View Full Version : Dreams?

03-18-2015, 04:05 PM
This isn't really about anxiety but hey we've had God, Aliens and Big Foot here lately.

I have these wild stories play out in my head most nights and I wake up thinking "where the hell did that come from?" Like what part of the brain makes these things up?

It fascinates me. I sometimes write dreams down and when I was younger I had a dream journal that ended up being 25,000 words long!

So good people of Anxiety Forum: what are your experiences with dreams? What theories do you have on why we have them? Do you have anxious dreams?

Gypsy x

03-18-2015, 04:50 PM
My dreams are very strange too

Currently, I have this recurring dream of being lost in some vertical maze, and that's all I ever remember from it. Wonder what it means...

03-18-2015, 05:08 PM
My dreams are very strange too

Currently, I have this recurring dream of being lost in some vertical maze, and that's all I ever remember from it. Wonder what it means...

It's amazing what the mind comes up with hey. Mine are currently "crime scenes" and they are very detailed. I'm in them though so it's not like I stand back and watch. I wake up and wonder where they come from.

I know the "vertical maze" type dreams as well.

03-18-2015, 05:18 PM
I had a dream last night that I caused a major accident and many cars caught fire but mine did not.

Oh, did I mention I drive a f*****g Prius? It is a company car but still I am embarrassed. If you are a guy, in order to start a Prius, you have to throw your penis out of the window and wear a skirt. I have a diesel truck I drive on weekends to try and feel like a man. Usually with little luck.

I often dream about smoking with a kangaroo. No idea why I am fixated on Marlboro and Australia.

But I don't know why I has that dream.

03-18-2015, 06:18 PM
I had a dream last night that I caused a major accident and many cars caught fire but mine did not.

Oh, did I mention I drive a f*****g Prius? It is a company car but still I am embarrassed. If you are a guy, in order to start a Prius, you have to throw your penis out of the window and wear a skirt. I have a diesel truck I drive on weekends to try and feel like a man. Usually with little luck.

I often dream about smoking with a kangaroo. No idea why I am fixated on Marlboro and Australia.

But I don't know why I has that dream.

So you wished the Prius had caught fire? I don't know if I like you anymore ;)

I have possums you know. They come and sit on my balcony every night and I can pat them and stuff. I sometimes sit out there smoking. Oh and our possums are not like the scary looking things you guys have!

03-18-2015, 06:25 PM
This last year or so my dreams have been craaaaazy.

I was struggling for a while with having my anxieties manifest in my dreams (A couple years ago....not that it matters). I would have a dream that I had gotten a disease I was worrying about in real life, and that would send my health anxiety into a swirl.

Uncomfortable time. Still can be, if I decide to feed into it.

But, I mention it, because as I began to grow beyond my anxiety, my dreams grew as well. Today, I have dreams that feel more real than real life. In some I am flying, others I am beyond my body.

A re-occurring one presently (kinda related to aliens) is that I look to the stars, which I do do in real life, and I witness a crazy cosmic event. Its beautiful.

A lot of these dreams are so real, and so vivid, that I feel as if they are more real than what I am experiencing now as I am typing this. I feel as if those dreams stay with me as memories of things I have experienced, not any different than the walk I took a day ago.

03-18-2015, 06:38 PM
This last year or so my dreams have been craaaaazy.

I was struggling for a while with having my anxieties manifest in my dreams (A couple years ago....not that it matters). I would have a dream that I had gotten a disease I was worrying about in real life, and that would send my health anxiety into a swirl.

Uncomfortable time. Still can be, if I decide to feed into it.

But, I mention it, because as I began to grow beyond my anxiety, my dreams grew as well. Today, I have dreams that feel more real than real life. In some I am flying, others I am beyond my body.

A re-occurring one presently (kinda related to aliens) is that I look to the stars, which I do do in real life, and I witness a crazy cosmic event. Its beautiful.

A lot of these dreams are so real, and so vivid, that I feel as if they are more real than what I am experiencing now as I am typing this. I feel as if those dreams stay with me as memories of things I have experienced, not any different than the walk I took a day ago.

That's cool. I had lots of flying dreams when I was young but not now :( I'd love to have them again. The weird thing about my flying was that I'd "swim" through the air to get going.

I know what you mean about the vividness. Sometimes I have dreams with a different level of vividness to normal. I dreamt I had a conversation with my brother who died and it could've been real.

There are many theories about the "reality" of dreams eg. that they are actually more real than what we call reality :)

03-18-2015, 06:43 PM
That's cool. I had lots of flying dreams when I was young but not now :( I'd love to have them again. The weird thing about my flying was that I'd "swim" through the air to get going.

I know what you mean about the vividness. Sometimes I have dreams with a different level of vividness to normal. I dreamt I had a conversation with my brother who died and it could've been real.

There are many theories about the "reality" of dreams eg. that they are actually more real than what we call reality :)

Yeah, I am savvy to many of them. I try not to take it too seriously though. It would be convenient for me to have an ultimate affirmation that my dreams are a larger truth. Then I could overlook whatever the hell I'm supposed to be doing here. lol

03-18-2015, 06:49 PM
Yeah, I am savvy to many of them. I try not to take it too seriously though. It would be convenient for me to have an ultimate affirmation that my dreams are a larger truth. Then I could overlook whatever the hell I'm supposed to be doing here. lol

Haha! That'd be nice wouldn't it.

03-18-2015, 08:45 PM
I dreamt that NIXON sent me a message begging me to get Amy to talk to him again. True story, I swear. None of you will get this, but Nixon will.

I sometimes dream very random and disturbing things. That's what you get when you put extra cheese on your spaghetti then go straight to bed.

03-19-2015, 07:40 AM
I dreamt that NIXON sent me a message begging me to get Amy to talk to him again. True story, I swear. None of you will get this, but Nixon will.

I sometimes dream very random and disturbing things. That's what you get when you put extra cheese on your spaghetti then go straight to bed.

That was no dream, Jesse. Please, man. Just get her back

03-19-2015, 07:43 AM
Sometimes I think my wild, vivid dreams are part of the reason I am often afraid of sleep. My last one involved myself and the bf being trapped on a spaceship in a reverse " Stargate Universe" scanario. There were at least 60 passengers, but the higher ups decided that since the journey back to earth was going to be long and more likely less than successful there would be a genetic lottery just in case theY needed to stop some other habitable planet and repopulate In lieu of making it home.

BF, having made the cut, has me stashed in the closet of his quarters. Obviously my health held me back from being chosen.. but by damned I wasn't going to be voluntarily airlock out, nor forcefully.

Weeks pass and I have made the closet my home. He tells me the social climate outside daily. There were 12 left, 13 if you count me. Those leftbecame unsettled with the rationing schedule. Suddenly it turned into all out war for tin cans of beef and MRE's.

Another week passes and j listen to the chaos in the corridors. People are laying out firetraps, poisoning water supplies, and the like. The bf elected to stay out of the fray at first, but once I was discovered his tune change.
"If they want to play this game, let play."
Insert elaborate plan that involves turning loose the genetically engineered flesh eating mudskipper.
The two of us sit back in his quarters, drinking rum and playing Diablo while chaos ensues outside.. then I woke up.

Did I mention I hate sleeping?

03-19-2015, 09:24 AM
That was no dream, Jesse. Please, man. Just get her back

She's a permanent resident of Sag-town now. It's over!

03-19-2015, 10:04 AM
I dream and sometimes put down on paper. the dreams meaning comes later, or I just do a tarot reading, which takes away the tension. :)
What is strange, I have to take pills to sleep and I am still dreaming. The worst nightmare is when I am back into my old country and can not communicate with anyone..........is that predicting some kind of early dementia :))
sae welcome to forum:)
Have you watched the 100?

03-19-2015, 01:00 PM


Haha, I really like that show! I am about 8 or 9 episodes into the second season.

Also, I think not being able to communicate effectively is more likely from a part of yourself that originated where you're from being suppressed in some way.

03-19-2015, 04:45 PM
My dreams have same content as my real life.I feel weak.I have never seen a dream fighting someone for example and knock him down.Strange.Usualy dreams are things that you can't do in real life.But mine are the same shit.

03-19-2015, 07:33 PM


Haha, I really like that show! I am about 8 or 9 episodes into the second season.

Also, I think not being able to communicate effectively is more likely from a part of yourself that originated where you're from being suppressed in some way.

I would never dare :)) You are kind of right about it.

03-22-2015, 12:23 AM
I believe that some dreams have meaning. Think of it as your subconscious communicating with your consciousness. When I was having problems with my family, for example, I had a dream where my family and I were in a car and it was spinning out of control. Carl Jung wrote a brilliant book on dreams, but I forgot the title of it (sorry!). I also believe that certain dreams can foretell events. In the Qur'an, it is said that the prophet Joseph [peace be upon him] was known to be able to interpret dreams. His predictions based on the dreams of his fellow prison inmates were proven to be correct.

Then you have the totally nonsensical ones, which, I imagine, are the most common kind. The other day I had a dream where I was arguing with another man about which one of us is more liked by our toilet (as if toilets have feelings and preferences). We debated about whether the toilet prefers if men stand up or sit down when relieving themselves.

I've had a bunch of other dreams in the last year that are so off-the-wall; it's funny. :D

03-22-2015, 04:34 AM
I believe that some dreams have meaning. Think of it as your subconscious communicating with your consciousness. When I was having problems with my family, for example, I had a dream where my family and I were in a car and it was spinning out of control. Carl Jung wrote a brilliant book on dreams, but I forgot the title of it (sorry!). I also believe that certain dreams can foretell events. In the Qur'an, it is said that the prophet Joseph [peace be upon him] was known to be able to interpret dreams. His predictions based on the dreams of his fellow prison inmates were proven to be correct.

Then you have the totally nonsensical ones, which, I imagine, are the most common kind. The other day I had a dream where I was arguing with another man about which one of us is more liked by our toilet (as if toilets have feelings and preferences). We debated about whether the toilet prefers if men stand up or sit down when relieving themselves.

I've had a bunch of other dreams in the last year that are so off-the-wall; it's funny. :D

Carl Jung is the dream king :) he said "dreams are the royal road to the unconscious". I read Man and His Symbols years ago - not sure if that's the one you mean.