View Full Version : anxiaty/agoraphobia

zoxan 272
03-10-2015, 01:50 PM
About a month ago i was walking out of an exam, a started to feel strange, dizzy, like i was about to pass out, then came a sudden tinkly feeling rising from the legs to my chest, i think it was a panic attack but, at the same time i though it could by anything, like a brain tumor, or any duzen of other desease's. then i started feeling dizzy all the time, and every day googled my symptoms and tryed to find an explanation. i started to have these panic atacks while driving, started to be afraid of going out doors, skipped some classes because of that, and the only place i really feel confortable anymore is in my house or in my car. I pretty sure now i have a panic condition, but i am sensitive to light now, i look at something and see it flashing(in very iluminated spaces) , it's really odd, has anyone else experienced these symptoms??

03-10-2015, 02:49 PM
You may have had a panic attack. But its okay, you will survive them. The first panic attack i,had, well i had no clue what was going on and went to the ER. I was put on xanax to help me but its a temporary fix. My advice? If you have health insurance or access to a doctor, please make an appointment NOW. Therapy, meds (sometimes) and just getting help will help you through this. You don't want to isolate yourself from the world. Please get help from a doctor then a therapist. I did and it saved my life.