View Full Version : How do you turn off your mind

03-17-2015, 02:43 PM
Hello again, i have to say i am doing great with my anxiety, after taking advice I have received from this forum especially from I'm-Suffering. I do have one lagging problem, i can't shut my mind down at night, which causes sleep loss, which in turn makes my anxiety on edge. Unfortunately this year I was first on the scene of a motorcycle accident that involved a fatality...I just can't get that guys face out of my mind at night...one minute he was riding and the next he was dead in the HWY every night I relive it, and last weekend at a local festival an elderly gentleman collapsed across the table from me...I was first one to him and just acting on instinct. Fortunately he regained consciousness and EMS took him to hospital. I did well and held myself together during this time, but as soon as I left festival my nerves just took over. I thought i was over it until i went to go to sleep...I keep replaying these events. Also before anyone ask i am not an emergency medical worker, for some reason instinct takes over and I try to provide help until real help can arrive...kinda odd for somebody with anxiety.

03-17-2015, 03:10 PM
It's not about turning off your mind.

It's about owning your feelings, experiences , and thought processes, which can take a good amount of time.

Those are some powerful experiences that you had to go through. I empathize with any trauma they may have presented on your life.

But, do not fear the trauma. Do not fear that dead mans face.

Own how you are feeling, and grow from it.

03-17-2015, 03:15 PM
You dont shut off the mind - you learn to see clearly, why you have these thoughts and experiences - which we will begin to explore here. There is a reason and a purpose.

Hello again, i have to say i am doing great with my anxiety, after taking advice I have received from this forum especially from I'm-Suffering. I do have one lagging problem, i can't shut my mind down at night, which causes sleep loss, which in turn makes my anxiety on edge. Unfortunately this year I was first on the scene of a motorcycle accident that involved a fatality...I just can't get that guys face out of my mind at night...one minute he was riding and the next he was dead in the HWY every night I relive it, and last weekend at a local festival an elderly gentleman collapsed across the table from me...I was first one to him and just acting on instinct. Fortunately he regained consciousness and EMS took him to hospital. I did well and held myself together during this time, but as soon as I left festival my nerves just took over. I thought i was over it until i went to go to sleep...I keep replaying these events. Also before anyone ask i am not an emergency medical worker, for some reason instinct takes over and I try to provide help until real help can arrive...kinda odd for somebody with anxiety.

Just a little to add in addition to what Goomba mentioned:

Not odd, dear friend. Never think self odd, you are you ! And that is good.

You have an urge to be there, in life, and in death. Now listen - You attract it. (those experiences). When you do not need them anymore you will not run into them. Something in self is stirring, see, and so these are triggers - to go in, and dig around.

We are shaking up your pockets, lets see what falls out !

What is in you that you need to face, and by ignoring that, you must face it as an event, outside yourself. Why did you need to face death?

Begin to journal before bed, when it is on the mind, any death (or grave sickness) over the years in your family - friends - any unresolved issues - unspoken feelings/regrets - fears. In regards to your beliefs - of your own finite life (health related, age related), so to speak. Im getting bits and pieces here. What was left unsaid? How do you live each day? As if it is your last? What do you want to do, but havent had the courage to?

Do you still have a passion for achievement?

These physical experiences are symbolic. What about?

Now aside from all this, you have a natural gift to help others who might be choosing to cross over. It is a soul gift, and they are attracted to those energies, you understand. You are calming - But it is a choice, you could do away with the need for it, or pursue it - see? Now a part of you goes with them, you see, like opening a door for an elderly person, showing them in, and then leaving - before sleep you recount this - and in REM you actually visit (a followup appointment of sorts), see? and of course snap back in the morning - very special soul you are. It is not new to you, so I ask you to recount your life - for associated events - The ego its fearful after the fact, you see. It cant process it relavent to everyday experience/ no reference point/ so its a shock - but during the event, inner self takes command - so you feel calm.

You are not fated to this - free will -

Now, the experiences are twofold - one these are triggers to unlock puzzle pieces within the self (learning), and two it is 'natural' for you to be there - in both cases there is attraction -

Give me more time on this - I will edit if I can - Im not getting it all and it may seem a big mess ! - Read it a few times and see what you get. Allow whatever comes, validate it. Then go into it, especially if scary.

All-ways go into the fear, looking at it head on : With courage never drop your glance - Fear is the obstacle and the teacher.

03-17-2015, 04:09 PM
Hello again, i have to say i am doing great with my anxiety, after taking advice I have received from this forum especially from I'm-Suffering. I do have one lagging problem, i can't shut my mind down at night, which causes sleep loss, which in turn makes my anxiety on edge. Unfortunately this year I was first on the scene of a motorcycle accident that involved a fatality...I just can't get that guys face out of my mind at night...one minute he was riding and the next he was dead in the HWY every night I relive it, and last weekend at a local festival an elderly gentleman collapsed across the table from me...I was first one to him and just acting on instinct. Fortunately he regained consciousness and EMS took him to hospital. I did well and held myself together during this time, but as soon as I left festival my nerves just took over. I thought i was over it until i went to go to sleep...I keep replaying these events. Also before anyone ask i am not an emergency medical worker, for some reason instinct takes over and I try to provide help until real help can arrive...kinda odd for somebody with anxiety.

I would suggest doing some reading on Mindfulness - "The Power of Now" is an awesome book. However this is a bit different in that it's almost PTSD-like. So I'm really not sure about that. In time it will fade I guess?

03-17-2015, 07:24 PM
You don't turn off your mind, you step back and watch the thoughts go by and don;t attach yourself to them.

03-18-2015, 09:26 AM
WOW, I'm_Suffering its like you know me. Yes I am drawn towards death or more accurately ghost/spirits, yes I believe in those. It started at a young age...After reading your reply last night a lot of stuff came flooding back from my early childhood that may answer why.

I lost my best friend around age 6 or 7 he drowned while at the lake, my family was supposed to go, but we locked the keys in the house and ended up missing the trip..we used to go to lake with them several times a week during the summers. It bothered me of course loosing my best friend at that age had a hard time wrapping my head around it, I never got to really say goodbye. There is also the what if we had went...would he have drowned, would I have drowned or would things be different??

A year later I lost my friend from next door, we hung out quite a bit together, but he got sick( Leukemia) went into hospital and I never saw him again..I found out he had died from another kid at school when i was 2nd grade. Never got to say goodbye.

Other things I don't normally share, my dreams come true or a better term would be they are premonitions, The two in my life that stand out are one of an ex high school sweetheart, who I had not been in contact with for probably 20yrs, I dreamed she committed suicide. A few weeks later it happened just like in my dream. The other was a coworker who was expecting...I dreamed she miscarried...a week later she did. Now that I am on sleep meds those dreams have stopped, and I don't miss them.

I have been told by others( acquaintances I have in paranormal field) I have an ability or abilities, to communicate with spirits...not something i actively try, religious believes prevent this, but i have had contact in the way of dreams and receiving messages, from family members who have past, apparently i am receptive to this. I have never tried to developed them and really do not wish to.

This sounds so odd to type out, makes me sound like some sort of space cadet, but seriously I am a very level headed guy. The above are just things I mulled over last night, I need to keep going over your advice. Thanx.

03-18-2015, 09:48 AM
WOW, I'm_Suffering its like you know me. Yes I am drawn towards death or more accurately ghost/spirits, yes I believe in those. It started at a young age...After reading your reply last night a lot of stuff came flooding back from my early childhood that may answer why.

I lost my best friend around age 6 or 7 he drowned while at the lake, my family was supposed to go, but we locked the keys in the house and ended up missing the trip..we used to go to lake with them several times a week during the summers. It bothered me of course loosing my best friend at that age had a hard time wrapping my head around it, I never got to really say goodbye. There is also the what if we had went...would he have drowned, would I have drowned or would things be different??

A year later I lost my friend from next door, we hung out quite a bit together, but he got sick( Leukemia) went into hospital and I never saw him again..I found out he had died from another kid at school when i was 2nd grade. Never got to say goodbye.

Other things I don't normally share, my dreams come true or a better term would be they are premonitions, The two in my life that stand out are one of an ex high school sweetheart, who I had not been in contact with for probably 20yrs, I dreamed she committed suicide. A few weeks later it happened just like in my dream. The other was a coworker who was expecting...I dreamed she miscarried...a week later she did. Now that I am on sleep meds those dreams have stopped, and I don't miss them.

I have been told by others( acquaintances I have in paranormal field) I have an ability or abilities, to communicate with spirits...not something i actively try, religious believes prevent this, but i have had contact in the way of dreams and receiving messages, from family members who have past, apparently i am receptive to this. I have never tried to developed them and really do not wish to.

This sounds so odd to type out, makes me sound like some sort of space cadet, but seriously I am a very level headed guy. The above are just things I mulled over last night, I need to keep going over your advice. Thanx.

Yes, and heal the past - allow yourself to grieve. And feel. So validate the emotions, in whatever form they take, An emotion that contains trapped fear energies will trigger nightmares for example - but within those scary dreams are clues to healing what triggers them. Always working toward the overall good, and health of the mind and body. Each emotional release that has been (previously) trapped is like a weight reduction off your mind. Automatically changing the 'topics' or patterns of thought 'streams'.

Returning full circle to the original question, thoughts are like a train, you cant stop them once in motion (always in motion - thoughts are energy) - but you can change tracks, see? You do this by clearing the trapped energies and changing beliefs.

Talk soon if you wish.