View Full Version : My journey over the last three months

03-19-2015, 06:35 PM
Hello everyone,

I am new to the forum and am hoping to benefit from the experience and expertise of those who have been through similar journeys to mine over the last three months. Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions you have -- I am ready to try anything.

By way of background, I'm a 30 year old guy with a great job, a wife I adore, etc. etc. Out of the blue last December, I began to have episodes where my heart rate would increase, I would start sweating, and it felt like I couldn't draw a complete breath. These episodes led to trouble staying asleep -- I'd fall asleep fine but would wake up in the middle of the night unable to fall back to sleep. Not because my thoughts were racing -- it just felt like I was physically unable to sleep. Then the episodes started to become much longer (hours), and I started to experience derealization. Long story short: I lost 12 pounds in about two weeks and ended up at the ER, where they ruled out anything related to my thyroid or a problem with my lungs. A referral to a cardiologist ruled out any heart issues, and an endocrinologist ruled out any adrenal gland problems. I was referred to a psych, who diagnosed me with either GAD or panic disorder, and was prescribed generic Zoloft and generic Ativan (as needed). I also started seeing a therapist weekly to talk about my issues and get into CBT.

The second night after I took the generic Zoloft, I had incredibly intrusive thoughts that freaked me out. I was switched to generic Lexapro, which I've been on since December 24th at steadily increased doses. My last increased was from 10mg to 15mg in mid-February, about 4 or 5 weeks ago. (As an aside, I was also given Trazodone to help with sleep, but I don't love the way I feel the day after I take it so I've been avoiding it.)

Here's the thing: I'm still not feeling like myself. I've had some days that have been much better than others, but I haven't had one day in the last three months where I've thought to myself: "I feel like myself again." In the last few days, I've actually regressed quite a bit and have some new issues: I'm experiencing cognitive issues (memory, feeling like I'm thinking a little slowly), have developed a tremor in my hands, and I'm having trouble staying asleep again. Plus, I have periods of hours during which I feel anxious or down.

My GP has told me several times that she's skeptical that I'm experiencing anxiety. She thinks it's something physiological. I'm not an expert, but given the sudden onset of all of these symptoms a few months back, it seems plausible, I guess. She's run blood tests to rule out all sorts of things and everything has come back negative. Today she advised me to get an MRI of my brain to rule out any lesions or tumors. I obviously hope there isn't anything they find on the MRI, but on some level it would be a relief if they were to find something -- I'd finally have an explanation of what's been going on.

Sorry for being longwinded. I'm pursuing what I've been experiencing as if it's an anxiety issue until or unless I'm told otherwise. Has anyone had the kind of inconsistency I've had with generic Lexapro (some days are generally OK, others are terrible?) The cognitive issues? The tremors? The continued symptoms three months into treatment?

A big THANK YOU for anything you have to offer.