View Full Version : Do you believe in aliens?

03-10-2015, 07:48 PM
Ok, so we've had the God thread, which Nixon has now closed to ensure good relations on the forum. That was good, but let's try something new.



Personally, I find it a tad hard, but the universe is just SO big!

03-10-2015, 07:55 PM
Ok, so we've had the God thread, which Nixon has now closed to ensure good relations on the forum. That was good, but let's try something new.


Personally, I find it a tad hard, but the universe is just SO big!

I think the concept of aliens we have is too simplistic. Aliens are probably all around us but we can't perceive them with our senses. The idea of little men with big eyes and green suits is just man-made stupidity, like the idea of God being an old man with a beard in the clouds :)

03-10-2015, 08:25 PM
Well in this country, there are loads of illegal aliens but I suspect that is not what you are referring to.

Regarding space people, I hope they are all over the place. As long as they are Republicans

03-10-2015, 08:35 PM
It'd be pretty odd if we were the only advanced intelligence in the entire universe. So yes, I believe they exist somewhere.

03-10-2015, 11:26 PM
Absolutely. The only way to heaven is to accept The republican President from the Planet Ork, as your Lord and Savior. Mork was devastated with recent political changes on Ork, so egg shelled it over to our planet but was bitterly disappointed to find the same stupidity ruling over here as well. Suffice to say, Mork found a better option and no longer resides on any planet at all.

The cover up of Alien existence is quite extensive. The most powerful churches in the world pay huge amounts of money to keep it like so. It simply bad for business for people to think outside the satellite zone. There's a reason we have not been back to the moon - and yes ... we did go!

I know - it's hard to believe ... you just have to have faith and warm fuzzy feelings will follow.

Don't just believe me - pick yourself up a telescope at your local ET book store. Meet with the gang for a cup of tea and free tin foil hat. There you can see view transmissions being received with all kind of mystical advice on how to increase your finances, attracted more mates, have better sex, and live a life of pure bliss.

We have many aliens that frequent this forum with all kinds of advice - although typically just manifested through humans topped up on alcohol and xanax. I think they have been on a break as it's rather draining for those channeling.

In the mean time - Check out the Aliens making contact from Sirius:

These entities have been establishing new age teachings which is set to derail all forms of religion. So don't worry if NASA's budget it being held back; there is a topple about to take place and the Vatican, nor Republicans won't be able to do jack.

In the mean time - best thing we can all do, is decide what color pill?

Praise Be to the planet ORK and all its peace keepers, lest we all burn.

Nanu Nanu.

I'm guessing Williams now knows better than us -> "if at all" That's is my thinking.

03-10-2015, 11:40 PM
Not at all. It's like Santa Claus.

03-11-2015, 12:11 AM
Not at all. It's like Santa Claus.

Or Three Wise Old Men, A burning bush that talks, Two Fish and Five loaves to feed 5000 and bla bla bla ...


Would love to hear from anyone, on a more serious note - your thoughts to the numbers and variables regarding the possibility of intelligent life.

You know - the habitable zone - our current understanding of what a typical solar system is and how much they differ - so on and on ...

There seems to be more and more info coming in ... much of it seems to indicate that despite Carl Sagan's famous numerical quote of Millions & Billions & Trillions ... that the regularity of our system is quite rare ... BUT ... Having said that ... the numbers still seem to favor - millions of systems that could we establish life as we be - and add to that - those that can exist unlike us at all.

Don't be shy. There's a lot more pages to pull from as opposed to the fairy tale books - and -> evidence as well.

03-11-2015, 12:34 AM
"Astronomers estimate that the observable universe has more than 100 billion galaxies"

Take a moment and try to let that sink in. 100 BILLION galaxies! OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE ONLY!

"Our own Milky Way is home to around 300 billion stars"

Now let that sink in. 300 Hundred Billion Stars just n our own Milky Way!

To even think we are all there is would be totally illogical.

"it’s been calculated that the observable Universe is a bubble of space 47 billion years in all directions"

Now try to comprehend that even partially.

Statistically speaking, not only is there life throughout the universe, but that some of these planets are close enough to each other, where they travel back and forth with each other. It is also highly likely that more evolved civilizations somewhere have developed a way to go faster than the speed of light, such as through wormholes, or who knows, and do space travel.

My guess is Earth was a pit stop thousands of years ago from various Extra-terrestrials on their way to somewhere else. They stopped by to regroup, refuel, etc., helped seed civilization, and were written about in all the ancient primitive cultures as The Gods.They probably left and seeded another planet but it's just too much effort and too far to come back. Maybe one day!

The greatest tragedy, is we are stuck on Earth, and can't partake in the enjoyment of space travel so many other beings in the universe get to enjoy.

03-11-2015, 12:38 AM
"Astronomers estimate that the observable universe has more than 100 billion galaxies"

Take a moment and try to let that sink in. 100 BILLION galaxies! OBSERVABLE UNIVERSE ONLY!

Incredible figures. When you think of the universe in that way, it seems impossible that there's no other life out there.

03-11-2015, 04:40 AM
Panic Cured - I don't suppose you have another name I can call you?

No worries if not.

You have raised something else of interest I am now reading:


I've got other things on my mind that relate ... my trouble is my mind races with stuff like this. I normally trip as I try to assimilate and more often than not, make no sense. So is while I read up some more on Homeostasis :) - I also read this.

I can't believe the amount of extra information they now have. They also explain it very well. Of course its huge to take it all in ... Moving on beyond the observable universe ... WOW ... what I don't understand I just read on in awe, and then read again ... like just watching the light early in the mornings. Eventually it sinks in if I keep sitting still long enough.

Thanks heaps for the numbers ... I kind of knew those ones. Keep in mind many of those galaxies also have satellite galaxies as well! Just as most stars are binary. The numbers just keep growing - But Man ... I was kind of stuck in the observable universe ... Just goes to show how shallow life can really be - but then how immense it suddenly is. - I love feeling small but then suddenly big and then nothing at all. I regress to my own thread on that note

I got some reading to do ... thanks Panic Cured.

PS - If so - then it was certainly a bad batch of seed they spread passing this way. Makes me think of Prometheus - I'm sticking with just being myself for now and whilst assimilating ... making sure to leave some room for AWE ... no matter how much we think we know and or guess ... small is not so bad. I wish we had more mountains ... but they all be mined out over this way. 50$au a TONE :(Iron Ore

03-11-2015, 04:55 AM
If you ask tribal people now about who brought them civilization they will tell you the star people. I believe the ancient people called aliens gods because what else were stone age people supposed to think of advanced beings coming down from the sky? Do you ever wonder why when people pray or look to heaven they look up? I have a book called the 12th Planet written by a researcher in the 70s who can translate Sumerian, that claims these ancient Sumerian tablets talks about an extraterrestrial race mixing the Homo Erectus and the Aliens to create the humans.

The massiveness of the Universe is beyond comprehension. I can't even imagine 100 galaxies let alone billions! To be able to travel to any star at all though, takes a technology we do not have. We can't even get to 1 star! There is another way to do it, and hopefully one day we will know. What about beings of multiple dimensions that can travel between dimensions? Well, it is all speculation at this point, but the statistical probability is there is life in other parts of the universe.

03-11-2015, 08:12 AM
Not at all. It's like Santa Claus.

So you believe in the ark or 7 plagues send by Jehowa and do not believe in aliens? They are in different dimension all the time with us or beside us
BTW Who made them?

03-11-2015, 08:17 AM
Guys please continue, the best thread so far, Finally some words of wisdom. :)) The universe is so huge we can not even imagine the fragment of that. Believing that only our planet is special with life is just simply unwise:))

03-11-2015, 08:47 AM
If I ever find an alien in a spaceship, I am going to have them fly me to Dahila and we can go out drinking

No one knows if they exist for sure, but why wouldn't they? Space is pretty big

03-11-2015, 10:29 AM
I am definitely open to the possibility of life on other planets. I wish we could just confirm it so we could REALLY start to explore space......and see what's really out there.

Star Trek was one of my favorite shows growing up.

03-11-2015, 11:09 AM
Thinking about space really isn't good for your self-esteem, is it. :p

I watched that video on YouTube that compared Earth and the Milky Way to other planets and galaxies in the universe. We're like a grain of sand on a huge beach. Hurts my head just thinking about it.

03-11-2015, 11:39 AM
If there is some sort of intelligent life form on another planet, then I suppose they would consider us to be aliens. So I guess I believe in "aliens" -- but I think WE are the aliens.

03-11-2015, 11:44 AM
If there is some sort of intelligent life form on another planet, then I suppose they would consider us to be aliens. So I guess I believe in "aliens" -- but I think WE are the aliens.

Interesting. I like it

I wonder if aliens are as anxious getting on spaceships as we are getting on planes?

03-11-2015, 11:47 AM
I think we are very close to having some sort of official disclosure that extra terrestrial life exists.

Lol, the Pope's scientists have even come out saying that discovery of ET life would not interfere with the Bible. How can you get any more obvious than that? The world's leading religion making a statement that says their religion will still be valid when life is found.

In addition, the stuff is everywhere in media - and is becoming more mainstream in movies. This last year was huge for space/evolution of consciousness thinking. Just off the top of my head: Interstellar, Gravity, Transcendence, Lucy, Jupiter Ascending, , XMEN Days of Future Past, Chappie

Plus movies that address overall monotony of societal conformity, discussing shattering societal perspectives and embracing individuality like Lego Movie (This whole movie is about creating your reality, similar to what Im_Suffering discusses) and Divergent

Plus an overall space theme with Captain America, Guardians of the Galaxy, Planet of the Apes, Transformers..

I know there is more, this is just all I can recall.

These are some of the reasons I believe, however, that if a disclosure does happen it will be used alongside new age thinking as a method of control. Not to say that the knowledge is bad, its just very subtly being introduced to the masses, and as more religious institutions are entertaining the idea after the announcement of the Pope's scientist, it sends up a red flag in my mind.

But, yeah, I used to question it, now I just think it seems a bit ignorant to think that they don't exist. Every month (approximately) the amount of the observable universe we can see is increasing. More and more earth like planets being found, etc, etc. It is wishful thinking to hold onto an ideology that we are all that exists.

I have also had some meditative experiences that appeared as a intelligence other than my own, but that is another topic. I just remember feeling as if though it was "alien".

Almost uncannily, I came across this article after reading Panic cured's post a bit ago, supporting some of what he said. I didnt check its validity though, so I cant confirm how truthful it is. http://organichealth.co/new-ancient-mystery-human-species-identified-shakes-up-the-theory-of-evolution/

I am just spitting out thoughts at this point, so I will end on this. A couple years ago I started to see the number 333 everywhere. EVERYWHERE. One night I was laying in bed (asleep), and it felt as though something grabbed my spine through my chest and pulled me up. I awoke to the clock reading 3:33 AM.

... k

A week later I watched the movie the Fourth Kind which is supposed to be based off of real life alien abductions. In a scene in the movie, aliens come to take a family away, and as they are dragging her out of the room the clock reads 3:33 AM.




Coincidence that my anxious period began shortly after that? haha

03-11-2015, 12:22 PM
Fortunately, you must learn to deal with each other, first, peacefully - globally - before any introduction to 'another', 'alien' life. If the children play with fire, take the matches away from them.

Now, the assumption that life is out there somewhere is illusive in itself, because no planet is dead. The keys to unlocking the mystery are hidden in the mystery itself. If man destroys his peers on his own planet, what would he do elsewhere? Interstellar war?

'Armies', 'wars', 'conquering', 'fighting', 'hatred', 'jealousy', 'death', 'prison', 'sentencing', 'judgement', 'weapons', 'destruction', 'terror', 'fear', 'fatality', 'strife', 'hell',.... are all low vibratory states and must be eventually worked out and seen for their futility in conflict resolution, not productive actions and thought/beliefs for a civil - ization to take. Or to take elsewhere, period.

You have been all watching Hollywood drama far too long, and especially using movies as an archetype or model for handling problems.

The more of a lesson needed (this is kindercare), the higher the distortion as science will endlessly discover universes without life. Until both science and everyone on the planet does an about face and looks at themselves, because there is no one else to blame, and no where to go. Both heaven and hell are right under foot.

The word travel in itself is a Disney-esque term, 'luxury' flight from here to there. True 'travel' takes up no space, as space is only part of the earth reality (physical system). Dreams are the closest one comes to psychic travel, which takes no time or space to get here or there. Those 'keys' are locked away, like a savings bond, for when the human 'matures'. Imagine the surprise of a benevolent species, if a human in his craft with weapons in tow, would suddenly intrude into their peaceful reality. This is not allowed under any circumstance other than a haphazard accident, where one flounders by mistake into another dimension. Such 'intrusions' have happened but because the 'traveler' is not equipped with the correct 'gear' (specific to that reality) the visit cant be comprehended in reference to the home worlds constructions. You cannot for example bring a physical body into a non physical reality. To fully explore one must have the correct equipment, and a good map, you understand. Each reality has a barrier then, keeping unwanted intrusions out.

You can practice OBE (many do), and 'visit' *foreign* lands. However, most of these experiences are forgotten in the morning, they happen in the protected areas of REM for the most part. They are forgotten because the brain cannot interpret 'alien' constructions. And so they are dismissed as fantasy if remembered at all. Many humans do this quite naturally (stumbling around) because the impetus for psychic travel is built in, so to speak, but undeveloped. Once again, to interpret a foreign land, or navigate, you need a map, a guide and an understanding of communication. Better to start in your homeworld for practice by willing yourself in your dreams. Yes, dreams can be directed just like waking life. Take yourself to the beach, you see, or another destination, and practice moving around the area, noticing the life and the environment, and intentionally manipulating objects. (within the dream).

The opposite is true for a visitor from 'outer space' The craft would have to be built from earth stuff to stay constructed within your reality. The creature would need a body, a map, and specific coding and instruction sets (DNA) to manipulate and create his reality within the physical environment. Science is not looking for ghosts but other human forms, you see, and flying saucers. 'Other' life forms you see, do not need 'saucers' to travel. The saucer of course is the human projection of what it would construct, and in no way a clear picture of technology advanced enough to accomplish that feat.

Lastly, for the scientifically inquisitive, true travel would involve intimate knowledge of atomic structures. Not their behavior (under different conditions), but their 'true' nature, and this has not been discovered as of this year 2015. Man (children), as discussed, is not ready or mentally equipped to handle that knowledge. Discoveries that only scratched the surface led to atomic 'weapons', you see. First things first, all men must lay down their weapons - and desire peace. All men. And if you must blow yourselves up to learn that, it would not be the first or last time that has happened.

I am a teacher, and so I will continue to teach.

03-11-2015, 12:52 PM
When they come, the will use the planet as resources nothing else, we are no special no the chosen ones.
Iamsuffering I agree and I practice it the last two paragraphs. There is not limit how far a person can go. some believe that we are universe, for sure universe is in us :))

03-11-2015, 01:06 PM
Fortunately, you must learn to deal with each other, first, peacefully - globally - before any introduction to 'another', 'alien' life. If the children play with fire, take the matches away from them.

Now, the assumption that life is out there somewhere is illusive in itself, because no planet is dead. The keys to unlocking the mystery are hidden in the mystery itself. If man destroys his peers on his own planet, what would he do elsewhere? Interstellar war?

'Armies', 'wars', 'conquering', 'fighting', 'hatred', 'jealousy', 'death', 'prison', 'sentencing', 'judgement', 'weapons', 'destruction', 'terror', 'fear', 'fatality', 'strife', 'hell',.... are all low vibratory states and must be eventually worked out and seen for their futility in conflict resolution, not productive actions and thought/beliefs for a civil - ization to take. Or to take elsewhere, period.

You have been all watching Hollywood drama far too long, and especially using movies as an archetype or model for handling problems.

The more of a lesson needed (this is kindercare), the higher the distortion as science will endlessly discover universes without life. Until both science and everyone on the planet does an about face and looks at themselves, because there is no one else to blame, and no where to go. Both heaven and hell are right under foot.

The word travel in itself is a Disney-esque term, 'luxury' flight from here to there. True 'travel' takes up no space, as space is only part of the earth reality (physical system). Dreams are the closest one comes to psychic travel, which takes no time or space to get here or there. Those 'keys' are locked away, like a savings bond, for when the human 'matures'. Imagine the surprise of a benevolent species, if a human in his craft with weapons in tow, would suddenly intrude into their peaceful reality. This is not allowed under any circumstance other than a haphazard accident, where one flounders by mistake into another dimension. Such 'intrusions' have happened but because the 'traveler' is not equipped with the correct 'gear' (specific to that reality) the visit cant be comprehended in reference to the home worlds constructions. You cannot for example bring a physical body into a non physical reality. To fully explore one must have the correct equipment, and a good map, you understand. Each reality has a barrier then, keeping unwanted intrusions out.

I am a teacher, I am here to teach.

This makes the assumption that "alien" life is by default benevolent. There is no benefit in concluding that we are the only "low vibratory" type species nearby, and that alien interaction would not bring about further regression into lower states.

In addition, your definition of humanity appears to be very media influenced. The things you describe aren't what we are. They aren't the majority. They are the ideals of mass media, and the work of a corrupted world system and its leaders. This corruption, however, does not represent humanity.

Your overall message is good (In my opinion, obviously), but it is judgmental. The beauty of your message comes from the inner growth it can spark, but judgment is the most powerful tool in keeping humanity docile and ignorant.

03-11-2015, 01:27 PM
This makes the assumption that "alien" life is by default benevolent. There is no benefit in concluding that we are the only "low vibratory" type species nearby, and that alien interaction would not bring about further regression into lower states.

In addition, your definition of humanity appears to be very media influenced. The things you describe aren't what we are. They aren't the majority. They are the ideals of mass media, and the work of a corrupted world system and its leaders. This corruption, however, does not represent humanity.

Your overall message is good (In my opinion, obviously), but it is judgmental. The beauty of your message comes from the inner growth it can spark, but judgment is the most powerful tool in keeping humanity docile and ignorant.

Often it takes edits - I am not finished another words (with posts), usually for some time. Now, at 326, its complete if you wish to reread.

And in regard to your post -

All men, must love peace, and lay down their weapons. Let me just suggest that any reader interested in this topic acquaint him or herself with OBE, first reading, then practice and experience.

That is all I can say for now, I need a rest, that post took a good deal of energy.

03-11-2015, 01:54 PM
Often it takes edits - I am not finished another words (with posts), usually for some time. Now, at 326, its complete if you wish to reread.

And in regard to your post -

All men, must love peace, and lay down their weapons. Let me just suggest that any reader interested in this topic acquaint him or herself with OBE, first reading, then practice and experience.

That is all I can say for now, I need a rest, that post took a good deal of energy.

We are on the same page, mostly. I, however, believe that the negative is natural, and utilizing it is just as important to progress as the positive is.

I concur, OBE can provide a lot of insight to this topic.

Weapons will not be laid down without further weapons being utilized. I agree that a peaceful, "benevolent" evolution is required, however, I think that will happen through some evolving past others, and others being left behind. And, that isn't true peace. Balance is necessary for all growth.

I think exploring this any further takes away from the original topic of the forum, and I dont want to do that.

Thanks for the exchange.

03-11-2015, 02:43 PM
Just to finish up here, with a little more difficult material :

Mans 'true' nature can be seen in the stars. As one looks up into his universe he (is meant to) see himself, the beauty within (his reflection, his work). The same is true of the landscape, the skies, the sun. And so inherently, man is good, and the paintings of his overall environs, beautiful.

Now, you say, (when I say you, I mean anyone) "When we look at the stars, the only way to get to them is space travel, so everyone else out there (aliens) must see the same field, the same universe, and travel in the same way"

But the stars are a projection, maintained with more or less duration, en mass by psychic projections. The universe is created 'on the fly', because there is only the moment. You can say the universe is a mass projection kept alive by specific coding, and blueprints. You are meant to look up in wonder, and see selfs hand in such magnificence.

So your space traveler of the future will travel inward, through atomic structures as opposed to skipping on top of them. Man will find quicker ways to skirt the galaxy until then (with rocket ships), but it will only be when he moves through time, inside the atom, will its pulsations propel him between realities. On a 'trip' where he may meet his friends in other systems, without ever leaving his home.

You project thoughts out into some future, which form the environment, and because of the brain (synaptic system), it seems to you the environment is already there - when indeed it is being created 'on the fly'. You simply meet your thoughts.

That is all for today.

03-11-2015, 03:11 PM
DRAMA hey - what can you do.

If you can't remember then there is no point. I find it very much pointless subscribing to past life theory as well, but if it helps - best of luck with how it aids. I know I say this more out of frustration and lack of understanding. Memories are perhaps overated and more a set back than anything else. I don't know and perhaps I should be more accepting with that.
Excellent points on mentality though. I like your thought with regard to travel and so on I'm suffering.

Also Goomba - very interesting read. With what you said.

__________________________________________________ ___________________

I don't follow much of your tact I'm suffering, (but am learning and want to) I do appreciate and see fine quality in much of your message. I am beginning to care less for much of humanities faults and simply ride as best I can within my own head.

I just gave away my last telescope, but I'm relieved that I'm kind of able to receive a similar kind of awe/wonderment/presence/emptiness when I sometimes sit and stare into space.

Again - I think on Goomba's points.

Good Stuff - Thanks Guys.

03-11-2015, 05:18 PM
When they come, the will use the planet as resources nothing else, we are no special no the chosen ones.
Iamsuffering I agree and I practice it the last two paragraphs. There is not limit how far a person can go. some believe that we are universe, for sure universe is in us :))

I like this very much.

I think everything that is said in here is very relevant and it should be allowed to go wherever it goes.

Please do continue if you feel the need -

I don't think Jesse would mind at all ... Would that be OK with you Jesse?

I'm re-reading and would love to hear more.

I have been fighting with myself when it comes to the frustrations of those things I do not understand. I' regret those times I am such an ass when obviously unable to hear. People have been very patient with me and I'm thankful for that ... it's been a huge help.

I'm all for laying down the weapon - but know it's not going to happen any time soon if at all. The mentality to our perceptions on this whole topic could do with more exploration and be quite beneficial.

So please don't hold back ... I see no one ill effected from, such ... thus far?

No sides that I can see ... just seeking is all I see ... making sense of a senseless world for me. I think the media very much controls ... but too much thinking and more reading for me at this point with a little more contemplation before I can comment between the depth you guys bring.

Again - I don't mind you guys moving on at all and perhaps others can comment if it be such a deal?

Others will chime in as they feel ... better out than in.

03-11-2015, 08:59 PM
Just to finish up here, with a little more difficult material :

Mans 'true' nature can be seen in the stars. As one looks up into his universe he (is meant to) see himself, the beauty within (his reflection, his work). The same is true of the landscape, the skies, the sun. And so inherently, man is good, and the paintings of his overall environs, beautiful.

Now, you say, (when I say you, I mean anyone) "When we look at the stars, the only way to get to them is space travel, so everyone else out there (aliens) must see the same field, the same universe, and travel in the same way"

But the stars are a projection, maintained with more or less duration, en mass by psychic projections. The universe is created 'on the fly', because there is only the moment. You can say the universe is a mass projection kept alive by specific coding, and blueprints. You are meant to look up in wonder, and see selfs hand in such magnificence.

So your space traveler of the future will travel inward, through atomic structures as opposed to skipping on top of them. Man will find quicker ways to skirt the galaxy until then (with rocket ships), but it will only be when he moves through time, inside the atom, will its pulsations propel him between realities. On a 'trip' where he may meet his friends in other systems, without ever leaving his home.

You project thoughts out into some future, which form the environment, and because of the brain (synaptic system), it seems to you the environment is already there - when indeed it is being created 'on the fly'. You simply meet your thoughts.

That is all for today.

Does anyone else find this guy's posts weird, hard to follow and way too long, kind of guru-ish? Maybe it is just me, but I am truly asking. Sorry I'm Suffering, but I don't get it. Maybe other people do.

03-11-2015, 09:27 PM
Does anyone else find this guy's posts weird, hard to follow and way too long, kind of guru-ish? Maybe it is just me, but I am truly asking. Sorry I'm Suffering, but I don't get it. Maybe other people do.

I didn't get it at first but then realized a lot of the stuff is cut and pasted from books having to with the laws of attraction and the books like Think and grow Rich. Then I kinda got it because I have read lots of books similar and I believe in them to a point. I like that theory of it so I like seeing it in type again and appreciate he posts it. IS seems to really believe in it

You have to keep in mind, some of those books were written in the 1930's so it is no wonder we have trouble understanding it in these days! But many of those books were way beyond their time and make sense if you can get past all the theological language and see the point that is trying to be made.

Kinda like trying to interpret the Bible. That can be tough as well. Old English is foreign to most, including me!

03-11-2015, 09:43 PM
I must be like 1930 , because I kind of got it. Nixon what about the promise of drinking together? Are you serious?:)))

03-11-2015, 10:22 PM
"Just to finish up here, with a little more difficult material" : (and imo = more relevant to our fallibility as a species)

He did say it was not easily understood. Much of his message usually has very relevant stuff in it for me despite the fact that I often bang my head against the wall trying to make sense with the stuff that I tend to end up making fun of.

Whilst I have jibbed I'm suffering many times ... I have a secret respect for the guy. Well not so secret anymore. It's taken me a while - the truth is and I'm sure many agree ... I am just as, if not more ... off with the pixies as the next guy.

As I said - an education only goes so far ... I am less impressed with those who feel the need to repeat their status and or certifications.


I may find the tact hard to follow ... but the section in question I want to believe ... yes I think I understand and or would at least, like to know more.

Perhaps I'm suffering really is an Alien, and that's why I have been acting like a bigot all this time?

I won't name Names, but I remember well, how I was once told to give a little thought about the message and less about the style in which it's given. I'm up for more. :)

03-11-2015, 10:40 PM
I didn't get it at first but then realized a lot of the stuff is cut and pasted from books having to with the laws of attraction and the books like Think and grow Rich. Then I kinda got it because I have read lots of books similar and I believe in them to a point. I like that theory of it so I like seeing it in type again and appreciate he posts it. IS seems to really believe in it

You have to keep in mind, some of those books were written in the 1930's so it is no wonder we have trouble understanding it in these days! But many of those books were way beyond their time and make sense if you can get past all the theological language and see the point that is trying to be made.

Kinda like trying to interpret the Bible. That can be tough as well. Old English is foreign to most, including me!

The bible is quite poetic really. Still a little hard to read with its older language, but it's poetic nature makes it easier. I've been studying language a lot, since I've moved into copywriting. The bible has some great examples of literary genius in it. Especially psalms.

I did get a free grammar book from Kindle promising to teach me perfect grammar. It was written in classic English. It was so hard to read, simply understanding what was being said was impossible. How language has changed even in the last few decades.

03-11-2015, 10:41 PM
Does anyone else find this guy's posts weird, hard to follow and way too long, kind of guru-ish? Maybe it is just me, but I am truly asking. Sorry I'm Suffering, but I don't get it. Maybe other people do.

My posts are weird, hard to follow and way to long - however nowhere near as guru-ish -> but in some ways wish they were ... the planet needs all the help it can get. It's because my posts are not so easy to write that I often get so much from them, or I should say those that require that I rewrite, repeat and so on ... end up benefiting me all the more. (I enjoy writing "to myself" and whilst hard to read for some ... they tend to be easy for me - I write in forums because I like to share and I eventually make some really good friends)

I'll see if I can relate what that section means to me. As I said, I care not what humanity thinks. I'm learning that when I resist like so ... I don't like what's in the mirror ... especially when I re-read and see myself like so.

Keep up the good work I'm suffering ;)

03-11-2015, 10:47 PM
That's a good point Jesse ... Religion uses it Very well! Kind of like a spell ... I just need to find one that works for me.

I've ranted enough -

Jesse ... You are a whiz with language and it really shows. I have often thought that about you. You seem less stuck up when using it, or I find most others trip with snobbery when showing off. I've always liked your wit, mostly because you have compassion and will even give when the going gets tough.

Enough ass kissing from me. I feel Mr Hyde about to take over ... so take it while it counts.

Later. ;)

03-11-2015, 11:42 PM
That's a good point Jesse ... Religion uses it Very well! Kind of like a spell ... I just need to find one that works for me.

I've ranted enough -

Jesse ... You are a whiz with language and it really shows. I have often thought that about you. You seem less stuck up when using it, or I find most others trip with snobbery when showing off. I've always liked your wit, mostly because you have compassion and will even give when the going gets tough.

Enough ass kissing from me. I feel Mr Hyde about to take over ... so take it while it counts.

Later. ;)

I wasn't trying to be a dick, I was really asking because I always felt I'm Suffering posts were weird. But if other people like it and it helps them than who am I to judge?

The bible, like all ancient religious texts, gives us a glimpse into the ancient people's mindset. We have to remember that ancient people did not write pleasure fiction. I assume only a small percentage were even literate and the last thing they had to do, was time to sit around and read fictional stories. What they were doing, in my opinion, was recorded history, many times covered in allegory. Yet, they were primitive people, so they didn't have the understanding of how things worked, so it gets told in myth form.

For example, advanced aliens flying spacecraft to them, seemed like fire breathing flying dragons, and the beings that came out of the spacecraft, appeared to be gods from heaven. If an alien taught a tribe how to farm, when they were used to picking berries, this guy was considered the god of agriculture. I am very much on board with many supernatural biblical stories being a case of recording misunderstood technology.

Even if the ancient alien theory is bogus, I still firmly believe these stories were their best attempt to record actual history, yet coming from a place of not understanding how things actually occurred.

03-12-2015, 12:06 AM
In the end, it is just critical to always be able to think for yourself. All of this information, is just that, information. Information that has been collected from a lot of different view points, theories, and experiences. It has not yet, however, evolved into knowledge, or truth.

The "quest" for knowledge should always be inward, that is where it will be found. Information exists as an external force, that can be insightful. Knowledge is an internal truth.

All this talk about aliens and space is information, not knowledge.

I mostly agree with I'm Suffering as he discusses vibratory states, and dimensions. By agree I suppose I mean that I don't discredit their existence.

However, I think the most important exploration comes through the idea of balance. In order to have an awareness of a concept, its opposite must exist. In example, I do not believe that happiness can exist without suffering. If there was no suffering, there would be no perspective as to what it is, and therefore, no awareness that one is not suffering and is happy. Therefore, one would simply just BE instead of having an experience.

Experience is important, because it is what makes our reality what it is. It allows us to feel, contemplate, and GROW.

Self-growth would not happen without experience, and therefore would not happen without a balance to things. Having the good and the bad allows us to continue to push our limits, and further create our reality.

In relation to aliens, I think it is far to convenient to assume that they are all benevolent, and waiting for us to progress and reach their level of ascended consciousness. Everything is positive, positive, positive, there is no personal accountability, or balance. This mindset allows us to overlook the demons of humanity, and creates stagnancy. Yes, there may be higher dimensions for us to eventually access, but it overlooks the importance of TODAY, and our responsibility in bettering the planet. Simply expecting the corruption to disappear is unrealistic. In addition, it is my opinion that a being without any corruption has failed. As I said before, the balance is what gives us the insight to continue growing, and evolving.

I'm Suffering...I referenced you in the beginning of the post, but do not intend to imply that you share the viewpoints I described in the content of my post.

03-12-2015, 12:23 AM
That was more about me taking the opportunity to connect with I'm suffering in a positive way. (long overdue) I'm sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way - I see how I might of implied something negative and am sorry for that. This discussion is very much unfolding in a good way.

Thank You.

03-12-2015, 12:27 AM
That's a good point Jesse ... Religion uses it Very well! Kind of like a spell ... I just need to find one that works for me.

I've ranted enough -

Jesse ... You are a whiz with language and it really shows. I have often thought that about you. You seem less stuck up when using it, or I find most others trip with snobbery when showing off. I've always liked your wit, mostly because you have compassion and will even give when the going gets tough.

Enough ass kissing from me. I feel Mr Hyde about to take over ... so take it while it counts.

Later. ;)

@Ponder: Haha cheers. I guess most people learn to speak well as a result of a good education or a good job. I learnt English language from nuns on a council estate. Not too much to be egotistical about there. :)

@Goomba: I haven't said it yet, but I've enjoyed all of your posts on this thread. Especially the one about the Pope's statement. I didn't see that.

@PanicCured: I think Nixon said above that a lot of ImSuffering's stuff is copied from books. That's probably why it comes off as stiff. Either that or..... he's an alien. ;)

03-12-2015, 06:02 AM
@Ponder: Haha cheers. I guess most people learn to speak well as a result of a good education or a good job. I learnt English language from nuns on a council estate. Not too much to be egotistical about there. :)

@Goomba: I haven't said it yet, but I've enjoyed all of your posts on this thread. Especially the one about the Pope's statement. I didn't see that.

@PanicCured: I think Nixon said above that a lot of ImSuffering's stuff is copied from books. That's probably why it comes off as stiff. Either that or..... he's an alien. ;)

Some from books, yes. For example, if I am overwhelmed at home and here by the constant revolving door of issues, often I'll throw my hands up (an easy way out) and post the 'fear of criticism' (Napoleon Hill), rather than take 3 hours channeling. Yes, each post could take me literally all morning to get out.

Obviously my signature is from 'Seth' (Jane Roberts) who I am very fond of.

I had many teachers who I am proud to quote on this journey - some I can share with you, some are secret !

Some in person (I'm still living with one), and some from books -

Carlos Castaneda (the teachings of Don Juan)

Jane Roberts (the Seth Materials)

Abraham (Esther Hicks the law of attraction)

And a thank you to the Rosi-Cross (Rosicrucians) that was one hellava ride.

But you cannot just 'read' you must practice, practice, and practice ! A long time ago when I was practicing 'flying' in dreams and I was scared, my dog Niki who has since passed many years ago would come in and rescue me, by licking me until I awoke, or as a comforting influence of familiarity. She was of course in the bed with me sleeping and with me in the dreamworld when I needed her.

There's nothing quite like the freedom of flying, experiencing that consciously, awake and manipulating the dream world. You could perhaps emulate 'superman' or turn on your back and put your hands out - for me I had to get over the initial fear of lift off -

If you want to learn more about a specific path, or world view of say an inventor, or whoever, especially if they have passed on, you can read history through the library of records. Where that persons view is stored (memories). "I want to know everything about Edison". And so you sit down with him and question him. You then follow him through his inventions, his life, his ideas and views of the world, his thoughts are available. "Thoughts are things" (Napoleon Hill) - they have "electromagnetic properties that begin to accumulate mass" Seth. "Thoughts are immediately attracted to the one who intends them, through desire and emotion."

To learn about Steve Jobs, for example, and emulate his success, to a certain degree, you only need to ask him. Let him take you through time, and show you his conditioning as a young man in his fathers workshed. Where he was taught who he was to become, you see.

In the Akashic records you may learn about any historical event. (Search Wikipedia). Each soul leaves its mark on a photographic plate, an imprint of that life. And so if you have a real day to day problem, gather a round table of peers in a boardroom in your mind, and have a meeting. You might invite Lincoln, you see, or Edison, or any historical figure. You will be surprised at what they say, on their own !


And To my friend Dave (Ponder) - thanks.

03-12-2015, 06:47 AM
Yw :) I can't type much from my phone, (about to sleep) I have been looking into OBE. I don't like the average Fad aproach but figured I would look into it one more time.

I came across an interesting vid which then led me to another I found even more interesting ... not making any claims about it. I am tired and want to fly :)

I'm just bookmarking it here under Aliens.

Edit ... do you think it possible that loving beings could be playing games with us? How I find this stuff I have no Idea. Goodnight zzzźzzzz

03-12-2015, 07:59 AM
Some from books, yes. For example, if I am overwhelmed at home and here by the constant revolving door of issues, often I'll throw my hands up (an easy way out) and post the 'fear of criticism' (Napoleon Hill), rather than take 3 hours channeling. Yes, each post could take me literally all morning to get out.

Obviously my signature is from 'Seth' (Jane Roberts) who I am very fond of.

I had many teachers who I am proud to quote on this journey - some I can share with you, some are secret !

Some in person (I'm still living with one), and some from books -

Carlos Castaneda (the teachings of Don Juan)

Jane Roberts (the Seth Materials)

Abraham (Esther Hicks the law of attraction)

And a thank you to the Rosi-Cross (Rosicrucians) that was one hellava ride.

But you cannot just 'read' you must practice, practice, and practice ! A long time ago when I was practicing 'flying' in dreams and I was scared, my dog Niki who has since passed many years ago would come in and rescue me, by licking me until I awoke, or as a comforting influence of familiarity. She was of course in the bed with me sleeping and with me in the dreamworld when I needed her.

There's nothing quite like the freedom of flying, experiencing that consciously, awake and manipulating the dream world. You could perhaps emulate 'superman' or turn on your back and put your hands out - for me I had to get over the initial fear of lift off -

If you want to learn more about a specific path, or world view of say an inventor, or whoever, especially if they have passed on, you can read history through the library of records. Where that persons view is stored (memories). "I want to know everything about Edison". And so you sit down with him and question him. You then follow him through his inventions, his life, his ideas and views of the world, his thoughts are available. "Thoughts are things" (Napoleon Hill) - they have "electromagnetic properties that begin to accumulate mass" Seth. "Thoughts are immediately attracted to the one who intends them, through desire and emotion."

To learn about Steve Jobs, for example, and emulate his success, to a certain degree, you only need to ask him. Let him take you through time, and show you his conditioning as a young man in his fathers workshed. Where he was taught who he was to become, you see.

In the Akashic records you may learn about any historical event. (Search Wikipedia). Each soul leaves its mark on a photographic plate, an imprint of that life. And so if you have a real day to day problem, gather a round table of peers in a boardroom in your mind, and have a meeting. You might invite Lincoln, you see, or Edison, or any historical figure. You will be surprised at what they say, on their own !


And To my friend Dave (Ponder) - thanks.

So you read some self help books and think you are a prophet or something? Sorry but your writing is just weird and pretty lame to me. Funny how you name is you are suffering yet you try and come across as Holier Than Thou. But hey, if it helps some people, than more power tor you. Just my opinion.

03-12-2015, 08:05 AM
Some from books, yes. For example, if I am overwhelmed at home and here by the constant revolving door of issues, often I'll throw my hands up (an easy way out) and post the 'fear of criticism' (Napoleon Hill), rather than take 3 hours channeling. Yes, each post could take me literally all morning to get out.

Obviously my signature is from 'Seth' (Jane Roberts) who I am very fond of.

I had many teachers who I am proud to quote on this journey - some I can share with you, some are secret !

Some in person (I'm still living with one), and some from books -

Carlos Castaneda (the teachings of Don Juan)

Jane Roberts (the Seth Materials)

Abraham (Esther Hicks the law of attraction)

And a thank you to the Rosi-Cross (Rosicrucians) that was one hellava ride.

But you cannot just 'read' you must practice, practice, and practice ! A long time ago when I was practicing 'flying' in dreams and I was scared, my dog Niki who has since passed many years ago would come in and rescue me, by licking me until I awoke, or as a comforting influence of familiarity. She was of course in the bed with me sleeping and with me in the dreamworld when I needed her.

There's nothing quite like the freedom of flying, experiencing that consciously, awake and manipulating the dream world. You could perhaps emulate 'superman' or turn on your back and put your hands out - for me I had to get over the initial fear of lift off -

If you want to learn more about a specific path, or world view of say an inventor, or whoever, especially if they have passed on, you can read history through the library of records. Where that persons view is stored (memories). "I want to know everything about Edison". And so you sit down with him and question him. You then follow him through his inventions, his life, his ideas and views of the world, his thoughts are available. "Thoughts are things" (Napoleon Hill) - they have "electromagnetic properties that begin to accumulate mass" Seth. "Thoughts are immediately attracted to the one who intends them, through desire and emotion."

To learn about Steve Jobs, for example, and emulate his success, to a certain degree, you only need to ask him. Let him take you through time, and show you his conditioning as a young man in his fathers workshed. Where he was taught who he was to become, you see.

In the Akashic records you may learn about any historical event. (Search Wikipedia). Each soul leaves its mark on a photographic plate, an imprint of that life. And so if you have a real day to day problem, gather a round table of peers in a boardroom in your mind, and have a meeting. You might invite Lincoln, you see, or Edison, or any historical figure. You will be surprised at what they say, on their own !


And To my friend Dave (Ponder) - thanks.

Have you ever tried hallucinogenic substances? Something like LSD, for example?

03-12-2015, 01:46 PM
Just letting you know my question is a serious one.

Jesse - I have considered going back on my antipsychotics despite the awful feeling and complications that happen for me, just to get in touch with my dreams :)

Truth is - I tend to make a better connection and remember much more when focused naturally.

I regress to my own threads for now ... as I am still very much interested going on this current path.

Had a dream that felt pretty good and I've been off the drugs for some time now. :)


I ponder to think how I once seemed the most disgruntled and hurtful one, but now I reach out and want to be friends. I always said, sometimes the best of friends are made that way.

Whatever - I'm all for extreme cases.

Have fun guys. ;)

03-12-2015, 09:46 PM
Yes, I do. I have a hard time believing that, out of all the solar systems out there, ours is the only one with a planet that has life on it. I can't begin to imagine what aliens might be like, but I think they're there somewhere.

03-12-2015, 10:56 PM
I tell you - aliens are everywhere but we can't perceive them :)

03-13-2015, 10:53 AM
I do.

But anyways, why is this in the anxiety forum? We have an off-topic forum at the bottom for stuff like this.

03-13-2015, 03:02 PM
Pres. Obama last night on Jimmy Kimmel:
Kimmel said if he was elected President, as unlikely as that might be, he would go through Area 51 files first thing.
“It’s at the top of my list,” he said.
Obama said, "That's why you would not be President!"
“The aliens won’t let it happen," Obama said. "You’d reveal all their secrets. They exercise strict control over us."
“President Clinton said he did go right in and he did check and there was nothing,” Kimmel said.
“That’s what we’re instructed to say,” Obama said.

03-13-2015, 04:26 PM
I do.

But anyways, why is this in the anxiety forum? We have an off-topic forum at the bottom for stuff like this.

The off-topic section is dead. This forum was way better when everyone posted in one section and used the old chat room. Me and NIXON are trying to get some of the old traffic back by creating threads that get people talking.

03-13-2015, 07:06 PM
Just letting you know my question is a serious one.

Jesse - I have considered going back on my antipsychotics despite the awful feeling and complications that happen for me, just to get in touch with my dreams :)

Truth is - I tend to make a better connection and remember much more when focused naturally.

I regress to my own threads for now ... as I am still very much interested going on this current path.

Had a dream that felt pretty good and I've been off the drugs for some time now. :)


I ponder to think how I once seemed the most disgruntled and hurtful one, but now I reach out and want to be friends. I always said, sometimes the best of friends are made that way.

Whatever - I'm all for extreme cases.

Have fun guys. ;)

I had the most amazing lucid dream last night. They don't happen often, but when they do, they're incredible. I feel so disappointed when I wake up.

03-13-2015, 07:10 PM
Sometimes I feel as though my dreams are more real than the reality I experience when I wake up.

It can at times be disheartening.

Though, I've come to accept that the things that have happened to me while dreaming are real things I have now experienced. I feel too alive in them to perceive it any other way.

With that perspective, I less often wake up disappointed and look forward to when I next sleep.

03-13-2015, 09:12 PM
I do.

But anyways, why is this in the anxiety forum? We have an off-topic forum at the bottom for stuff like this.

You mean the Off-Topic "Chat-Chat"? ;)

03-13-2015, 09:34 PM
You mean the Off-Topic "Chat-Chat"? ;)

Why are you so determined to make sure I suffer from this OCD-like torture forever, woman. :p

03-14-2015, 03:50 AM
Srry I could not keep out of this thread out of my head.

I am pleased you guys are having agreeable dreams. :)


I have a question?

First though - I have gone from aliens - into the metaphysical labeling system which seems to have a lot of religious overtones for my liking ... anyways ... I have been entertaining more so, as opposed to my usual Bias and Stigmatizing ways towards who believe the unbelievable kind of thing.

I like this theory about Aliens Using Religiosity/Angelic and all loving philosophizes( with Duality - Evil & Good - in mind) The so called Mind Fuck that has our species trapped in such a bind.

That there are these Super Lord Aliens - called all sorts of things ... Basically they summon All Loving Beings - from the corners of the universe and also Evils ones and then trick them into being trapped in our physical reality ... here in this plain where I now type.

I know not of all this theory - concepts - or whatever you want to call it ... Compared to most religions - and now that I am re - looking into the stories of those who claim to of experience this or that, with taking into account what I know for myself - Again - I see more now how it is that some can come to such conclusions and think I have nothing to lose ... in fact, I actually see some correlation to my own experiences that feel right to me (that is all that matters in my world for now as long as I can think for myself)


Where do these being comes from? Those that these Creator Beings call forth? Are we those Beings? We the ones trapped and fucked with ?

It all begins to sound the same at the God of the physical world. ALTHOUGH - it's a better explanation of all the Good and Evil that goes on - The heaven and hell theory ON Earth - How we create our own suffering - it seems to explain much of the self perpetuating fear - how we seek to control and on and on - how we are reflected and are nothing more than the projection of those fucked up aliens kicking back and playing their game.

BUT - like someone questioning the Big Bang - Where do WE originally come from when summoned like so to play thier game? --- and why did we bow down if we were so loving and intelligent ourselves? If there is no wrong or right - then why play such a cruel game that results in so much pain?


Woops - that was more than one question.

Anyways - Knock yourself out I'm Suffering - I don't care how you respond in this hear thread. I understand the others recently asking you to explain another way - I used to say the same thing, BUT - was just plain nasty myself - but for me now ...... I have done an about turn!!!! I am sifting through what ever anyone has to say. So again - just be yourself if your able to respond of think my questions are worth any energy. :)

As for others - The Alien question should be open to anything ... so I don't mind entertaining whatever theory.

It does help though if it's explained in a language more understood, but again - whatever way makes you comfortable is OK for me.

I claim nothing - just dabbling as I was taught never to do. ;)

[This was rushed - forgive the none edit other than this ... Hope this finds you all well ... if your Evil ... feel free to stab me ... Peace Out]

03-14-2015, 04:12 AM
Anyways - Knock yourself out I'm Suffering - I don't care how you respond in this hear thread. I understand the others recently asking you to explain another way - I used to say the same thing, BUT - was just plain nasty myself - but for me now ...... I have done an about turn!!!!

You know you've made a good thread when Ponder comes and takes it over. ;)

Yeah, pleasant dream last night. Very pleasant. It's been over 24 hours now, so that dream world thingy is out of my system. I lucid dream about once every 3 or 4 months. They've got love at the centre of them every time.. Usually I meet an incredible woman, and form this other-wordly connection with her. Then I wake up feeling disillusioned with life (not cos the only women I get can get are fake!) but because of the intense, everlasting, perfect states you experience in dream world aren't something I'm going to experience in the real world. In the physical world where we're all living most of our lives, you know everything's so damn fragile, and it's dying, decaying, or burning out. It can't ever live up to the lucid dream.

I don't know if that means anything. Maybe it's just an expression of my conscious disillusionment with life.

Little bit off of the subject of your question Dave, so I'll cut this short.

Knock yourself out IS. When you feel like it, lay some of your opinion on Ponder's Q. In the other thread, my only concern was with presentation, not content. I remember when I had anxiety real bad, I tried to embrace new theories to get better. I guess everyone does. First I tried Zen, which is many people's natural step up. I remember feeling so shit about myself, so uneducated, unenlightened and guilty because I couldn't connect with these "truths"... They made so much sense to me, and the people that wrote about them seemed so very wise. Yet it was so hard trying to change overnight.

Then one day, a friend told me Zen was bullshit... And it hit me. It may sound obvious, but I realized then it was only an idea. An ideology. That I could embrace it if I wanted, when I wanted, and choose what parts I wanted. At that point, and only at that point, did I feel comfortable with embracing these totally new ideas and experimenting with them. That whole part of my brain that tries to block out social conditioning shut off.

The whole forcing myself to be enlightened and feeling guilty when my natural instincts and habits wouldn't allow me to really set me back about 18 months. That was a state of terrible confusion I'm guessing most people feel when confronted with a varying view of reality.

Now I try and see everything as just an idea. Even reality itself. It makes things easier to understand, and makes the process of adapting to theories feel a lot more natural. I dunno about ya'll, but I hate that feeling I'm forced to do something, which is a feeling absolute truths often make me feel.

I deleted the last post as it really wasn't worded well. Do knock yourself out, especially on threads like these where we're all used to deeper thinking.

03-14-2015, 05:09 AM
Why are you so determined to make sure I suffer from this OCD-like torture forever, woman. :p

It's what I do ;)

03-14-2015, 06:01 AM
It's what I do ;)

When you do "what you do," do you smoke?

03-14-2015, 06:02 AM
1) Yeah, pleasant dream last night. Very pleasant. It's been over 24 hours now, so that dream world thingy is out of my system. I lucid dream about once every 3 or 4 months. They've got love at the centre of them every time.. Usually I meet an incredible woman, and form this other-wordly connection with her. Then I wake up feeling disillusioned with life (not cos the only women I get can get are fake!) but because of the intense, everlasting, perfect states you experience in dream world aren't something I'm going to experience in the real world. In the physical world where we're all living most of our lives, you know everything's so damn fragile, and it's dying, decaying, or burning out. It can't ever live up to the lucid dream.

I don't know if that means anything. Maybe it's just an expression of my conscious disillusionment with life.

2) Now I try and see everything as just an idea. Even reality itself.

Briefly, (reality itself is the construction of ideas)-

The 'dream'. Symbolic of what is possible while in the body, not out of it. The dream represents an unfulfilled desire here. You dont have to go anywhere for an 'other-worldly' connection. This entity only appears 'feminine' to you..intent created it. This experience is a want in the 'real world'. 'Fragile, dying, decaying, and burning out' are ideas, now. So indeed try to see everything in that light. Part of the dream message involved the shattering of some old outdated beliefs, to achieve this euphoric experience. On earth, physically speaking. When you loosen preconceived notions about things -

She was a representation of what the body is capable of feeling, being (becoming) And she is also the personification of your own softer side, within, free of some (male orientated) learned - limitations. Triggering certain feelings associated with limiting beliefs - somehow emphasizing in a sense what needs to be cleared from the mind, to reach such a spiritual state in the body, not only the astral projections in the dream.

The body is of God, and God is in the body. When you experience yourself as God in the body, you flesh out who you are. Your physical body .. Transforms - for example when Moses changed appearance on the mountain. spiritualizing the flesh. The flesh is of course spiritual, spirit creates it. We are referring to self realization.

Here is a good example when words simply do no justice to the concept.

You can experience this now, while alive here, this is the message, not to wake disillusioned, but more determined to feel this state of (pleasurable) being.


Hey Dave,

The desire is to live (your own personal definition of) heaven while in the physical.

Your query Dave?


Where do these being comes from? Those that these Creator Beings call forth? Are we those Beings? We the ones trapped and fucked with ?

It all begins to sound the same at the God of the physical world. ALTHOUGH - it's a better explanation of all the Good and Evil that goes on - The heaven and hell theory ON Earth - How we create our own suffering - it seems to explain much of the self perpetuating fear - how we seek to control and on and on - how we are reflected and are nothing more than the projection of those fucked up aliens kicking back and playing their game.

BUT - like someone questioning the Big Bang - Where do WE originally come from when summoned like so to play thier game? --- and why did we bow down if we were so loving and intelligent ourselves? If there is no wrong or right - then why play such a cruel game that results in so much pain?"


This would take me several hours, and im not quite sure it would amount to much benefit or service, what could you do with this information? So there are questions I would need to ask myself beforehand. I am the good witch, see? It is not a trip I would want to take.

Mental bullying in the astral, or physical bullying - take your stand. As above, so below. But my suggestion is to stand *peaceably. Or - lay the body down. Now, there are several reasons for this, one because you can just build another body. "if your enemy strikes the right cheek, give him the left also". This is the metaphor (part of it) in the Bible for reincarnation. The hidden messages are for mystics. Violent aggression is futile. Pointless.

After death, you are accountable for the abilities you did not use in the body. The errors in judgement will be shown (that lead to chronic guilt, depression, suicide, and so forth). The trickery and games however are for your benefit (not to suck or harvest human energy as those videos suggest), until you come around. For example if you believe you are going to hell, that will be staged until you learn and discover the errors in thought that led you to such beliefs, then you may move on. Just like physical life now, you live out your beliefs until such time as you wake up. Usually you have the help of friends and family too (here and there). Triggering this awakening.

See the movie "What dreams may come" with Robin Williams and watch the alternate ending. Then we can discuss it, if you like. It is the closest you will get in any human movie to some after-death truth. And will be good for you to see, at this point.

03-14-2015, 07:19 AM
When you do "what you do," do you smoke?

What do you think? Hmm?

03-14-2015, 02:02 PM
Srry Jesse, for I both do not have the head space to reply on any count at this point and also srry I was unable to express my dissatisfaction appropriately.


I'm suffering ... Allow me to invite you over to my contemplation thread.


I would appreciate the head space I require to discuss further with you. All in your own time of course.

Thank you.

03-15-2015, 05:17 AM
Interesting Jesse - had another read, seeing as I was out of sorts this morning. I am still rather depleted, but wanted to double check that things are cool.

I have been rethinking pretty hard in between all the crap that has gone on since my brothers death. Between Mindfulness, Zen and all the other stuff taught and preached. My invite for our good friend I'm suffering to come on over to my thread is more because I'm up for tackling some of the stuff I don't understand and I know it might derail me or something so best in my place as opposed in here.

You can come too if you like ... not as if I can do anything about it ... but the invite is there for you as well. - like I know, it's like who am I to invite ... but the truth is ... I have been learning a lot to the way in which agreement is huge when it comes to connecting and accepting.

I can't listen to everyone on such a deep level as well ... and I don't want to appear rude. What you go through means something to me as well. I read what you said and think I know what you mean ... but just don't have the capacity right now to say many things.

Just touching base to say all is cool on this end ... just really depleted for now is all.

The Lizards must be draining me hey. :) Why must people continue to live in fear? Whats wrong with thinking there are actually loving beings? Why can't we be those beings and why must we create Duality to balance things out - But there is NO Duality and on and on ...

I like what you said about our fragile state here in this place Vs the other when we are asleep ................ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZz

Very simple and straight to the point.

TY and Goodnight. ;)

03-17-2015, 12:12 PM
I watched a National Geographic special for a little while between watching porn last night

It said that if only 1/one trillionth of one percent of the possible places in the universe for life outside earth to exist, there would still be 10 billion planets with life on them

So yeah, that proves there is life on other planets

03-17-2015, 03:03 PM
I watched a National Geographic special for a little while between watching porn last night It said that if only 1/one trillionth of one percent of the possible places in the universe for life outside earth to exist, there would still be 10 billion planets with life on them So yeah, that proves there is life on other planets


Between porn.

Porn -> Aliens -> Porn -> Alien Porn

How did that happen?!

I love information like that though. Not only is it's speculation on life inspiring, but it puts the sheer size of the universe into perspective.


03-17-2015, 04:11 PM
I watched a National Geographic special for a little while between watching porn last night

It said that if only 1/one trillionth of one percent of the possible places in the universe for life outside earth to exist, there would still be 10 billion planets with life on them

So yeah, that proves there is life on other planets

Not so fast.

There are 3.6 billion females on Earth, yet not one will sleep with me.

By my calculations, that means there's a 0% chance of aliens. Don't be fooled by large numbers. They rarely turn into lays....or spacemen.

03-17-2015, 04:12 PM
Not so fast.

There are 3.6 billion females on Earth, yet not one will sleep with me.

By my calculations, that means there's a 0% chance of aliens.

I actually LOLed.

03-17-2015, 04:50 PM
Not so fast.

There are 3.6 billion females on Earth, yet not one will sleep with me.

By my calculations, that means there's a 0% chance of aliens. Don't be fooled by large numbers. They rarely turn into lays....or aliens.

Don't be so sure Jesse *wink*

03-17-2015, 07:23 PM
Nobody wants to comment on the Obama interview? That was Golden!

03-18-2015, 12:18 AM
Nobody wants to comment on the Obama interview? That was Golden!

I think stuff like that goes back to what I was saying before...

The media desensitizing the public to it and creating its own version of the truth for us to buy into. Slowly, and innocently introducing the concept, so if something were to happen, they could more effectively use it as a method of control.

Like I said before, its starting to appear everywhere. Too convenient, in my opinion.

03-18-2015, 12:48 AM
Nobody wants to comment on the Obama interview? That was Golden!

Oh yeah, it was a great post. I just took all of what Goomba and yourself posted to decide there was almost certainly extra-terrestrial life out there.

03-18-2015, 05:36 PM
I think stuff like that goes back to what I was saying before...

The media desensitizing the public to it and creating its own version of the truth for us to buy into. Slowly, and innocently introducing the concept, so if something were to happen, they could more effectively use it as a method of control.

Like I said before, its starting to appear everywhere. Too convenient, in my opinion.

It isn't really EVERYWHERE, that is just you seeing what you want to see. In my opinion from the research I have seen, aliens seeded civilization and human life thousand of years ago, but if they have been here since I don't know. "Gods" = Aliens in every religious text PERIOD!

03-18-2015, 06:15 PM
It isn't really EVERYWHERE, that is just you seeing what you want to see. In my opinion from the research I have seen, aliens seeded civilization and human life thousand of years ago, but if they have been here since I don't know. "Gods" = Aliens in every religious text PERIOD!

I think if you don't knitpick at semantics, the general message is the same. Yes, it isnt EVERYWHERE. But, it is becoming more and more commonplace, especially within positions of political power.

The aliens as gods theories are very interesting. There is a lot of content to support it.

I especially enjoy paintings like these -



But, then again, there is just as much disinformation in this subject, as many want to believe in aliens IN PLACE of some sort of god, or for some purpose in life.

Definitely a fine line to walk, but I love to entertain it.

03-18-2015, 06:42 PM
I see dead people

03-18-2015, 06:52 PM
I see dumb people. Not here obviously!

03-18-2015, 06:55 PM
I think if you don't knitpick at semantics, the general message is the same. Yes, it isnt EVERYWHERE. But, it is becoming more and more commonplace, especially within positions of political power.

The aliens as gods theories are very interesting. There is a lot of content to support it.

I especially enjoy paintings like these -



But, then again, there is just as much disinformation in this subject, as many want to believe in aliens IN PLACE of some sort of god, or for some purpose in life.

Definitely a fine line to walk, but I love to entertain it.

The ancient Sumerian Tablets from according to Sitchen's translation, states that aliens or "The gods" took the DNA(or however they said it) of Homo Erectus and spliced it with the alien genes, to create the human race to mine their gold in Africa. At the highest level of technology, you need gold to conduct electricity. The tablet excavated in Nippur tells of the flood myth we find not only in the Old Testament but many other ancient cultures. But every ancient culture has similar stories about some type of star people or a hybrid creating civilization. The Chinese have Nugua, half snake half woman who seeded the Chinese people, Zulu have Chitauri, etc. In the Genesis 6:4 you have the Nephilim, it says: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them."

That is why people are so weird and different from anything else on Earth, because we are half extra terrestrial and half apelike or homo erectus.

For primitive people with no knowledge of any technology, advanced beings seemed like gods. Airplanes seemed like flying phoenixes and rockets like fire breathing dragons. Because survival was so incredibly difficult back then, they needed the gods to help them survive so they worshiped them, when in reality, they were just flesh and blood beings a little more evolved.

Do they exist now on our planet, I don't know. I kind of think they would help things if they were here.

03-18-2015, 07:04 PM
Still seeing dead people over here

03-18-2015, 07:08 PM
The ancient Sumerian Tablets from according to Sitchen's translation, states that aliens or "The gods" took the DNA(or however they said it) of Homo Erectus and spliced it with the alien genes, to create the human race to mine their gold in Africa. At the highest level of technology, you need gold to conduct electricity. The tablet excavated in Nippur tells of the flood myth we find not only in the Old Testament but many other ancient cultures. But every ancient culture has similar stories about some type of star people or a hybrid creating civilization. The Chinese have Nugua, half snake half woman who seeded the Chinese people, Zulu have Chitauri, etc. In the Genesis 6:4 you have the Nephilim, it says: The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them."

That is why people are so weird and different from anything else on Earth, because we are half extra terrestrial and half apelike or homo erectus.

For primitive people with no knowledge of any technology, advanced beings seemed like gods. Airplanes seemed like flying phoenixes and rockets like fire breathing dragons. Because survival was so incredibly difficult back then, they needed the gods to help them survive so they worshiped them, when in reality, they were just flesh and blood beings a little more evolved.

Do they exist now on our planet, I don't know. I kind of think they would help things if they were here.

Yeah, Sumerian stuff is really interesting. Thing is though, and correct me if Im wrong, but Im pretty sure that no one alive can speak definitive sumerian. As far as Im aware, our understanding of the language is based on our interpretations of written documents. So, while I get excited when I read stuff like what you just wrote, it is all just educated speculation, since no one is 100 percent certain of how to speak the language fully.

But yeah, the references don't stop there, theyre across most religions. Its just frustrating that the first known civilization is such a mystery.

03-18-2015, 08:48 PM
What if human beings ARE the aliens? Dinosaurs once ruled the earth, then one day a meteor from space crashed into earth and wiped them out. After that, earth is run by humans.

If that doesn't = alien invasion, I don't know what does.

03-18-2015, 09:27 PM
Yeah, Sumerian stuff is really interesting. Thing is though, and correct me if Im wrong, but Im pretty sure that no one alive can speak definitive sumerian. As far as Im aware, our understanding of the language is based on our interpretations of written documents. So, while I get excited when I read stuff like what you just wrote, it is all just educated speculation, since no one is 100 percent certain of how to speak the language fully.

But yeah, the references don't stop there, theyre across most religions. Its just frustrating that the first known civilization is such a mystery.

Yeah of course anything we talk about from long ago is speculation. A few people can translate Sumerian, but there is debate among them on who is more correct. These scholars are expert linguists who analyze the cuneiform to come up with patterns to try and decipher the language so it isn't just simple guess work. Egyptologists know ancient Egyptian, so I wouldn't think Sumerian would be that far off. Still interesting to read what they came up with. Not all of them agree with Sitchen but it's still impressive.
Many people alive today in touch with their tribal culture will tell you their tribe believes in the start people bringing them knowledge.

You have to understand this point though, ancient people had no time to write fiction for pleasure reading. Also, probably only a select elite few were even literate, so I would think they recorded info in caves, tablets or scrolls to document history. Yet they wrote these events to the best of their knowledge, which was jumbled with misunderstandings.

03-18-2015, 09:28 PM
What if human beings ARE the aliens? Dinosaurs once ruled the earth, then one day a meteor from space crashed into earth and wiped them out. After that, earth is run by humans.

If that doesn't = alien invasion, I don't know what does.

Accept for you left out millions of years of evolution to get to humans.

03-18-2015, 09:47 PM
Accept for you left out millions of years of evolution to get to humans.

Well yeah, but maybe the spawn for human kind was on the meteor... maybe.

03-19-2015, 07:00 PM
Well yeah, but maybe the spawn for human kind was on the meteor... maybe.

But why? According to science the first human appeared 64 million years after dinosaurs were extinct.

03-19-2015, 07:06 PM
Science also said that smoking isn't harmful for decades.

Science is bullsh*t

I watched Land of the Lost and I saw Marshall, Will and Holly amongst the dinosaurs

The Sleastacks really didn't want them there but Chaka always assured their safety

Sirisa Taka

03-19-2015, 07:09 PM
You are comparing corrupt tobacco industry with paleontologists and archeologists worldwide fossil records?

03-19-2015, 07:21 PM
No. I am comparing the work of Marshall, Will and Holly. Aboard there tiny raft

When the greatest earthquake ever known. They feel down, down, down deep below

To the Land of the Lost

So that is why I believe that Adam and Eve had a one way ticket to blow up the dinosaurs and begin the f*****g up of the earth

They arrived by a meteor as mentioned earlier, or possibly by catching Lucky because he has Lucky Charms

I just don't know if there are aliens, man. I really don't.

But if there are, I bet they will be good on the grill

03-19-2015, 07:23 PM
You aren't funny to me. Just annoying.

03-19-2015, 07:26 PM
That is because you have anxiety

03-19-2015, 07:31 PM
Nixon you are funny and I do have anxiety, but I took a shot of my alien melissa extract :))

03-19-2015, 08:06 PM
So the 2nd most annoying person here finds the 3rd most annoying person here funny? All we need now is the King Annoying I'm Suffering to complete the Annoying Trilogy.

03-19-2015, 08:31 PM
So the 2nd most annoying person here finds the 3rd most annoying person here funny? All we need now is the King Annoying I'm Suffering to complete the Annoying Trilogy.

Do you remember a year ago when you were being a dick and everyone busted on you and then you made this grand exit from the forum after threatening to do so for a few weeks?

Then you came back over and over and over and over

You are still a dick. A really big one

You tell people to east seaweed and shave their pubic hair with their left hand to beat anxiety


If I thought shoving a tree limb up my ass would stop my anxiety, it would. CAUSE IT IS IN YOUR FUCKIN HEAD!

You believe that you are the one and only and people won't understand without your kelp, mustard and B12 anxiety plan. People did fine for the time you were on "vacation"

Dahila is a queen, IS is deep and if you read his story it would make sense

But nooooooooooooo!

Lick a puppy tail, smoke a bat penis and follow it up with some good ol Chamomile tea. That is what you need to heal. You are just deficient of Vitamin A, Magnesium and alligator uterus . It has nothing to do with that you have a horrible sense if who you are

I am so fucking tired of the likes of you and the few with the same stupid fucking smug ass attitude

You need to spend more time looking at porn and less time here. Lord knows it probably is a deficiency in your closed mind.

The 3rd most annoying here is done. Done so the fucktards like you can keep shelling out the same worn out vitamin advice

Fuck you. Fuck off. I am fucking done here

I am going to get a new disorder that has a better forum

To the few here that I still dig, stay well as you all have figured the true path to recovery

Nixon has left the building

03-19-2015, 08:51 PM
This is how we get abducted guys

03-19-2015, 09:01 PM
Perhaps the science advisers are Aliens?

03-19-2015, 09:14 PM
What have I done? Who'd have thought the aliens thread would eventually become more controversial than the God thread?

All Nixon wanted to do was help hot girls overcome anxiety. And now he's gone. I hope you're all very proud of yourselves. One of the most beautiful spirits on the forum is no more. :(

03-19-2015, 09:37 PM
I only noticed Nixon's post after putting mine in.

I don't mind saying I have on occasion tried reaching out to you Panic Cured and whilst we seemingly might of made amends on the surface, I am often let down by your contentious nature that expresses little sorrow. No doubt I too have issues, but for the most part I do try to avoid winding others up in my quest to think of the bigger picture (I am remorseful most times when I do and that most here know) ... all be reactive as I have been. I'm betting your frustration and need to resist is no different from mine or many others who find it hard to accept what others have to say.

If I could suggest ... this need for continual scientific evidence based or academic comparisons is portraying you somewhat different to what your user name would suggest. I often see you in debate, as too many others who thrive on such things ...

I only say, because Nixon I consider a friend although we know we not always agree. [I want to be your friend too Panic Cured]

I understand how Nixon feels ... or at least have a good idea with respect to you continual need to stir the pot.

You may come off smarter or think you do (when in talks with me NOT Nixon) ... but really, the way continue to prod ... validates much of what Nixon has just said.

I have felt that way for a long time ... Is OK Nixon, I think many of us understand how you feel. I am thinking I pretty much do.

Many of us have done the coming and going thing ... You are a key asset Nixon ... and You have the capacity Panic "Cured" ... but I think you would do best to let go of such an absolute word.


Have I been baited? I really don't know ... but that's how I read it.

Yea Jesse ... not feeling so good about it ... but we will grow.

03-19-2015, 10:39 PM
I only noticed Nixon's post after putting mine in.

I don't mind saying I have on occasion tried reaching out to you Panic Cured and whilst we seemingly might of made amends on the surface, I am often let down by your contentious nature that expresses little sorrow. No doubt I too have issues, but for the most part I do try to avoid winding others up in my quest to think of the bigger picture (I am remorseful most times when I do and that most here know) ... all be reactive as I have been. I'm betting your frustration and need to resist is no different from mine or many others who find it hard to accept what others have to say.

If I could suggest ... this need for continual scientific evidence based or academic comparisons is portraying you somewhat different to what your user name would suggest. I often see you in debate, as too many others who thrive on such things ...

I only say, because Nixon I consider a friend although we know we not always agree. [I want to be your friend too Panic Cured]

I understand how Nixon feels ... or at least have a good idea with respect to you continual need to stir the pot.

You may come off smarter or think you do (when in talks with me NOT Nixon) ... but really, the way continue to prod ... validates much of what Nixon has just said.

I have felt that way for a long time ... Is OK Nixon, I think many of us understand how you feel. I am thinking I pretty much do.

Many of us have done the coming and going thing ... You are a key asset Nixon ... and You have the capacity Panic "Cured" ... but I think you would do best to let go of such an absolute word.


Have I been baited? I really don't know ... but that's how I read it.

Yea Jesse ... not feeling so good about it ... but we will grow.

So what, I called them annoying. Big deal!

03-19-2015, 10:47 PM
........ Cured?

03-19-2015, 10:51 PM
Is OK ... we'll get past this guys.

What else has been happening?

03-19-2015, 10:53 PM
What's your problem Ponder? I called them annoying. Why is this such a big deal? look at what he said to me. Way worse.

03-19-2015, 10:53 PM
Is OK ... we'll get past this guys.

What else has been happening?

I'm watching Australia now in the cricket world cup. Any interest in the game? I don't usually watch, but there's not much else to do at 4:50am :)

03-19-2015, 10:55 PM
What's your problem Ponder? I called them annoying. Why is this such a big deal? look at what he said to me. Way worse.

Negative vibes are the last thing this forum needs. This is a place of healing, not name-calling and disrespect.

If Nixon is truly leaving, I will miss his posts dearly. He has been a great help in my recovery so far.

03-20-2015, 12:07 AM
Negative vibes are the last thing this forum needs. This is a place of healing, not name-calling and disrespect.

If Nixon is truly leaving, I will miss his posts dearly. He has been a great help in my recovery so far.

So this is acceptable to you what he said to me:
"I am so fucking tired of the likes of you and the few with the same stupid fucking smug ass attitude

You need to spend more time looking at porn and less time here. Lord knows it probably is a deficiency in your closed mind.

Done so the fucktards like you can keep shelling out the same worn out vitamin advice

Fuck you. Fuck off."

But this is super crazy to you what I said, "You aren't funny to me. Just annoying. "

In which another annoying joke was posted and I said in an obvious joking manner, "So the 2nd most annoying person here finds the 3rd most annoying person here funny? All we need now is the King Annoying I'm Suffering to complete the Annoying Trilogy. "

Really? So fuck you and fuck off is fine, but annoying is not?

03-20-2015, 12:21 AM
Let it go.

Nothing is even happening anymore.

Chauntecler didn't say anything except negative vibes are bad and he will miss Nixon. Don't take his post out of context.

And, negativity IS the last thing people here need.

You and Nixon both got sassy.

No one cares who was "more sassy"

It's done.

Can we talk about aliens again? I liked your comments on ancient history.

03-20-2015, 12:34 AM
Well I for one am very interested in what IMS might and might not have to say. I really am perplexed at your reaction here Cured? I once thought no one could hate IMS as much as I did. But now I really enjoy what time that he is able to spare. I know his text is not for everyone, and nor is it easily understood and may even at times seems to come out the wrong way.

It's uncanny that I now watch you go off - it's as if I am looking in the mirror. I sincerely wish the same lesson I learned in my dealings here, come your way soon. None of us are perfect. Try not to focus on what was said, but more on how we each react. In time I am sure you will understand.

Take care - I meant not to upset you more ... just wanted to let Nixon know I understand how he feels. Remember how I use to go off all the time? ... and everyone told me how to behave.

Shit sometimes just happens man ... hows about we just move on hey. Come to some kind of reconciliation like I did with IMS. It really helps us in our recovery - its OK to slip.

Peace Bro - as best we can each find it. None of us have the some mold, we don't all have to fit.

03-20-2015, 12:35 AM
Let it go.

Nothing is even happening anymore.

Chauntecler didn't say anything except negative vibes are bad and he will miss Nixon. Don't take his post out of context.

And, negativity IS the last thing people here need.

You and Nixon both got sassy.

No one cares who was "more sassy"

It's done.

Can we talk about aliens again? I liked your comments on ancient history.

I'm up for that.

03-20-2015, 12:38 AM
Well I for one am very interested in what IMS might and might not have to say. I really am perplexed at your reaction here Cured? I once thought no one could hate IMS as much as I did. But now I really enjoy what time that he is able to spare. I know his text is not for everyone, and nor is it easily understood and may even at times seems to come out the wrong way.

It's uncanny that I now watch you go off - it's as if I am looking in the mirror. I sincerely wish the same lesson I learned in my dealings here, come your way soon. None of us are perfect. Try not to focus on what was said, but more on how we each react. In time I am sure you will understand.

Take care - I meant not to upset you more ... just wanted to let Nixon know I understand how he feels. Remember how I use to go off all the time? ... and everyone told me how to behave.

Shit sometimes just happens man ... hows about we just move on hey. Come to some kind of reconciliation like I did with IMS. It really helps us in our recovery - its OK to slip.

Peace Bro - as best we can each find it. None of us have the some mold, we don't all have to fit.

I thought I was being funny ""So the 2nd most annoying person here finds the 3rd most annoying person here funny? All we need now is the King Annoying I'm Suffering to complete the Annoying Trilogy. "

You can't see the humor in that? Dhalia has a history of hating me so it was funny. And nobody thinks what the Nixon guy said was out of line? Why all the hate on me? When did annoying become such a horrible word? You say it doesn't matter but what he said to me was 50 times worse. I think it's ridiculous actually to go that crazy and personal on me.

03-20-2015, 12:38 AM
Can we talk about aliens again?


03-20-2015, 12:41 AM
Mind = Blown.

I think Jesse might be an alien guys.

03-20-2015, 12:46 AM
Jesse, please can you take my wife and I on your spaceship when you go? PLEASE! :)

03-20-2015, 12:49 AM
Jesse, please can you take my wife and I on your spaceship when you go? PLEASE! :)


Thanks for leaving me behind.

03-20-2015, 12:50 AM
LOL. Wait a minute... these sound like the words of.... ALIENS!

Maybe you guys are the aliens, trying to throw me off the scent...!

This paranoia is about to tear us all apart.

03-20-2015, 12:56 AM
I totes believe in aliens... just yesterday I saw a group of them hanging out in front of Home Depot.

What? Of course they were there buying Romex and JbWeld to fix their spaceship.

03-20-2015, 12:59 AM
LOL. Wait a minute... these sound like the words of.... ALIENS! Maybe you guys are the aliens, trying to throw me off the scent...! This paranoia is about to tear us all apart.

All of the sudden my past anxiety makes sense.

No wonder I didn't know who I was!

Thank you for reminding me of my origins.

03-20-2015, 01:01 AM
I totes believe in aliens... just yesterday I saw a group of them hanging out in front of Home Depot. What? Of course they were there buying Romex and JbWeld to fix their spaceship.


They're probably laughing right now like, " They'll never suspect us if we go to Home Depot"

03-20-2015, 01:02 AM
Especially that smug one wearing the sombrero

03-20-2015, 01:11 AM
Especially that smug one wearing the sombrero

Resisting to make an illegal immigrant joke...

03-20-2015, 01:17 AM
Political correctness is a trend used by aliens from Rygel 6 to subjugate humans in order to infiltrate our governments.

03-22-2015, 04:27 AM
Oh man.. Nixon has left the forum :eek:

04-22-2015, 04:44 PM
Looks like Panic and Gumba could be right about the government keeping confidential docs hidden.


04-22-2015, 09:55 PM
Oh man.. Nixon has left the forum :eek:
Is Nixon an alien???

04-23-2015, 03:09 AM
Is Nixon an alien???

No, Nixon is an angel :)

04-23-2015, 10:30 AM
No, Nixon is an angel :)
here.................I agree :))

06-19-2015, 10:53 PM
Took this picture the other day - not sure what it is, but it was BIIIIIGGG.

06-19-2015, 11:17 PM
LOL@this thread.

It could be a worm hole Goomba?

06-19-2015, 11:27 PM
Lol whooooo knows.

It was definitely flying though, very impressive to look at. You could feel it, and I wasn't very close. Here's another! The first pic is the thing to the right.

Not too sure about the lights to the left either, but I think they might just be a weird reflection.

06-19-2015, 11:29 PM
Annnnd the original.

06-19-2015, 11:37 PM
I think Jupiter is lurking around atm but if it was flying it probably wasn't that.

06-19-2015, 11:44 PM
Yeah it's not def not Jupiter, I have been following that. We don't even get good visibility here.

Plus, yeah, it zipped out of sight within the timeframe of a snap of your fingers.

It was just cool to experience. Not going to make an argument it was aliens (despite the thread lol) but it was at least something military that isn't well known about by the general public.

06-19-2015, 11:44 PM
It's coming for you lol

06-20-2015, 12:07 AM
Depending on where in the world you're at, this is the time of year to see Venus and Jupiter really close together. When the temperature, angle etc are just right Venus will look like it is moving, pulsing and changing colors if it is vlose to the horizon.

06-20-2015, 12:16 AM
Depending on where in the world you're at, this is the time of year to see Venus and Jupiter really close together. When the temperature, angle etc are just right Venus will look like it is moving, pulsing and changing colors if it is vlose to the horizon.

Yeah, that's what Gypsy has was saying.

I have been following them just about every day, it wasn't that.

When I say it zipped across the sky, I mean just that. It slowly started to move up, and then raced off to the left (across my entire field of vision) and out of sight about as fast as a snap of a finger.

06-20-2015, 12:38 AM
Ooh, that sounds alot like the Marfa Lights. No one knows what the hell they actually are, but from seeing them in person I can tell you they are creepy and cool.

06-20-2015, 12:44 AM
Ooh, that sounds alot like the Marfa Lights. No one knows what the hell they actually are, but from seeing them in person I can tell you they are creepy and cool.

I haven't heard of those, I'll have to check them out. Now I'm excited.

I'm fairly certain it was a craft though (not necessarily alien). Like, you could feel it there, physically (vibrations). And, when it took off there was a sort of roaring that accompanied it. But, it was quiet at the same time. Not really sure how to explain it.

Like a delicate lion.

06-20-2015, 01:02 AM
I haven't heard of those, I'll have to check them out. Now I'm excited.

I'm fairly certain it was a craft though (not necessarily alien). Like, you could feel it there, physically (vibrations). And, when it took off there was a sort of roaring that accompanied it. But, it was quiet at the same time. Not really sure how to explain it.

Like a delicate lion.

Wow... I am incredibly intrigued. If you see it again get a video. :3 I liek space stuff.

This is a short documentary about the Marfa lights. Just a bunch of moving lights that hangout in the west Texas desert

06-20-2015, 01:08 AM
Wow... I am incredibly intrigued. If you see it again get a video. :3 I liek space stuff. This is a short documentary about the Marfa lights. Just a bunch of moving lights that hangout in the west Texas desert https://youtu.be/nZwUHFzMY-Q

Thanks! I'm going to hold off on watching it until tomorrow (later today) because my mind is already keeping me up in an adventurous state. Lol I have to be up for work in 4 hours - I feel like if I watch it I will cross the point of no return. I definitely will check it out though.

Yes, space can keep the mind going for an eternity.

06-20-2015, 01:18 AM
Thanks! I'm going to hold off on watching it until tomorrow (later today) because my mind is already keeping me up in an adventurous state. Lol I have to be up for work in 4 hours - I feel like if I watch it I will cross the point of no return. I definitely will check it out though.

Yes, space can keep the mind going for an eternity.

I know the feeling. I am already at the point of no return after bringing home the gamecube I had as a kid and discovering I had saved game data from 20 years ago still on the card.

My dad has an amateur observatory on his property so I grew up looking at stars and galaxies, watching meteor showers and all that. I think my family and I are all a space obsessed bunch.

06-20-2015, 01:54 AM
Hi Guys ... Not sure I buy into the Mafa Lights, but was interesting to watch. With today's technology of spectroscopy and so on, it would be easy to give much more reliable readings, however it would appear since the advent of the smart phone ... that there now seems to be less sightings. Good Drama though.

Personally I do hope Aliens exist. We sure could with a visit! :)

06-20-2015, 02:26 AM
Hi Guys ... Not sure I buy into the Mafa Lights, but was interesting to watch. With today's technology of spectroscopy and so on, it would be easy to give much more reliable readings, however it would appear since the advent of the smart phone ... that there now seems to be less sightings. Good Drama though.

Personally I do hope Aliens exist. We sure could with a visit! :)

Oh, they're definitely still there. Marfa was the last vacation I went on before holing myself up in my house and they were rather active that night. I tried capturing a few videos with my phone but nothing really came out clearly.
I am pretty sure the lights are some sort of strange natural phenomenon like a will-o-the-wisp or a swamp fox, as to what exactly it is remains untold.

As for aliens. .. I have seen enough Stargate to hope I never meet one. :3

06-20-2015, 02:38 AM
Space is an addiction. Once you get the taste for it, you'll never lose it. So much possibility up there, so many mysteries.

Can't say I've had any alien encounter in the slightest. They don't seem to like England. Maybe cos we're so small.

What was your favourite Gamcube game? My best friend had one as a kid, but my mum would never let me get one. I had the Nintendo 64. That had to last me until about 17.

06-20-2015, 03:15 AM
Space is an addiction. Once you get the taste for it, you'll never lose it. So much possibility up there, so many mysteries.

Can't say I've had any alien encounter in the slightest. They don't seem to like England. Maybe cos we're so small.

What was your favourite Gamcube game? My best friend had one as a kid, but my mum would never let me get one. I had the Nintendo 64. That had to last me until about 17.

I think I was fortunate and unfortunate to have a mother that has been a gamer since the atari days. We had all the cool new systems when they came out but I seem to remember watching her play rather than actually playing myself as a kid. I missed out on the games I was interested in, like PokémonXD, a game I didn't even know existed until years later.
My favorite has always been a tie between Gauntlet: Dark Legacy and Anything in the Harvest Moon Series (haha, don't judge. Harvest Moon is my happy place) .. Of course this list of favorites should also include the Zelda games, everyone loves those.... and Starfox. Oh, so many favorites.

06-20-2015, 08:13 AM
I think I was fortunate and unfortunate to have a mother that has been a gamer since the atari days. We had all the cool new systems when they came out but I seem to remember watching her play rather than actually playing myself as a kid. I missed out on the games I was interested in, like PokémonXD, a game I didn't even know existed until years later. My favorite has always been a tie between Gauntlet: Dark Legacy and Anything in the Harvest Moon Series (haha, don't judge. Harvest Moon is my happy place) .. Of course this list of favorites should also include the Zelda games, everyone loves those.... and Starfox. Oh, so many favorites.

Pff! GameCube isn't 20 years old! Lol. Don't scare me like that. I thought I aged a decade.

I love some harvest moon, haha. That game takes me back. I revisit it often, and it really takes away the tension. Very good series, especially pre-GameCube days.

06-20-2015, 08:39 AM
Hi Guys ... Not sure I buy into the Mafa Lights, but was interesting to watch. With today's technology of spectroscopy and so on, it would be easy to give much more reliable readings, however it would appear since the advent of the smart phone ... that there now seems to be less sightings. Good Drama though. Personally I do hope Aliens exist. We sure could with a visit! :)

I hope they do too, though I often wonder why.

Perhaps it would be an affirmation of a greater truth?

Or, a chance to live a dream (assuming they were peaceful)?

06-20-2015, 11:57 AM
Pff! GameCube isn't 20 years old! Lol. Don't scare me like that. I thought I aged a decade.

I love some harvest moon, haha. That game takes me back. I revisit it often, and it really takes away the tension. Very good series, especially pre-GameCube days.

Ahh 14, my bad heheh... which would put the game cube in our house after I had my kid. Why on earth do I have a save game file then??

06-20-2015, 12:04 PM
Ahh 14, my bad heheh... which would put the game cube in our house after I had my kid. Why on earth do I have a save game file then??


06-20-2015, 12:16 PM
I think that we would be very naive to think that "we"are the only living things in this great abyss.