View Full Version : Brain Tumor Worries

03-10-2015, 06:53 PM
I haven't been on here in a long time but have been feeling very anxious and depressed. I keep worrying that my almost 7 year old has a brain tumor. She has been having frequent headaches for just over a month now. They all started right around the time she developed a cold or sinus problems but no medication is preventing the headaches except ibuprofen, they do go away with that. Anyway they seem to always come on after recess. If she calls me from school to tell me her head hurts it's always around 1230. I've taken her to the dr about 3-4 times, 2 of those being for pink eye and sinus infection, and her dr tests her strength on both sides and does the usual looking in her eyes, ears, etc. She says she doesn't see anything neurological going on but to bring her back if we notice anything like that happening. Well about 2 weeks ago my daughter started getting a cold sore under her lip on the left hand side. It developed into a nasty sore and she would cry saying it itched and tingled. A couple of says after those symptoms first started we were walking in a store and she said ouch and that it had felt like something squeezed the left part of her body for a second. Of course I was freaking out on the inside and assuming the worst. I took her back to her ped and she seems to think it was related to the cold sore since it all deals with nerves and it was all on that side of the body. I was ok with that decision but have been rethinking it over and over. I just have this gut feeling something is wrong. She hadn't gotten any headaches for about a week and then today like clockwork she called after recess saying her forehead hurt. Most of the time her headaches are on the very top of her head and today it was her forehead. I just don't know. I don't like sounding like a complete hypochondriac but I don't know if I'm over thinking or not. Also to add she's had glasses for almost 2 weeks, the day she felt the weird feeling on the left part of her body was the day she got her new glasses. I almost just feel like taking her into the ER so they'll run a cat scan and all that because I'm so worried! Has anyone had thoughts and feeling like this, not exact because of different situations of course, but I just don't know what to do :(..

03-10-2015, 07:50 PM
I haven't been on here in a long time but have been feeling very anxious and depressed. I keep worrying that my almost 7 year old has a brain tumor. She has been having frequent headaches for just over a month now. They all started right around the time she developed a cold or sinus problems but no medication is preventing the headaches except ibuprofen, they do go away with that. Anyway they seem to always come on after recess. If she calls me from school to tell me her head hurts it's always around 1230. I've taken her to the dr about 3-4 times, 2 of those being for pink eye and sinus infection, and her dr tests her strength on both sides and does the usual looking in her eyes, ears, etc. She says she doesn't see anything neurological going on but to bring her back if we notice anything like that happening. Well about 2 weeks ago my daughter started getting a cold sore under her lip on the left hand side. It developed into a nasty sore and she would cry saying it itched and tingled. A couple of says after those symptoms first started we were walking in a store and she said ouch and that it had felt like something squeezed the left part of her body for a second. Of course I was freaking out on the inside and assuming the worst. I took her back to her ped and she seems to think it was related to the cold sore since it all deals with nerves and it was all on that side of the body. I was ok with that decision but have been rethinking it over and over. I just have this gut feeling something is wrong. She hadn't gotten any headaches for about a week and then today like clockwork she called after recess saying her forehead hurt. Most of the time her headaches are on the very top of her head and today it was her forehead. I just don't know. I don't like sounding like a complete hypochondriac but I don't know if I'm over thinking or not. Also to add she's had glasses for almost 2 weeks, the day she felt the weird feeling on the left part of her body was the day she got her new glasses. I almost just feel like taking her into the ER so they'll run a cat scan and all that because I'm so worried! Has anyone had thoughts and feeling like this, not exact because of different situations of course, but I just don't know what to do :(..

Hi there :)

I have a 13yo girl and I think it goes with the territory that we worry about something awful happening to them. I'm convinced mine won't survive her teens :-\

You could always get a referral from your doctor to get an MRI or whatever, at least you can in Australia. I think they can usually tell if something serious like a tumour is going on though. I also think brain tumours are extremely rare - perhaps looking up the statistics in children would reassure you.

Anyway I do know what it's like to worry about children.. I think all parents do :)

All the best,
Gypsy x