View Full Version : Maybe anxiety?

03-12-2015, 10:26 AM
Hi everyone - I understand that no one can diagnose me on a message board - I am just looking for someone who can help me understand what I am going through or share a similar story

I had heart palpitations that woke me about about 4 months ago - since had numbness and tingling in my legs and now a constant tingle in my right cheek. Also, a lot of heart palpitations, but after having a holter test, that monitored my heartbeats - the doctor said that I was having heart palpitations, but not enough to be considered to be of any worry. My family doctor said he thinks it is anxiety. The only thing is that I have never had anxiety before. Even when in stressful situations, I am calm, I handle stress very well, and I am very positive. I do have some spinal misalignment which is what my osteopath is thinking is causing this numbness, but after several visits there is no improvement. My doctor gave me a few ativan to try, and it makes me somewhat relaxed, but the tingling doesn't improve.

I have had absolutely no feelings of anxiety until this last week though. These past few days I have been feeling really terrible - it comes on suddenly and will last for several hours - nothing in particular seems to trigger it. It isn't like a panic attack or anything - but it feels like I am very unsettled and nervous.

Has any one else experienced physical symptoms of anxiety BEFORE they have the mental symptoms? I am still confused about whether or not this could be anxiety. My doctor wanted to start me on SSRIs back when I first had the tingling, but I refused them, because I really didn't feel anxious at all and I am worried about taking medication if I don't need it.