View Full Version : Get your anxeity under control and get rid of it forever!

03-12-2015, 07:32 PM
I still remember it clear as day... Not being able to eat or go outside my house - cut off from all social contact, I started to wither away into nothingness. Beyond despair, I was all alone and anxious.

For most of two years I lay in my bed shivering, day in and day out. I never thought things would change, but they did change and I became anxiety free. I know from personal experience that if you are in a state of complete anxiousness; becoming free of your crippling anxiety is your goal. But that goal is just the beginning – the first stepping stone.

If you want to read my entire story you have to visit my blog as it would not fit in this site

- weeklyteachings.com/2015/03/11/the-journey/ -

Anyone can change. I’m living proof of that, the first step is; wanting to change and the second is to seek out knowledge and the third is to take action. I will regularly post material that has been invaluable to me thought my journey and honestly, now being on the other side of it all. It’s the best thing that has happened to me. Without having gone through heavy bouts of depression and anxiety I would never have found my passion.

03-12-2015, 07:46 PM
Thanks for sharing your infomercial

03-12-2015, 08:06 PM
Thanks for sharing your infomercial

You are welcome. That's what I do, I write. This "infomercial" that you are referring to took me 7 hours to write. It has around 3000 words and I put my entire heart and sole into it, because I know that somewhere out there, there is one person who needs this post. Someone who has not just had it tough but has been crippled so hard by anxiety that he or she have been left unable to do anything - let alone function like a normal human being. This is for that person.

03-12-2015, 08:09 PM
I do like your writing style. It's very personal and to the point. But blogs usually work better when people know you. Why don't you just post on some of the forums (this and the other big one), and just keep the blog link in your sig.

Looks less spammy.

03-12-2015, 08:24 PM
It does sound like an infomercial lol.

But welcome to the forum :)

03-12-2015, 08:39 PM
Thanks guys! I actually do have an account here - but with as with all things; a fresh start is usually a good start. Big emphasis on usually :)

I had no idea that my text looked "spamy" I just wrote what came to mind. I think it was better this way instead of writing 3000 words directly on this site. I will keep that in mind for future references.

I can't believe that I am here. Honestly, there was a time when I would visit forums like this and just cry my eyes out in front of the screen while I was typing out "help me!" with capslock. The most surreal experience I had was when I was accompanying a friend to the psych award here in Sweden, as emotional support. While he was there I spent time to talk to the people who was waiting in que. I listened and talked to them lovingly. They needed it. They couldn't believe that I had ever been anxious about anything in my life. This is what I want to create for everyone else.

03-13-2015, 05:57 AM
Thanks guys! I actually do have an account here - but with as with all things; a fresh start is usually a good start. Big emphasis on usually :)

I had no idea that my text looked "spamy" I just wrote what came to mind. I think it was better this way instead of writing 3000 words directly on this site. I will keep that in mind for future references.

I can't believe that I am here. Honestly, there was a time when I would visit forums like this and just cry my eyes out in front of the screen while I was typing out "help me!" with capslock. The most surreal experience I had was when I was accompanying a friend to the psych award here in Sweden, as emotional support. While he was there I spent time to talk to the people who was waiting in que. I listened and talked to them lovingly. They needed it. They couldn't believe that I had ever been anxious about anything in my life. This is what I want to create for everyone else.

I have read your blog. Now, let's get right to it.

There was never a period of releasing and healing. Like so many before you, and here on these boards, life is molded around a traumatic event. The event itself too painful to dig into, seemingly an impossible task, and also a rigid event - and so one escapes from it in all directions, even with great determination it may seem life has changed, until one day, pow, it KO's you out of the blue. And so thousands of weakened souls return to these boards, often years later, "help! I've relapsed and my methods of dealing with them aren't working !".

The aggression at 16 or so for a period of time was the psyche splitting itself. No one would ever touch you, in the same way, or hurt you - and so a new identity formed, a stronger controlling, dominating, aggressive personality that would deal with life, and protect the otherwise defenseless little boy, and to an extent his mom. This was not conscious however.

In those years locked at home, the psyche had a crisis, as the angry, aggressive side came into awareness, you became aware of what you were doing, and so there was an attempt to suppress it. A third personality emerged to mediate. With that suppression, the ego was weakened in its abilities to judge your experience, threatened even, and so you have a retreat, afraid, and lost.

Now, from within all of this, from suppressed egos, and from distorted life views, beliefs, and I say distorted because they were born from the mind of that 7 year old that watched mom leap out the window.

Now, the current life, is as distorted as the past. Neither of which are true to self. Both distorted opposites of the real self that is still shrouded in pain. You now use an aggressive personhood, rather than fisticuffs.

What has been done with the pain, the hurts of that small child? You can't begin to fathom the 'real you' which would emerge once those energies were released. That person looks nothing like the current identity, which is the result of the pain, or the weak identity in the bed which was a result of the aggressive identity suppressed.

I am telling you that you will never meet true self, who you are, unless you clear the stored emotions, heal, and release. Then your blog will be happy, and joyful, with no need for the dramatic tearjerker style and intent of the writings. When the pain is gone, you will be a different person, and that blog you wrote will be foreign, as a feint memory or perhaps seem like another life entirely. You wouldn't even be able to write in that way.

And so, what have you done with the pain and memories of that child? That fateful day. And the days leading to it, and the days after. What were his thoughts about himself, family, relationships, his ideas, beliefs. What conclusions did that child come to watching his father that day. About himself, men, leadership, role models, the world, women - all anger, hatred based false ideas.

One day it will catch up to you, and you will crash (again). You must meet self, you must face it, at some point. Rather than spending all energies avoiding or running from that demon, using spirituality, books or whatever tool to escape it. You must not bury it, by being good, so to speak, you cannot be good and bad at once. In a way, you would martyr the self. You must forget the good, so to speak, for a moment, the forced good acts - unbury the dead of the past, wash over in the pain, feel the fears, face the demons, and release them. Then the good will emerge, as naturally as a new seedling into a beautiful flower, you see.

That is all.

03-13-2015, 06:38 PM
I think it's important to say, with a big red disclaimer, that despite your authoratitve tone, what you talk about is theory, and nothing but theory. Despite myself believing in some of what you say, very little of it is proven, substantiated or verifiable, at least from a scientific perspective.

For that reason, I think you'd do better to present your ideas as theories, ones which people can choose to explore or ignore. I'm not a fan of portraying theories as absolute truths. That goes for any theory; it's not a personal remark.

I've just found that those who are certain they know about life, are almost always the ones who don't...

Sure. Will do, that's a good idea.

03-13-2015, 07:00 PM
Sure. Will do, that's a good idea.

Good stuff. Hope I didn't sound harsh.

We've just had a lot of people over the years who have come in with agendas and tried to preach ABSOLUTE truth. I know you're not one, and I would hate someone to read a post you've spent a lot of time writing to perceive you in that way. I suppose, on top of that, I also believe the mind works best when it's presented a theory and can then play with it. It has to know its a theory before it can do that though.

Keep up the good fight. :)

03-13-2015, 07:17 PM
I think (does anyone cares what I think)
I m suffering I know you are a good and very enlighted man. It would be easier if you rather talk like everyone else, many people here are so down with anxiety, they do not want to be analyzed, that way. Sometimes simple approach can help the person more. You are old enough to go through bad and good in this life, a lot to share:)
I hope I am not insulting you, somehow, if yes, it was not mine intention. We all are children and need to relax and play and take it easy sometimes:)

03-14-2015, 01:38 AM
I often think the new accounts with infomercial type posts are sometimes trolls. But that's because you get so many screwed up questions, better left unanswered. I have no doubt, many of from those with existing accounts.

03-14-2015, 04:23 AM
I often think the new accounts with infomercial type posts are sometimes trolls. But that's because you get so many screwed up questions, better left unanswered. I have no doubt, many of from those with existing accounts.

I remember when we had that trouble with the trolls pretending they were suicidal, Forwells started checking out everyone's accounts at the time, trying to cut down on trolling. He found some people had up to 12 accounts... He banned the ones he found at the time, but for all we know, people were creating accounts then talking to themselves on the same threads. I think most have learnt the lesson now that spamming products etc doesn't sell, but that was quite a stat.

03-14-2015, 07:34 AM
Kyle morgan or whatever his name is, is a skizo now:))) he had not leave. After he apologized, his IP was not banned :)) From time to time a lot of whining goes around here:))

03-14-2015, 10:05 AM
Wow weeklyteachings, thank you. I am sorry you got the response on here that you did, I appreciate what you were trying to do. There are those that will read it and feel so much comfort, I remember I would grasp hold of anything for comfort as my thoughts ran away with themselves at 3am and I would come on these forums and read a post like yours and feel a sense of ease. I think everyone is here for different reasons and here because of different reasons. However we are here because we are battling inner demons, created by experiences, stress etc. So when people react and pick to pieces your post and blog, start mentioning its like an infomercial its because of them and how they perceived things, not because of you and what you wrote. Some need to pick it to pieces to give themselves some control and release there frustration on something. No doubt by writing this I will be attacked by the same people but that's ok, I don't mind and don't care. I come here to touch base once in a while, when life stresses me out and I need to to regroup I come here and realise how far I've come. Its a good thing to do.

So thank you. Any help is a help, someone someday will read the postive thoughts and expressions on here and that could be the trigger that helps someone through a dark hour.

03-17-2015, 11:46 AM
thanks very much