, is you keep moving forward in the direction of Anxiety Free, yet along the way you pick up techniques, things, books, supplements, practitioners, new ideas, or new ways of thinking which are the *. These * help heal you towards your goal. The * also represents the little things you learn along the way, just from your experience in healing yourself. It also represents the little things you overcome that eventually lead you to the goal of Anxiety Free.

Anxiety Disorder----- * ---- * ----- * ------ * ------ * ---- *-- * -- * ----- *--*---->100% Anxiety Free

The fuel needed to propel you from left to right is your Will. It is your Will that actually heals your anxiety, and using that Will, you do all that is necessary in healing your anxiety including going out and facing your fears and not falling into the panic trap.

It is that search for the safe person or safe place that will cause you to not find your inner strength from yourself. It is one thing to ave fear, but when you add that 2nd fear on top of the fear, that is when it comes crashing down. It is the art of letting go and not getting caught on the hamster wheel. Anxiety isn't fought but it is overcome. But it all starts with the strong Will determined to get to a place of overcoming anxiety no matter what you have to do.

Will you step on the path?