View Full Version : Fatigue/Weakness

03-19-2015, 06:03 PM
So, it's going on 4 weeks of Zoloft soon. After the 3 week mark I started to feel a lot of fatigue and weakness. I've been sleeping a lot more than usual the past couple days and I have a hard time finding energy to do anything.

Anyone else have this issue as well? Would like to hear your thoughts.

04-06-2015, 12:51 PM
I've never been on Zoloft but I've previously been on Paxil, Effexor and Lexapro. I had the same problem that you are currently having when I was on Paxil. I was at college at the time and for the short time I was on it my life consisted of eating, sleeping and going to class. I was taking naps during the day that were several hours long.
I'm currently on Cymbalta and starting to have similar problems but not as severe. I'm tired/fatigued most days. Have you spoken to your doctor about what you are experiencing? If the fatigue/weakness are draining you then your doc could switch you to another ad.

04-16-2015, 09:52 AM
Most psychotropic medications will make you feel tired or irritable in some way, at least shortly after starting them, particularly the big guns like seroquel. If you give it enough time, your brain may adapt or you may just get used to being tired.

04-23-2015, 07:02 AM
Hi I am on zoloft now for 4 weeks ..Sleepiness is normal..It does get better over time though..