View Full Version : anxious hello from europe

03-16-2015, 06:32 AM
im a 30 year old male with a lot of anxiety over a lot of things. i hope that here i'll find something that helps.

03-17-2015, 07:58 AM
Hello and welcome :)

03-17-2015, 08:04 AM
You already did...

im a 30 year old male with a lot of anxiety over a lot of things. i hope that here i'll find something that helps.

And so that is not a true statement of desire.

See your other thread, I have just responded. And..

Catch yourself

When and if ever you express limiting ideas about who you are.

Dont misconstrue physical anxiety (or depression, stress) symptoms to be independent from the mental work we are discussing, and thus seek help for each separately. The mental is the cause, in all cases.

After you read my latest post to you, you will see how to change this : (your ideas about self) - why you are the way you are. I AM statements are like copying machine commands - setting into motion its actualization the minute it is spoken. Or thought (more or less consistantly). Here you have beckoned universal power to create your reality in an I AM statement :

"Im (I AM) a 30 year old male with a lot of anxiety over a lot of things"

The 'danger' of this type of statement is it is general, and so you will continually expand your scope of anxiety (its influence). Rather than say "I am anxious over this or that", which then can be treated, period.

I AM rich ! I AM poor ! I AM a bad person ! I AM a good person ! You see. Name it - If I AM poor, then 'poor' can be addressed and turned to riches, for example. Listen carefully here !

Anxiety or depression (including physical symptoms) is the result of some (unresolved) mental problem - and if so, pinpointing the problem is the first step in addressing the condition.

And so the question is, "is this what I want to create (re-create in my tomorrows) ?" "If not, then what belief (mental problem or false idea) is causing me to continually process these faulty commands?"

Discussion in your other thread, with todays response :
