View Full Version : Personality changes due to meds??

03-16-2015, 11:17 AM
I've been on meds since last fall Cymbalta 60 mg (once a day) for depression and anxiety and Buspar 10 mg (3x a day) since December. I've been dating someone for over two years now and he's convinced that my medication is changing my overall personality into a completely different person. We had a long talk last night and this is a rough summary of what he said:

I've been concerned that your medication, while helpful in some ways, is changing who you are. I've been trying to remember past the depression and remember who you used to be. I know you better now than I ever have, but is what I'm seeing now who you've been inside all along and there are fewer limits on expression now, or is this someone new, twisted by medication into someone else?

I don't feel like my personality has changed that much but I do feel like my ad isn't cutting it anymore. I don't know whether to blame that on seasonal affective disorder or what. I don't see my therapist again until Thursday but I was wanting to see if anyone had any suggestions or thoughts on here.

03-16-2015, 11:36 AM
This is somewhat difficult to respond to, because none of us (I believe) are aware of who you are in real life.

Certainly, meds can be altering your moods, consequently affecting your personality.

Certainly, season affective disorder could do the same.

Certainly, none of the above may be happening, and you two are facing the struggles of a long term relationship.

I think the most important things to do in this situation are to communication and reflection.

Communicate with your boyfriend about what's going on, don't internalize it. This will help to gain insight on where the two of you stand, and aid in working through the confusion you are facing.

Communication is the most essential function in any relationship, and I'd dare to say, life.

Reflection will put your communicative experiences into perspective. Lol, not that you needed to be told that, but it is a critical component.

A lot of things can influence our personality throughout life. Anxiety is a huge culprit of that. I believe what's important is that you always do the internal work to hold onto your sense of self. When that is solid, you can then work externally to more effectively communicate your personality/who you are.

03-16-2015, 03:34 PM
Thank you for your response. I think you're right about communication being a key to helping the situation. I also agree with your observation about many things influencing personality. Again thank you for your response, it was helpful.