View Full Version : Anxiety about Crush....

03-16-2015, 06:57 PM
Ok so about a month ago I developed a MASSIVE crush on someone in a couple of my classes after we started taking to each other, and ever since this has been something that has been one of my top "mental priorities" (as in things that are taking over a large part of my mind). This is normal for having a crush

But in my case, I have been literally stressing out about it! I cannot relieve my stress and worries! A couple of weeks ago I was told that she liked me, yet I continue to worry if that is true or not. Pretty much all of my friends know about it now, and some have even said that we are having a "thing" going on. I have been constantly fishing for answers as to whether or not she actually likes me, but I have just been met with constant uncertainty and jokes/kidding from my friends (one of them told me that she liked me over text, and then after hours of conversing to find out the authenticity, he told me that he was "just saying shit" which further intensified my anxiety).

On the other end, it seems like tons of my friends and those "close" to her know something big that I don't, but whether or not that is a good or a bad thing is, well, UNKNOWN (again, more uncertainty!) Even if nothing "works out" in the end, I just want this uncertainty anxiety to just fucking end! I can't take this any longer, as it is consuming my life!

If any of you have CONSTRUCTIVE AND HELPFUL ADVICE THAT IS NOT RUDE, it would be gladly appreciated

03-17-2015, 04:48 AM
Can't you just ask her yourself? :)

03-17-2015, 06:54 AM
*Asks her*
*She doesn't say anything in response*
*I never talk to her again*

Asking her is a major turn-off, that is why it is not a good idea to.

03-17-2015, 07:04 AM
*Asks her*
*She doesn't say anything in response*
*I never talk to her again*

Asking her is a major turn-off, that is why it is not a good idea to.

Oh.. You mean she doesn't say anything in response because she doesn't like you?