View Full Version : Anxiety and relationship with mother.

03-14-2015, 01:58 PM
Because of my anxiety/OCD, I tend to annoy my parents by obsessing over things. Last year, I annoyed them by worrying about my sleep.

Today, me and my mom got into an argument over my meds. She wants me to try a full Sertraline at night, instead of half in morning, half at night. I tried it, and it makes me wake up at 6:00, and today, when I went without Sertraline, I felt sleepy, and not really myself. After I stressed out over it, she said to forget it and go back to half in morning, half at night. She told me that when I take a half in the morning, I' m sleepy and irritable. I told her with no Sertraline in the morning, I feel sleepy, and that I didn't feel "happy".

What do I do?

03-14-2015, 08:38 PM
Because of my anxiety/OCD, I tend to annoy my parents by obsessing over things. Last year, I annoyed them by worrying about my sleep.

Today, me and my mom got into an argument over my meds. She wants me to try a full Sertraline at night, instead of half in morning, half at night. I tried it, and it makes me wake up at 6:00, and today, when I went without Sertraline, I felt sleepy, and not really myself. After I stressed out over it, she said to forget it and go back to half in morning, half at night. She told me that when I take a half in the morning, I' m sleepy and irritable. I told her with no Sertraline in the morning, I feel sleepy, and that I didn't feel "happy".

What do I do?

I've never taken any SSRIs at night in the 20 years I've been taking them. They're basically "uppers" so it makes sense to take them when you want to be awake. However after a while they don't affect you so much, so you could pretty much take them whenever.

With regard to your mum - take them when it suits you not her? :)

Bye now,
Gypsy x

03-14-2015, 10:54 PM
If it's affecting your sleep or energy levels, take it when it's easiest to. After 6 months, your body will probably be so used to the med that you can take it whenever.

I used to take Remeron and it knocked me out like a tranquillizer dart. After 6 months though, I could take it morning, noon or night without problems.