View Full Version : A Friendly Reminder

03-17-2015, 02:51 PM
You are bigger than your symptoms. You are more powerful than your anxiety.

Out of control anxiety is your responsibility.

It's not disease.

It is not mental illness.

It's not an ailment that you HAVE to SUFFER from.

Anxiety is an evolutionary trait to help warn you of danger. It is a manifestation of the relationship between your current mental and physical processes.

Out of control anxiety is a summary of your life EXPERIENCES waiting to be owned, and expressed. It is feeding fears and convenience over personal responsibility and growth. And for a select few, a chronic (but manageable, if not 100 percent curable) chemical Imbalance is thrown into the mix.

Everyone is able to experience anxiety. Listen to what it is telling you, and utilize it.

The idea that you have to SUFFER (not experience) from your anxiety your whole life is your own protective belief. It is a way of not doing the personal work, or at least, not doing all of it.

Experiencing anxiety does not have to be an act of suffering, and can instead be a tool for transformation.

Suffering is your choice.

03-17-2015, 03:51 PM
^^^^^This is good, and in a few short sentences puts ownership in the right place^^^^^

03-17-2015, 04:53 PM
I always think about the line from your Hypochondriac thread, "This wasn't ME.".

I'm still suffering from it. I hear you, though. It's my choice, and I'm actively working on it.

03-17-2015, 06:22 PM
I always think about the line from your Hypochondriac thread, "This wasn't ME.". I'm still suffering from it. I hear you, though. It's my choice, and I'm actively working on it.

That's it in a nutshell!

It's not you, so don't identify with it. Confusion is created when you accept anxiety into our self-identity.

Thanks for sharing that.

You will be good before you know it.

Secretly, you already are.