View Full Version : MY STORY

08-11-2008, 06:04 AM
ok here goes:

Exccuse me if I use this as a therapy session of sorts but heres my story.

I am 52 yrs old and have been in excellent health with lots of energy and most would describe as a very easy going care free person all my life. All that changed around april of this year and I wll attempt to put into context how this started and where I am now.

Background - the last yr has certaianly had it stresses.

1.In feb of 07 my 19 yr old son was randomly assaulted and nearly killed. we got the call no one wants at 3 in the morning to get to the hospital not knowing during the 2 hr drive if he would be alive when we got there. He survived after 2 weeks in the hospital where he was treated for skull fractures and brain injuries. he has since nearly completely recovered but is deaf in his right ear and can no longer play college football. he is now a student coach and making deans list.I do not knowingly sit around thinking about it but I still wake up every morning at 3 am and always have my clothes ready to go beside the bed.

2. My wife had a 2 week period where they thought she had breast cancer and while it finally turned out she didn't I can not tell you what those 2 weeks were like.

3. my job has recently changed due to the real estate slow down I went back to my previous career as an emergency roon r.n. after being out of the hospital for 8 years. My life went from working at home at a leisurely pace to right back into a very emotionally and physically stressful job.

despite all of this I had adjusted and I felt good and thought I had weathered the storms.


In april I had some tingling in my fingers that and mri showed was due to cervical disk problems ( I had this for years but managed with few symptoms). The doctor put me on a steriod dose pack and ALL HELL BROKE LOSE!. Within 2 days I was sweating like a pig, heart pounding could not sleep and felt like i was going to catch on fire. I also at times could not breathe. Being an r.n. I know some of this is to be expected but I FELT AWFUL. I finished the does pak and 2 days later I could not get up enough energy to get off the couch. I was so sick I asked my wife to take me to the er I thought I was going to die. She would not and said just let the meds get out for your system. 2 days later on monday Iwent to the doctor emergently. I woke up that morning and could not breathe and my chest was killing me. After a battery of blood test ekgs and a stress test I heard these words " YOU HAVE GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER" Now as a 52 yr old healthy happy male who only saw a dr once a year for a physical and was on no meds this did not make since to me. I mean I thought about stuff every now and then but not more than ususal I thought.He gave me a few 12 to be exact xanax and started lexapro.


I took a half xanax and within a short time it was like the pressure released and I felt like me again. I started the lexapro and after 2 weeks it kicked in and I can not begin to tell you how bad it made me feel. No sleep no interest in anything sex golf you name it I tried but just didn't care. It was lie somebody else was in my body. I also at times felt like I was on speed and once again sweated and had hot flashes. I tried another 2 weeks and then just quit the stuff felt bad a few days and then slowly started coming back to normal.


Continuing to improve but still have never been back to the pre steriod me. I have periods of fatigue that just show up during the day usually preceeded by that slightly tight feeling in my upper body that almost tingles. Most days I can work through it and make it throught the day.
Some days I take half a xanax and amazingly I feel normal and my energy level goes back up ( I always thought xanax made you sleepy and tired?)

Whats weird is the spells when they come just show up most times I am not thinking about anything. The good news is I feel a little better every day and I am back to about 80% of what I felt like earlier.I have made a pact with myself to not take the xanax any more frequent than every 3 days if needed and keep trying to make that more days apart.

Well any way thats my story feel free to comment I have read others on here and see what a huge issue this is and by the way I apologize to anyone taking meds, you see I was on of those pull your self out of this you big baby types that thought it was all a crock but when it happened to me now I understand.

In hindsight and this is just my opinion - I think I did not deal with a lot of the stress over the last year openly and just kept trying to move on till my body just sort of shut down.

08-11-2008, 09:02 AM
One more thing:

Is this fatigue something that will ever go away? Some days Im fine but there are times I just want to lay down, I am so tired.

08-29-2008, 05:07 PM
wow good week or so and then this week bad every day.

Just want to lay down all the time
Dont really enjoy anything I used to
Feel hot and sensitive to heat/cpld ( do any of you deal wih this?)

I have tried not to take the xanax at all but I think I may have to for a while

08-29-2008, 09:24 PM
Hi Jww,
I deal with always being hot. It wasn't a problem for a few years, but now it's back. Just got over sweaty hands after about 3 month, which I never had before. I can't point to any one incident that started it.

I go through all the symptoms at one time or another. Hot flashes in the '80's, trembling in the 90's, dizziness in the 00's, among other things.

The symptoms are strange and at times unpredictable. I try to roll with it and will take a benzo if needed, but I'm like you I try to take it infrequently. I've also taken Lexapro, and while I had less generalized anxiety, I had more anxiety because of the sweating, loss of appetite, lack of orgasm, etc. It wasn't worth it to me, though it works great for others. The steroid thing is something I'm completely unfamiliar with.

Gotta throw in the: "talk to your doctor about meds and issues."

Hope you feel better soon.

09-02-2008, 07:15 AM
Thanks for your reply:

I am new to all this and quite frankly it is just strange.

I have days where I think wow I feel great, glad all that is over, then - out of the blue I have days where I feel so anxious it feels like I cant breath and just feel exhausted.

Question - is this just how it will be? Will I deal with this more or less forever?

09-03-2008, 12:07 PM
it started with me same way, all of the sudden. Never been to doctors before.
Symptoms last 7 months already, they come and go like you having good week following the bad weeks and repeat. I take xanax only as absolutely needed and it does work. For me the most disturbing is that fatigue and sometimes fainting feeling which slowly got better after meditation and taking some nutrition.
For me it's sign from my body: "changes needed in your emotional life ASAP!"
:roll: :shock:

09-03-2008, 07:50 PM
My days are basically you just never know I may have several good or bad in a row.

This forum has helped to know that I am not alone and that you have to deal with every day as it is.

I really fight the xanax use because I hear so many bad things about it.
It is very difficult though because it helps tremedously on the bad days.

I have the biggest problem now with random fatigue episodes that just show up whenever they want. SOmtime I just want to sleep a while but I seem to always fight throuh it although sometime I think maybe I should rest more and take a nap every now and then and maybe even not be so hard on myself about taking a xanax when I need it but

that feels like I am giving in

Am I right to think that?

09-03-2008, 10:50 PM
I've been known to take a nap at lunch or sometimes I just lay back with my eyes closed. I think it's helpful - I haven't felt worse after doing it.

The benzo deal is tough. I feel the same way you do. If I'm debating about it (causing anxiety), I ask myself what a reasonable person would do.

Then I debate it more. I do however, have no problem taking it before a known stressful event.

I'll even go on a benzo prohibition for a month just to convince myself that I'm not becoming dependent. Sure just that ritual makes me dependent somehow, but not to the point of fiending or doctor shopping.

09-04-2008, 05:14 AM
funny you say that about the probation

I try to make it at least 3 to 4 days without taking one. It is almost like being on a diet and saying man if you can make it till friday I will get a you a steak!

The odd thing is xanax does not make me sleepy at all it actually makes me feel more relaxed and energized.

Off to another day - feel great this morning

09-04-2008, 08:23 AM
I take xanax only when absolutely have to and I'm usually not at home.

Today I feel so weak that raising hand up makes me tired. Also BP quite low like for morning 117/80. Shouldn't anxiety lift actually the BP???

09-04-2008, 09:23 AM
thanks for sharing your story jww :) i wanted to reply to you because my anxiety was also caused by a combination of stress & a particular prescription drug. i believe what happened to me was adrenal fatigue, a condition that exhausts you completely and can cause horrible anxiety. you may be interested in looking up the term to see if it applies to you? it is possible to recover from it :) for me the key was discovering the nutrition aspect of anxiety, i was able to eat my way back to a normal life again! (and i'm not talking about burying my feelings by eating tubs and tubs of icecream lol)

i also wanted to say it might be a good idea to keep a diary of your patches of fatigue, time of day, what you've eaten, how long it lasts, what helps you feel better, is there anything you do that relieves it - that general kind of thing. it may help you to get a clearer picture of why it happens and give you something to work on.

also, it is worth considering going for a couple of counselling sessions to help you deal with the trauma of what happened to your son and wife. you may find even just talking about it with an outsider to the situation is extremely helpful and catharthic. you may like to consider it, it's certainly a good option to check out.

09-05-2008, 05:42 AM
Thanks for your reply glad to hear you have handled your situation.

I will ck into the adrenal fatigue because all this seemed to start after a round of steriods, that may just be a coincedence or it may have been a trigger.

I have thought about the counseling aspect and just posting my original note seemed to help to get it all out there.

I continue to read some of the post on here and while some dont apply several help shine a light on how everyone deals with some of the issues I face.