View Full Version : New here & Looking for anxious friends

03-16-2015, 06:49 AM
I'm 23 years old & I live in Virginia on an Air Force base with my husband. I have been cursed with crippling anxiety.

I get anxiety every time something out of the ordinary happens. We just went on a road trip to Florida, and I had an anxiety attack on the way there. My entire body felt like it was trembling, only on the inside, and I felt nauseous & couldn't eat. My husband stared at me in horror.

I feel like a shaky mess every time I even get close to a doctor's office. I could almost pass out in the waiting room while my husband stares at me in horror.

I work full time in the Marketing field, and have an anxiety attack daily when I wake up for work. I feel nauseous & dizzy.

I don't know anybody with anxiety, or at least nobody tells me they have it. One of my issues is that I feel like i'm the only person in the world experiencing these feels, and it makes me have even more anxiety because I think i'm weird.

03-16-2015, 06:53 AM
Oh no, you poor thing. :(

Come here. *Hugs!*

03-16-2015, 06:56 AM
Do you wanna be friends?! <3

03-16-2015, 07:01 AM
Of course! <3

I have a good friend here called Nixon. Maybe the three of us can be friends?

03-16-2015, 07:03 AM
This is all moving so fast. I feel like a changed woman!

03-16-2015, 07:05 AM
Yeah, friendship is one of the most beautiful things in life. Maybe we can all get a cat.

03-16-2015, 07:06 AM
I'm allergic to cats. And dogs. And apples
Maybe this isn't going to work out after all :/

03-16-2015, 07:08 AM
Oh no!

Do you have a PsychoSister instead? :p

03-16-2015, 07:14 AM
I guess I'll just go back to being Forever Alone. We tried. -__-
*has anxiety attack from anxiety forum*

03-16-2015, 07:19 AM
Ah, now I feel terrible! No cats. No sister. We can just feed ducks..

03-16-2015, 08:02 AM
I'm allergic to cats. And dogs. And apples
Maybe this isn't going to work out after all :/

That really sucks.

What is worse is that I am allergic to people who are allergic to apples

Fruit is ruining my life in one way or another

03-16-2015, 08:46 AM
"Here and looking for anxious friends", are you? Well I tell you, you wont get any better 'stares' from a healthy friend or an anxious one. So, it may be clearer, and better judgement to seek out 'healthier' friendships, including family.

Part of 'growing up' is becoming 'conscious' of what you attract. Good or bad for you, you are meant to discern, and change self, to reflect who you wish to be. And so part of the issue here, is you dont know who you are. If you did, there cannot be any 'horror', only compassion, and love, for self, and your journey. You are so caught up in 'the life', on your airforce base, and with people in the dark, you have forgotten self, erased your own memory. But as you live this facade, and in alone times, and upon awakening into it every morning, reality 'strikes' you. The physical feelings are meant as a trigger, symbolic of the mental fulfillment, or lack thereof.

I'm 23 years old & I live in Virginia on an Air Force base with my husband. I have been cursed with crippling anxiety.

I get anxiety every time something out of the ordinary happens. We just went on a road trip to Florida, and I had an anxiety attack on the way there. My entire body felt like it was trembling, only on the inside, and I felt nauseous & couldn't eat. My husband stared at me in horror.

I feel like a shaky mess every time I even get close to a doctor's office. I could almost pass out in the waiting room while my husband stares at me in horror.

I work full time in the Marketing field, and have an anxiety attack daily when I wake up for work. I feel nauseous & dizzy.

I don't know anybody with anxiety, or at least nobody tells me they have it. One of my issues is that I feel like i'm the only person in the world experiencing these feels, and it makes me have even more anxiety because I think i'm weird.

First, dont look for anxious friends, or you will attract them, and they will do no good in helping you, the game is real, you feel the pain, and so i would not suggest any more of it. In truth, you want to be set free, not enslaved among peers worse off then you. And so be weary of so called friends you make, Do they enlighten, or keep you in the dark. Look for the light -

Speak your truth, some of which was in your initial post. Cleverly 'hidden' by the ego, to be as gentle as possible, even a bit of humor, to cover over the true horror inside.

Why do you look upon the self with horror? (you feel you are a horror, more clearly, 'in a horrible state'.) What is so bad about you? Who are you, do you know? Why are you the monster - why is there a monster in you that 'cursed and crippled you"? Are you indeed 'cursed'? I am mirroring back at you, your words, and thoughts. The spoken word is indeed powerful, or in this case, 'written'.

What is your story? Every one of us has one, and it dates back way before you can remember, as a matter of fact it is exactly those times early on, trembling in your bed, nauseous and dizzy, that others began to look at you in horror, in your terms. And you began to judge self, rather harshly. the origins or the beginnings of what were to be the 'curse', you see. But those times have been forgotten, youve got the present to focus on, where so much drama is occuring. In forgetting the past, you are playing hide and go seek with yourself, the little hurt girl is running from tree to tree, will you ever catch her?

Either tell your story in public, send a PM to me, or tell it to a therapist, without leaving out a single emotion and word, every thought and feeling in your mind, memory, every single associated thought you have that feels badly ties together like a wound up knot, hiding the issues at the core, the reason for todays feelings.

Dont worry so much about those who look upon you in terror, as if you were a leper, they are only mirroring your innermost feelings, projecting them back at you. Take an about face and look at you. A good look. No one else matters, one single wit.

I do hear you, loud and clear. I know who you are. You want the truth? And not some false-belief imprisoned self image?

You are beautiful, and loved. But you can only experience that, once the crap is cleared and you have peeled back the distorted layers of the onion, revealing that soft underbelly that holds your heart.

That is your work, no one can do it for you. In quiet times of reflection you asked what your purpose is for being, and now you have found it.

03-16-2015, 09:05 AM
"Here and looking for anxious friends", are you? Well I tell you, you wont get any better 'stares' from a healthy friend or an anxious one. So, it may be clearer, and better judgement to seek out 'healthier' friendships, including family.

First, dont look for anxious friends, or you will attract them, and they will do no good in helping you, the game is real, you feel the pain, and so i would not suggest any more of it. In truth, you want to be set free, not enslaved among peers worse off then you. And so be weary of so called friends you make, Do they enlighten, or keep you in the dark. Look for the light -

Speak your truth, some of which was in your initial post. Cleverly 'hidden' by the ego, to be as gentle as possible, even a bit of humor, to cover over the true horror inside.

Why do you look upon the self with horror? (you feel you are a horror, more clearly, 'in a horrible state'.) What is so bad about you? Who are you, do you know? Why are you the monster - why is there a monster in you that 'cursed and crippled you"? Are you indeed 'cursed'? I am mirroring back at you, your words, and thoughts. The spoken word is indeed powerful, or in this case, 'written'.

What is your story? Every one of us has one, and it dates back way before you can remember, as a matter of fact it is exactly those times early on, trembling in your bed, nauseous and dizzy, that others began to look at you in horror, in your terms. And you began to judge self, rather harshly. the origins or the beginnings of what were to be the 'curse', you see. But those times have been forgotten, youve got the present to focus on, where so much drama is occuring. In forgetting the past, you are playing hide and go seek with yourself, the little hurt girl is running from tree to tree, will you ever catch her?

Either tell your story in public, send a PM to me, or tell it to a therapist, without leaving out a single emotion and word, every thought and feeling in your mind, memory, every single associated thought you have that feels badly ties together like a wound up knot, hiding the issues at the core, the reason for todays feelings.

Dont worry so much about those who look upon you in terror, as if you were a leper, they are only mirroring your innermost feelings, projecting them back at you. Take an about face and look at you. A good look. No one else matters, one single wit.

It probably doesn't apply in the true sense of the term but why do I feel I was just "cock blocked?"

03-16-2015, 09:15 AM
"Here and looking for anxious friends", are you? Well I tell you, you wont get any better 'stares' from a healthy friend or an anxious one. So, it may be clearer, and better judgement to seek out 'healthier' friendships, including family.

Part of 'growing up' is becoming 'conscious' of what you attract. Good or bad for you, you are meant to discern, and change self, to reflect who you wish to be. And so part of the issue here, is you dont know who you are. If you did, there cannot be any 'horror', only compassion, and love, for self, and your journey. You are so caught up in 'the life', on your airforce base, and with people in the dark, you have forgotten self, erased your own memory. But as you live this facade, and in alone times, and upon awakening into it every morning, reality 'strikes' you. The physical feelings are meant as a trigger, symbolic of the mental fulfillment, or lack thereof.

First, dont look for anxious friends, or you will attract them, and they will do no good in helping you, the game is real, you feel the pain, and so i would not suggest any more of it. In truth, you want to be set free, not enslaved among peers worse off then you. And so be weary of so called friends you make, Do they enlighten, or keep you in the dark. Look for the light -

Speak your truth, some of which was in your initial post. Cleverly 'hidden' by the ego, to be as gentle as possible, even a bit of humor, to cover over the true horror inside.

Why do you look upon the self with horror? (you feel you are a horror, more clearly, 'in a horrible state'.) What is so bad about you? Who are you, do you know? Why are you the monster - why is there a monster in you that 'cursed and crippled you"? Are you indeed 'cursed'? I am mirroring back at you, your words, and thoughts. The spoken word is indeed powerful, or in this case, 'written'.

What is your story? Every one of us has one, and it dates back way before you can remember, as a matter of fact it is exactly those times early on, trembling in your bed, nauseous and dizzy, that others began to look at you in horror, in your terms. And you began to judge self, rather harshly. the origins or the beginnings of what were to be the 'curse', you see. But those times have been forgotten, youve got the present to focus on, where so much drama is occuring. In forgetting the past, you are playing hide and go seek with yourself, the little hurt girl is running from tree to tree, will you ever catch her?

Either tell your story in public, send a PM to me, or tell it to a therapist, without leaving out a single emotion and word, every thought and feeling in your mind, memory, every single associated thought you have that feels badly ties together like a wound up knot, hiding the issues at the core, the reason for todays feelings.

Dont worry so much about those who look upon you in terror, as if you were a leper, they are only mirroring your innermost feelings, projecting them back at you. Take an about face and look at you. A good look. No one else matters, one single wit.

I do hear you, loud and clear. I know who you are. You want the truth? And not some false-belief imprisoned self image?

You are beautiful, and loved. But you can only experience that, once the crap is cleared and you have peeled back the distorted layers of the onion, revealing that soft underbelly that holds your heart.

That is your work, no one can do it for you. In quiet times of reflection you asked what your purpose is for being, and now you have found it.

Any chance you can reply to olwuwopte on the Depression forum? I want to leave a reply, but I'll be on mobile device until late and these things are a b*tch to try and write anything serious on. I think a new pair of eyes on his situation may help get him out of a rut.

03-16-2015, 09:21 AM
It probably doesn't apply in the true sense of the term but why do I feel I was just "cock blocked?"

You are married indeed. Catch yourself. Also, this person could do with a bit of encouragement, in the best any of you know how. In the highest regard for self and other peers. The highest regard is within the scope of love. So ask self, 'is my responses to anyone in those terms?"

Ask, "Do I come from love? Every moment, every decision". Or atleast offer up an earnest effort? "Namaste" means 'I recognize the light and love in you, as a reflection of self, and so I honor you"

Now, any of you could say, "well, your responses to fragile psyches are harsh and too weighty for such a victim of lifes unfairness"

And indeed the friendly psychiatrists once on this board gave me lashings over convention. Problem is convention doesnt work all that well, you see.

Is my truth, the truth? Well, we leave that to the OP of any thread who I have discourse with. Not that it should be the 'truth', but full of 'heart', that matters.

03-16-2015, 09:23 AM
Any chance you can reply to olwuwopte on the Depression forum? I want to leave a reply, but I'll be on mobile device until late and these things are a b*tch to try and write anything serious on. I think a new pair of eyes on his situation may help get him out of a rut.

I dont know, been at this for hours already today, started 6AM in ponders thread in which I gave him my life story, in a nutshell. The reason for the nic (originally), and the hurt inside me. And the trigger for all of this journey. That took a lot out of me, and then this...

So forgive me ill look and see, but i need to eat and recoup.

03-16-2015, 09:44 AM
You are married indeed. Catch yourself. Also, this person could do with a bit of encouragement, in the best any of you know how. In the highest regard for self and other peers. The highest regard is within the scope of love. So ask self, 'is my responses to anyone in those terms?"

Ask, "Do I come from love? Every moment, every decision". Or atleast offer up an earnest effort? "Namaste" means 'I recognize the light and love in you, as a reflection of self, and so I honor you"

Now, any of you could say, "well, your responses to fragile psyches are harsh and too weighty for such a victim of lifes unfairness"

And indeed the friendly psychiatrists once on this board gave me lashings over convention. Problem is convention doesnt work all that well, you see.

Is my truth, the truth? Well, we leave that to the OP of any thread who I have discourse with. Not that it should be the 'truth', but full of 'heart', that matters.

Nah. I am not really sure about any of that except the married part. That I do know for sure

My point just was that I usually find people will open up and be much more truthful once they have a comfort with the people who are responding to them. It usually is quite a step to join and first tell your story and some things may be left out to not be judged. Once you develop a connection, the full story usually comes out and then much more personal and specific advice or support can be given. If you jump in too early, you may be speaking to only half the truth and much what you write may not be relevant.

At least that is the way I have found works best

I just like to build relationships with the people here because it is a much smaller group than AZ and people here usually stay for continued growth and support much longer and when they have turned the corner, often stay just to help others.

03-16-2015, 09:44 AM
Jess, I have replied to him, briefly, so please add to it when you have a chance, you can finish it off unless he comes back at me directly.

Now im truly going to eat....

03-16-2015, 09:46 AM
Nah. I am not really sure about any of that except the married part. That I do know for sure

My point just was that I usually find people will open up and be much more truthful once they have a comfort with the people who are responding to them. It usually is quite a step to join and first tell your story and some things may be left out to not be judged. Once you develop a connection, the full story usually comes out and then much more personal and specific advice or support can be given. If you jump in too early, you may be speaking to only half the truth and much what you write may not be relevant.

At least that is the way I have found works best

I just like to build relationships with the people here because it is a much smaller group than AZ and people here usually stay for continued growth and support much longer and when they have turned the corner, often stay just to help others.

I respect that, yes. And you are often wonderful in your responses

03-16-2015, 09:53 AM
That really sucks.

What is worse is that I am allergic to people who are allergic to apples

Fruit is ruining my life in one way or another

Omg. However I am not allergic to Apples during 2-3 months closer to Summer. I wish I was joking.

03-16-2015, 09:59 AM
"Here and looking for anxious friends", are you? Well I tell you, you wont get any better 'stares' from a healthy friend or an anxious one. So, it may be clearer, and better judgement to seek out 'healthier' friendships, including family.

Part of 'growing up' is becoming 'conscious' of what you attract. Good or bad for you, you are meant to discern, and change self, to reflect who you wish to be. And so part of the issue here, is you dont know who you are. If you did, there cannot be any 'horror', only compassion, and love, for self, and your journey. You are so caught up in 'the life', on your airforce base, and with people in the dark, you have forgotten self, erased your own memory. But as you live this facade, and in alone times, and upon awakening into it every morning, reality 'strikes' you. The physical feelings are meant as a trigger, symbolic of the mental fulfillment, or lack thereof.

First, dont look for anxious friends, or you will attract them, and they will do no good in helping you, the game is real, you feel the pain, and so i would not suggest any more of it. In truth, you want to be set free, not enslaved among peers worse off then you. And so be weary of so called friends you make, Do they enlighten, or keep you in the dark. Look for the light -

Speak your truth, some of which was in your initial post. Cleverly 'hidden' by the ego, to be as gentle as possible, even a bit of humor, to cover over the true horror inside.

Why do you look upon the self with horror? (you feel you are a horror, more clearly, 'in a horrible state'.) What is so bad about you? Who are you, do you know? Why are you the monster - why is there a monster in you that 'cursed and crippled you"? Are you indeed 'cursed'? I am mirroring back at you, your words, and thoughts. The spoken word is indeed powerful, or in this case, 'written'.

What is your story? Every one of us has one, and it dates back way before you can remember, as a matter of fact it is exactly those times early on, trembling in your bed, nauseous and dizzy, that others began to look at you in horror, in your terms. And you began to judge self, rather harshly. the origins or the beginnings of what were to be the 'curse', you see. But those times have been forgotten, youve got the present to focus on, where so much drama is occuring. In forgetting the past, you are playing hide and go seek with yourself, the little hurt girl is running from tree to tree, will you ever catch her?

Either tell your story in public, send a PM to me, or tell it to a therapist, without leaving out a single emotion and word, every thought and feeling in your mind, memory, every single associated thought you have that feels badly ties together like a wound up knot, hiding the issues at the core, the reason for todays feelings.

Dont worry so much about those who look upon you in terror, as if you were a leper, they are only mirroring your innermost feelings, projecting them back at you. Take an about face and look at you. A good look. No one else matters, one single wit.

I do hear you, loud and clear. I know who you are. You want the truth? And not some false-belief imprisoned self image?

You are beautiful, and loved. But you can only experience that, once the crap is cleared and you have peeled back the distorted layers of the onion, revealing that soft underbelly that holds your heart.

That is your work, no one can do it for you. In quiet times of reflection you asked what your purpose is for being, and now you have found it.

I have never joined any kind of online forum, and now am feeling silly for doing so. I have tried to read and read my way out of anxiety, and have failed time and time again. I have tried the breathing exercises, the visualization exercises, the vitamins and the talking. Nothing is helping me, so I reached out to see if a friend would help. According to you, it won't.

03-16-2015, 10:10 AM
I have never joined any kind of online forum, and now am feeling silly for doing so. I have tried to read and read my way out of anxiety, and have failed time and time again. I have tried the breathing exercises, the visualization exercises, the vitamins and the talking. Nothing is helping me, so I reached out to see if a friend would help. According to you, it won't.

No. All that you have tried and exhausted is external. Including reading books, therapists, and all the above. "feeling silly" is part of the self image. Regardless of my voice, or anyone elses, it is not innate for a self to feel 'silly', or horrified', or 'hopeless', or any other despondent feeling. It is 'natural' following the beliefs and emotions, but not constructive, if you will, and certainly far from your birthright. As I mentioned, you are indeed feeling alone, and a 'friend' would benefit, if the 'friend' could help draw you out, in a way, like I have tried and failed. But you will find a 'soul mate' who you will believe in, and trust. That is a good expectation to have.

In all the failed efforts, you are being forced inward for answers, that was the intent originally, when this first started for you. All the 'failures' are only a signpost pointing back at you to reverse direction.

Anyway, go ahead and ignore all my posts, perhaps your young yet with a soul-purpose before you can truly heal, there is a purpose for your 'curse', however we wont look into that crystal ball, just let the cards play out. "Everything works out for your own good" is a beneficial belief to have. So ignore my posts to you, find your friends. If you wish in months time or 6 months, should i still be alive or available, and you are still seeking, send me a PM with questions.

Or perhaps return to this thread, and the oysters will have opened to reveal its pearls, it will 'click' and the new journey will begin for you.

03-16-2015, 10:13 AM
No. All that you have tried and exhausted is external. Including reading books, therapists, and all the above. "feeling silly" is part of the self image. Regardless of my voice, or anyone elses, it is not innate for a self to feel 'silly', or horrified', or 'hopeless', or any other despondent feeling.

In all the failed efforts, you are being forced inward for answers, that was the intent originally, when this first started for you. All the 'failures' are only a signpost pointing back at you to reverse direction.

Anyway, go ahead and ignore all of this, and find your friends.

What's your story?

03-16-2015, 10:27 AM
I have never joined any kind of online forum, and now am feeling silly for doing so. I have tried to read and read my way out of anxiety, and have failed time and time again. I have tried the breathing exercises, the visualization exercises, the vitamins and the talking. Nothing is helping me, so I reached out to see if a friend would help. According to you, it won't.

Maybe you just failed to write it but have you ever tried prescribed meds?

03-16-2015, 10:36 AM
Maybe you just failed to write it but have you ever tried prescribed meds?

I have been prescribed meds numerous times (maybe 6 or 7) and have never taken them. I have a weird thing about taking prescription medications (it gives me anxiety...)

I take about 18 vitamins and minerals daily. I have major anxiety about developing some kind of disease, so I take any vitamin that someone tells me is beneficial for anything. I have a serious addiction to buying/taking vitamins. I just am apprehensive about taking prescribed meds. Should I?

03-16-2015, 10:39 AM
What's your story?

Let me just say, I used the term 'soul mate' (I edited and added to the last post) - not to say you would replace your husband, although that is a possibility if you wish. "Soul mate" is anyone, like serendipity, who comes forward and enriches your life. A soul mate could also hurt you, as 'soul' implies out of flesh agreements. And so your worst enemy, if you learn from them, has accomplished a particular purpose in your life, and helped you to 'change directions' in a way that while may seem destructive, could not have been accomplished in any other way. For example, you meet a boy who hurts you, and eventually you dump him. What lessons have been learned, and how has your life been crafted by that relationship in a unique way, that otherwise could you could have not grown from. He would be a 'soul mate'

Now my story Im afraid is not too exciting. Just the usual drama, mental abuse and so forth growing up with terrible esteem, not good enough, and all the accompanying negative beliefs and emotions, about who I am. We, you, I, them, we are not too much different in a lot of respects.

Yes, I am a 'soul mate' too.

And about medication. It could be more fearful not taking them, you see. Psychologically. The conflicting beliefs get in the way, and so the judgement is not clear. You are afraid of getting sick 'er' with them, and without them. So you are split in two. Which is the heavier weight? Sometimes a feared and avoided doctor visit is all that was needed, to rest the mind, for example. Symbolic now, that you are willing to help yourself, and make those steps toward ' recovery'.

Not to say you should be 'hooked for life' or that the med is miraculous, but that for the psyche alone, it was needed, giving you enough reprise from symptoms to take that inner journey to heal. The med is a tool in that regard, again, as a catalyst to point you inward. For eventually you would resent the medicine itself. And want to take charge with your own power, instead.

03-16-2015, 10:46 AM
I have been prescribed meds numerous times (maybe 6 or 7) and have never taken them. I have a weird thing about taking prescription medications (it gives me anxiety...)

I take about 18 vitamins and minerals daily. I have major anxiety about developing some kind of disease, so I take any vitamin that someone tells me is beneficial for anything. I have a serious addiction to buying/taking vitamins. I just am apprehensive about taking prescribed meds. Should I?

First, can you tell me your first name or just make one up? Fells weird calling you Psycho.

Yes. You should do the meds. You have done a great job of trying different things that are natural and that is great. I was the same way. Toughed it out for a bunch of years before getting on a SSRI. Effexor was the one that ended up helping the most and almost got me to what I would best describe as "normal"

The beauty of having the meds to their thing is you get calmed down and the anxiety either stops or is so much more manageable.

Once you get calmed down and the anxiety isn't constant, your body and mind will start to recover from all the stress you have been going through.

Then you can work on the mind part of anxiety since that is the root of all the stress anyway. You change your thought patterns and beliefs about yourself and then you are in great shape. Then you can decide if you want to stop the meds.

Most people with anxiety are afraid of taking meds because of the potential side effects. Fact is, most people get no side effects but they start feeling weird after taking them. That is the anxiety making you feel bad and most just make the incorrect assumption that the meds are causing the weird feelings.

Taking them for the first time may cause some minor off feelings but that quickly goes away once the first week or two is over. A SSRI can take several weeks to take effect and up to 12 weeks before they are acting at full strength in you

Ultimately it is your choice. I am not for or against meds. They helped me a bunch and if I had to take them forever I would have. It beats the alternative feeling which is horrible.

03-16-2015, 10:59 AM
First, can you tell me your first name or just make one up? Fells weird calling you Psycho.

Yes. You should do the meds. You have done a great job of trying different things that are natural and that is great. I was the same way. Toughed it out for a bunch of years before getting on a SSRI. Effexor was the one that ended up helping the most and almost got me to what I would best describe as "normal"

The beauty of having the meds to their thing is you get calmed down and the anxiety either stops or is so much more manageable.

Once you get calmed down and the anxiety isn't constant, your body and mind will start to recover from all the stress you have been going through.

Then you can work on the mind part of anxiety since that is the root of all the stress anyway. You change your thought patterns and beliefs about yourself and then you are in great shape. Then you can decide if you want to stop the meds.

Most people with anxiety are afraid of taking meds because of the potential side effects. Fact is, most people get no side effects but they start feeling weird after taking them. That is the anxiety making you feel bad and most just make the incorrect assumption that the meds are causing the weird feelings.

Taking them for the first time may cause some minor off feelings but that quickly goes away once the first week or two is over. A SSRI can take several weeks to take effect and up to 12 weeks before they are acting at full strength in you

Ultimately it is your choice. I am not for or against meds. They helped me a bunch and if I had to take them forever I would have. It beats the alternative feeling which is horrible.

My name is Erin.

I know I need to get on meds. It might sound bad, but I have been trying to avoid being one of "those people" that rely on prescription medications in order to function normally.

I didn't used to have anxiety like this. I'm 23, and was fine up until last year. I'm kind of hoping that it is "just a phase" but if that's the case, my phase is just getting worse.

It started with medical anxiety, where I would go to the doctor once a week thinking I had some kind of illness. I started getting lab work done every few months and everything, of course, came back normal. My doctor talked with me about a hypochondriac diagnosis.

I still feel like I have some kind of serious illness, such as cancer or a brain tumor or something, but now I have developed an anxiety towards going to the doctor. I am constantly thinking that I have diabetes, and last year I stopped eating every food that had added sugar. However, despite my near perfect blood test results, I still have nightmares about the fact that I have an illness.

After all this happened, I started to feel this way about travelling. I would go on a road trip and start trembling and shaking. I have recently started vomiting when I am far away from my house.

My whole issue is thinking about what's next. I have a successful career and have graduated from college this past year, and yet my anxiety worsens. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and thinking about it only makes it worse. I can't escape it.

03-16-2015, 11:15 AM
My name is Erin.

I know I need to get on meds. It might sound bad, but I have been trying to avoid being one of "those people" that rely on prescription medications in order to function normally.

I didn't used to have anxiety like this. I'm 23, and was fine up until last year. I'm kind of hoping that it is "just a phase" but if that's the case, my phase is just getting worse.

It started with medical anxiety, where I would go to the doctor once a week thinking I had some kind of illness. I started getting lab work done every few months and everything, of course, came back normal. My doctor talked with me about a hypochondriac diagnosis.

I still feel like I have some kind of serious illness, such as cancer or a brain tumor or something, but now I have developed an anxiety towards going to the doctor. I am constantly thinking that I have diabetes, and last year I stopped eating every food that had added sugar. However, despite my near perfect blood test results, I still have nightmares about the fact that I have an illness.

After all this happened, I started to feel this way about travelling. I would go on a road trip and start trembling and shaking. I have recently started vomiting when I am far away from my house.

My whole issue is thinking about what's next. I have a successful career and have graduated from college this past year, and yet my anxiety worsens. I am a prisoner of my own mind, and thinking about it only makes it worse. I can't escape it.

Hi, Erin - it's a pleasure. Much better than Psycho although I have dated a few in the past that would qualify to wear that name tag.

Nobody wants to be one of "those" people that need meds to be normal. But it is probably an overused analogy but wouldn't you take any other pill to get you normal if it was blood pressure, cholesterol, acid reflux? It is just because it is the mind that me, you and most people do not like the idea of it

I had health anxiety about everything but mostly heart attack and stroke. They were my nemesis for quite a bit. When I was at my worst, without meds I would not have ever leveled my stress enough to think rationally about how I was reacting to the thoughts of a heart related issue

Even today, when I feel a sharp pain in my chest, my first thought is the damn heart attack and not because I was lifting weights yesterday. the difference now is that I do not follow the false signal of a heart attack that Anxiety sends. I know that Anxiety will test me from time to time but I understand that I will only react negatively if I allow my mind to wander down the wrong path

Traveling was hell as well. Was so afraid to panic. Now panic attacks don't scare me so they do not come and I travel quite a bit for work or for pleasure with no issues.

All the things you speak of, I and many others here are, or have gone through very similar things.

It's only hopeless if you believe it is but I am telling you that you will come through this not only just fine and soon, but way better off and appreciative than you ever have been.

Trust me. Who wouldn't believe a guy named Nixon?

03-17-2015, 03:46 AM
Trust me. Who wouldn't believe a guy named Nixon?

Hahaha. Brilliant!! :D

Great posts though, dude.

03-17-2015, 04:52 AM
Hello :) I'll be your anxious friend!

03-17-2015, 07:38 AM
Hello :) I'll be your anxious friend!

Seriously!? What do friends do?

03-17-2015, 08:56 AM
Rhetorical question, but lets explore it a bit anyhow.

Seriously!? What do friends do?

Friends build you up, not tear you down.
Friends encourage you to be your best
Friends see you in the best light
Friends push you to be more, knowing you are capable of so much
Friends pull you up
Friends laugh and enjoy each other
Friends edify, never pity
Friends accept
Friends love
Friends understand
Friends are there for you

And so on, so forth.

Now, (in those terms) who in your physical life is a friend?

You understand why it may not be the best for you, in your highest regard, in love for yourself, to attract anxious friends. If the goal is to heal from that. I encourage you to be clear in your expectations, and thoughts, as to what you truly want in your life, and stick with that.

"New here and looking to heal every false belief I have ever had about myself, and to clear the crap causing me pain, and ultimately anxiety or depression"

Now that is the truth, for a thread title, and your 'real' desire. If you wont speak your truth, then I will do it for you, that is a friend. And ultimately, what you will teach your child when you are a parent. "Find your truth, and then express it" "Let your truth be flexible, in that when its not working for you, you can change it, lest you become rigid and set in your ways, restricted"

That is all I have for you. Unless through beginning to self-examine you have earnest questions.

03-17-2015, 04:35 PM
Seriously!? What do friends do?

Laugh about stuff :)

Even Im-Suffering said that!

03-17-2015, 04:38 PM
You get by with a little help from your friends.

Even Joe Cocker said so. :)

03-17-2015, 04:52 PM
you get by with a little help from your friends.

Even joe cocker said so. :)
